370 research outputs found

    Resonant control of spin dynamics in ultracold quantum gases by microwave dressing

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    We study experimentally interaction-driven spin oscillations in optical lattices in the presence of an off-resonant microwave field. We show that the energy shift induced by this microwave field can be used to control the spin oscillations by tuning the system either into resonance to achieve near-unity contrast or far away from resonance to suppress the oscillations. Finally, we propose a scheme based on this technique to create a flat sample with either singly- or doubly-occupied sites, starting from an inhomogeneous Mott insulator, where singly- and doubly-occupied sites coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Clock spectroscopy of interacting bosons in deep optical lattices

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    We report on high-resolution optical spectroscopy of interacting bosonic 174^{174}Yb atoms in deep optical lattices with negligible tunneling. We prepare Mott insulator phases with singly- and doubly-occupied isolated sites and probe the atoms using an ultra-narrow "clock" transition. Atoms in singly-occupied sites undergo long-lived Rabi oscillations. Atoms in doubly-occupied sites are strongly affected by interatomic interactions, and we measure their inelastic decay rates and energy shifts. We deduce from these measurements all relevant collisional parameters involving both clock states, in particular the intra- and inter-state scattering lengths

    Measurement of the thorium-228 activity in solutions cavitated by ultrasonic sound

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    We show that cavitation of a solution of thorium-228 in water does not induce its transformation at a faster rate than the natural radioactive decay. We measured the activity of a thorium-228 solution in water before, and after, it was subjected to a cavitation at 44 kHz and 250250 W for 90 minutes in order to observe any change in the thorium half-life. The results were compared to the original activity of the sample and we observed no change. Our results and conclusions conflict with those in a recent paper by F. Cardone et. al. [Phys. Lett. A 373 (2009) 1956-1958].Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, v1 submitted to Physics Letters A. v2: minor corrections, change caption for tables (include comment for counter efficiency with uncertainty) and symbols for beta-alph

    Non-linear Relaxation of Interacting Bosons Coherently Driven on a Narrow Optical Transition

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    We study the dynamics of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of 174^{174}Yb atoms coherently driven on a narrow optical transition. The excitation transfers the BEC to a superposition of states with different internal and momentum quantum numbers. We observe a crossover with decreasing driving strength between a regime of damped oscillations, where coherent driving prevails, and an incoherent regime, where relaxation takes over. Several relaxation mechanisms are involved: inelastic losses involving two excited atoms, leading to a non-exponential decay of populations; Doppler broadening due to the finite momentum width of the BEC and inhomogeneous elastic interactions, both leading to dephasing and to damping of the oscillations. We compare our observations to a two-component Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) model that fully includes these effects. For small or moderate densities, the damping of the oscillations is mostly due to Doppler broadening. In this regime, we find excellent agreement between the model and the experimental results. For higher densities, the role of interactions increases and so does the damping rate of the oscillations. The damping in the GP model is less pronounced than in the experiment, possibly a hint for many-body effects not captured by the mean-field description.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; supplementary material available as ancillary fil

    Topological superfluids on a lattice with non-Abelian gauge fields

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    Two-component fermionic superfluids on a lattice with an external non-Abelian gauge field give access to a variety of topological phases in presence of a sufficiently large spin imbalance. We address here the important issue of superfluidity breakdown induced by spin imbalance by a self-consistent calculation of the pairing gap, showing which of the predicted phases will be experimentally accessible. We present the full topological phase diagram, and we analyze the connection between Chern numbers and the existence of topologically protected and non-protected edge modes. The Chern numbers are calculated via a very efficient and simple method.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Low energy neutron propagation in MCNPX and GEANT4

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    Simulations of neutron background from rock for underground experiments are presented. Neutron propagation through two types of rock, lead and hydrocarbon material is discussed. The results show a reasonably good agreement between GEANT4, MCNPX and GEANT3 in transporting low-energy neutrons.Comment: 9 Figure

    Flux lattices reformulated

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    We theoretically explore the optical flux lattices produced for ultra-cold atoms subject to laser fields where both the atom-light coupling and the effective detuning are spatially periodic. We analyze the geometric vector potential and the magnetic flux it generates, as well as the accompanying geometric scalar potential. We show how to understand the gauge-dependent Aharonov-Bohm singularities in the vector potential, and calculate the continuous magnetic flux through the elementary cell in terms of these singularities. The analysis is illustrated with a square optical flux lattice. We conclude with an explicit laser configuration yielding such a lattice using a set of five properly chosen beams with two counterpropagating pairs (one along the x axes and the other y axes), together with a single beam along the z axis. We show that this lattice is not phase-stable, and identify the one phase-difference that affects the magnetic flux. Thus armed with realistic laser setup, we directly compute the Chern number of the lowest Bloch band to identify the region where the non- zero magnetic flux produces a topologically non-trivial band structure.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Geometric Phases generated by the non-trivial spatial topology of static vector fields coupled to a neutral spin-endowed particle. Application to 171Yb atoms trapped in a 2D optical lattice

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    We have constructed the geometric phases emerging from the non-trivial topology of a space-dependent magnetic field, interacting with the spin magnetic moment of a neutral particle. Our basic tool is the local unitary transformation which recasts the magnetic spin interaction under a diagonal form. Rewriting the kinetic term in the "rotated" frame requires the introduction of non-Abelian covariant derivatives, involving the gradients of the Euler angles which define the orientation of the local field. Within the rotated frame, we have built a perturbation scheme,assuming that the longitudinal non-Abelian field component dominates the transverse ones, to be evaluated to second-order. The geometry embedded in the longitudinal gauge vector field and its curl, the geometric magnetic field, is described by the associated Aharonov-Bohm phase. As an illustration, we study the physics of cold 171Yb atoms dressed by two sets of circularly polarized beams, forming square or triangular 2D optical lattices. The geometric field is computed explicitly from the Euler angles. The magnitude of 2nd-order corrections due to transverse fields can be reduced to the percent level by a choice of light intensity which keeps the dressed atom loss rate below 5 s^{-1}. An auxiliary optical lattice confines the atoms within 2D domains where the geometric field is pointing upward.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Comments and one figure added about the effect of the additional scalar potential (sec. V.B). To be published in J. Phys. A:Math. Theo