551 research outputs found
Singular Effect of Disorder on Electronic Transport in Strong Coupling Electron-Phonon Systems
We solve the disordered Holstein model in three dimensions considering the
phonon variables to be classical. After mapping out the phases of the `clean'
strong coupling problem, we focus on the effect of disorder at strong
electron-phonon (EP) coupling. The presence of even weak disorder (i)
enormously enhances the resistivity (\rho) at T=0, simultaneously suppressing
the density of states at the Fermi level, (ii) suppresses the temperature
dependent increase of \rho, and (iii) leads to a regime with d\rho/dT <0. We
locate the origin of these anomalies in the disorder induced tendency towards
polaron formation, and the associated suppression in effective carrier density
and mobility. These results, explicitly at `metallic' density, are of direct
relevance to disordered EP materials like covalent semiconductors, the
manganites, and to anomalous transport in the A-15 compounds.Comment: Final versio
The fabrication of reproducible superconducting scanning tunneling microscope tips
Superconducting scanning tunneling microscope tips have been fabricated with
a high degree of reproducibility. The fabrication process relies on sequential
deposition of superconducting Pb and a proximity-coupled Ag capping layer onto
a Pt/Ir tip. The tips were characterized by tunneling into both normal-metal
and superconducting films. The simplicity of the fabrication process, along
with the stability and reproducibility of the tips, clear the way for tunneling
studies with a well-characterized, scannable superconducting electrode.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX. Submitted to Rev. Sci. Instru
Josephson Effect in Pb/I/NbSe2 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junctions
We have developed a method for the reproducible fabrication of
superconducting scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tips. We use these tips to
form superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions with the STM tip
as one of the electrodes. We show that such junctions exhibit fluctuation
dominated Josephson effects, and describe how the Josephson product IcRn can be
inferred from the junctions' tunneling characteristics in this regime. This is
first demonstrated for tunneling into Pb films, and then applied in studies of
single crystals of NbSe2. We find that in NbSe2, IcRn is lower than expected,
which could be attributed to the interplay between superconductivity and the
coexisting charge density wave in this material.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego,
Jan. 16-21 200
Characteristic nanoscale deformations on large area coherent graphite moir\'e
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HoPG) may be the only known monatomic
crystal with the ability to host naturally formed moire patterns on its cleaved
surfaces, which are coherent over micrometer scales and with discrete sets of
twist angles of fixed periodicity. Such an aspect is in marked contrast to
twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and other multilayered systems, where the long
range coherence of the moire is not easily maintained due to twist angle
disorder. We investigate the electronic and mechanical response of coherent
graphite moire patterns through inducing external strain from STM tip-induced
deformation. Consequently, unique anisotropic mechanical characteristics are
revealed. For example, a lateral widening of one-dimensional (1D) domain walls
(DWs) bridging Bernal (ABA) and rhombohedral (ABC) stacking domains (A, B and C
refer to the atomic layer positioning), was indicated. Further, in situ
tunneling spectroscopy as a function of the deformation indicated a tendency
towards increased electrical conductance, which may be associated with a higher
density of electronic states, and the consequent flattening of the electronic
energy band dispersion. Such features were probed across the DWs, with
implications for strain-induced electronic modulation of the moire
Pinching and Probing of Polygonal Grain Boundaries
In this study, sub-angstrom spatial resolution is achieved in mapping and
spectroscopy of atoms and bonds within polygonal grain boundaries (GBs) of
graphite using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). Robust van Hove
singularities (VHS) are observed in addition to edge states under ambient
conditions. The bias-dependent nature of these states reveals metallic traits
of GB, through the charge accumulation and dissipation of localized electronic
states. Utilizing a surface elastic deformation technique induced by STM tip
allows pico-pinching of the GB, providing insights into its mechanical strength
as well as in-situ strain-induced modification of their unique spectroscopy,
revealing a tendency toward flattening of the electronic energy band
dispersion. An initial atomic-level experimental technique of probing
spin-polarized magnetic states is demonstrated, suggesting different densities
for spin-up and spin-down states within a spin-degenerate band structure
potentially applicable in spin transport or quantum spin sensing.Comment: Submitte
Universal transport in 2D granular superconductors
The transport properties of quench condensed granular superconductors are
presented and analyzed. These systems exhibit transitions from insulating to
superconducting behavior as a function of inter-grain spacing.
Superconductivity is characterized by broad transitions in which the resistance
drops exponentially with reducing temperature. The slope of the log R versus T
curves turns out to be universaly dependent on the normal state film resistance
for all measured granular systems. It does not depend on the material, critical
temperature, geometry, or experimental set-up. We discuss possible physical
scenarios to explain these findings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Diversity and Variation in Nutritive Value of Plants Growing on 2 Saline Sites in Southwestern Australia
In south-western Australia 10% or 1.8 million ha of the farmed area is affected by dryland salinity and a further 6 million ha are at risk of salinity (NLWRA, 2001). Animal production from saltbush (Atriplex spp.)-based pasture systems represents the most likely large-scale opportunity for productive use of saline land in the short to medium term. Feeding saltbush-based pastures as a maintenance feed during the prolonged autumn feed gap typical in Mediterranean-type climates maximises their economic value. The aim of this study was to explore the diversity and nutritive value of plants that typically persist in saltbush-based saltland pastures
Gigahertz quantum key distribution with InGaAs avalanche photodiodes
We report a demonstration of quantum key distribution (QKD) at GHz clock
rates with InGaAs avalanche photodiodes (APDs) operating in a self-differencing
mode. Such a mode of operation allows detection of extremely weak avalanches so
that the detector afterpulse noise is sufficiently suppressed. The system is
characterized by a secure bit rate of 2.37 Mbps at 5.6 km and 27.9 kbps at 65.5
km when the fiber dispersion is not compensated. After compensating the fiber
dispersion, the QKD distance is extended to 101 km, resulting in a secure key
rate of 2.88 kbps. Our results suggest that InGaAs APDs are very well suited to
GHz QKD applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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