33 research outputs found
The Generalized Counting Rule and Oscillatory Scaling
We have studied the energy dependence of the elastic scattering data and
the pion-photoproduction data at 90 c.m. angle in light of the new
generalized counting rule derived for exclusive processes. We show that by
including the helicity flipping amplitudes (with energy dependence given by the
generalized counting rule) and their interference with the Landshoff amplitude,
we are able to reproduce the energy dependence of all cross-section and
spin-correlation (A) data available above the resonance region. The
pion-photoproduction data can also be described by this approach, but in this
case data with much finer energy spacing is needed to confirm the oscillations
about the scaling behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs, submitted to PRC rapid com
New invariants for entangled states
We propose new algebraic invariants that distinguish and classify entangled
states. Considering qubits as well as higher spin systems, we obtained complete
entanglement classifications for cases that were either unsolved or only
conjectured in the literature.Comment: published versio
Higher order Josephson effects
Gaussian linking of superconducting loops containing Josephson junctions with
enclosed magnetic fields give rise to interference shifts in the phase that
modulates the current carried through the loop, proportional to the magnitude
of the enclosed flux. We generalize these results to higher order linking of a
superconducting loop with several magnetic solenoids, and show there may be
interference shifts proportional to the product of two or more fluxes.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
Quantum harmonic oscillator with superoscillating initial datum
In this paper we study the evolution of superoscillating initial data for the
quantum driven harmonic oscillator. Our main result shows that
superoscillations are amplified by the harmonic potential and that the analytic
solution develops a singularity in finite time. We also show that for a large
class of solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation, superoscillating behavior at
any given time implies superoscillating behavior at any other time.Comment: 12 page
SLOCC determinant invariants of order 2^{n/2} for even n qubits
In this paper, we study SLOCC determinant invariants of order 2^{n/2} for any
even n qubits which satisfy the SLOCC determinant equations. The determinant
invariants can be constructed by a simple method and the set of all these
determinant invariants is complete with respect to permutations of qubits.
SLOCC entanglement classification can be achieved via the vanishing or not of
the determinant invariants. We exemplify the method for several even number of
qubits, with an emphasis on six qubits.Comment: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 07530
The null energy condition and instability
We extend previous work showing that violation of the null energy condition
implies instability in a broad class of models, including gauge theories with
scalar and fermionic matter as well as any perfect fluid. Simple examples are
given to illustrate these results. The role of causality in our results is
discussed. Finally, we extend the fluid results to more general systems in
thermal equilibrium. When applied to the dark energy, our results imply that w
is unlikely to be less than -1.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Revte
The Proton Electromagnetic Form Factor and Quark Orbital Angular Momentum
We analyze the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio
as a function of momentum transfer
within perturbative QCD. We find that the prediction for at large
momentum transfer depends on the exclusive quark wave functions, which are
unknown. For a wide range of wave functions we find that $ QF_2/F_1 \sim\
const$ at large momentum transfer, in agreement with recent JLAB data.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proceedings of the Workshop QCD
2002, IIT Kanpur, 18-22 November (2002
Non-chaotic dynamics in general-relativistic and scalar-tensor cosmology
In the context of scalar-tensor models of dark energy and inflation, the
dynamics of vacuum scalar-tensor cosmology are analysed without specifying the
coupling function or the scalar field potential. A conformal transformation to
the Einstein frame is used and the dynamics of general relativity with a
minimally coupled scalar field are derived for a generic potential. It is shown
that the dynamics are non-chaotic, thus settling an existing debate.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra
An algebraic classification of entangled states
We provide a classification of entangled states that uses new discrete
entanglement invariants. The invariants are defined by algebraic properties of
linear maps associated with the states. We prove a theorem on a correspondence
between the invariants and sets of equivalent classes of entangled states. The
new method works for an arbitrary finite number of finite-dimensional state
subspaces. As an application of the method, we considered a large selection of
cases of three subspaces of various dimensions. We also obtain an entanglement
classification of four qubits, where we find 27 fundamental sets of classes.Comment: published versio
Entropy: From Black Holes to Ordinary Systems
Several results of black holes thermodynamics can be considered as firmly
founded and formulated in a very general manner. From this starting point we
analyse in which way these results may give us the opportunity to gain a better
understanding in the thermodynamics of ordinary systems for which a
pre-relativistic description is sufficient. First, we investigated the
possibility to introduce an alternative definition of the entropy basically
related to a local definition of the order in a spacetime model rather than a
counting of microstates. We show that such an alternative approach exists and
leads to the traditional results provided an equilibrium condition is assumed.
This condition introduces a relation between a time interval and the reverse of
the temperature. We show that such a relation extensively used in the black
hole theory, mainly as a mathematical trick, has a very general and physical
meaning here; in particular its derivation is not related to the existence of a
canonical density matrix. Our dynamical approach of thermodynamic equilibrium
allows us to establish a relation between action and entropy and we show that
an identical relation exists in the case of black holes. The derivation of such
a relation seems impossible in the Gibbs ensemble approach of statistical
thermodynamics. From these results we suggest that the definition of entropy in
terms of order in spacetime should be more general that the Boltzmann one based
on a counting of microstates. Finally we point out that these results are
obtained by reversing the traditional route going from the Schr\"{o}dinger
equation to statistical thermodynamics