56,339 research outputs found

    Apollonian Circle Packings: Geometry and Group Theory III. Higher Dimensions

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    This paper gives nn-dimensional analogues of the Apollonian circle packings in parts I and II. We work in the space \sM_{\dd}^n of all nn-dimensional oriented Descartes configurations parametrized in a coordinate system, ACC-coordinates, as those (n+2)×(n+2)(n+2) \times (n+2) real matrices \bW with \bW^T \bQ_{D,n} \bW = \bQ_{W,n} where QD,n=x12+...+xn+22−1n(x1+...+xn+2)2Q_{D,n} = x_1^2 +... + x_{n+2}^2 - \frac{1}{n}(x_1 +... + x_{n+2})^2 is the nn-dimensional Descartes quadratic form, QW,n=−8x1x2+2x32+...+2xn+22Q_{W,n} = -8x_1x_2 + 2x_3^2 + ... + 2x_{n+2}^2, and \bQ_{D,n} and \bQ_{W,n} are their corresponding symmetric matrices. There are natural actions on the parameter space \sM_{\dd}^n. We introduce nn-dimensional analogues of the Apollonian group, the dual Apollonian group and the super-Apollonian group. These are finitely generated groups with the following integrality properties: the dual Apollonian group consists of integral matrices in all dimensions, while the other two consist of rational matrices, with denominators having prime divisors drawn from a finite set SS depending on the dimension. We show that the the Apollonian group and the dual Apollonian group are finitely presented, and are Coxeter groups. We define an Apollonian cluster ensemble to be any orbit under the Apollonian group, with similar notions for the other two groups. We determine in which dimensions one can find rational Apollonian cluster ensembles (all curvatures rational) and strongly rational Apollonian sphere ensembles (all ACC-coordinates rational).Comment: 37 pages. The third in a series on Apollonian circle packings beginning with math.MG/0010298. Revised and extended. Added: Apollonian groups and Apollonian Cluster Ensembles (Section 4),and Presentation for n-dimensional Apollonian Group (Section 5). Slight revision on March 10, 200

    Apollonian Circle Packings: Geometry and Group Theory I. The Apollonian Group

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    Apollonian circle packings arise by repeatedly filling the interstices between four mutually tangent circles with further tangent circles. We observe that there exist Apollonian packings which have strong integrality properties, in which all circles in the packing have integer curvatures and rational centers such that (curvature)×\times(center) is an integer vector. This series of papers explain such properties. A {\em Descartes configuration} is a set of four mutually tangent circles with disjoint interiors. We describe the space of all Descartes configurations using a coordinate system \sM_\DD consisting of those 4×44 \times 4 real matrices \bW with \bW^T \bQ_{D} \bW = \bQ_{W} where \bQ_D is the matrix of the Descartes quadratic form QD=x12+x22+x32+x42−1/2(x1+x2+x3+x4)2Q_D= x_1^2 + x_2^2+ x_3^2 + x_4^2 -{1/2}(x_1 +x_2 +x_3 + x_4)^2 and \bQ_W of the quadratic form QW=−8x1x2+2x32+2x42Q_W = -8x_1x_2 + 2x_3^2 + 2x_4^2. There are natural group actions on the parameter space \sM_\DD. We observe that the Descartes configurations in each Apollonian packing form an orbit under a certain finitely generated discrete group, the {\em Apollonian group}. This group consists of 4×44 \times 4 integer matrices, and its integrality properties lead to the integrality properties observed in some Apollonian circle packings. We introduce two more related finitely generated groups, the dual Apollonian group and the super-Apollonian group, which have nice geometrically interpretations. We show these groups are hyperbolic Coxeter groups.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures. Extensively revised version on June 14, 2004. Revised Appendix B and a few changes on July, 2004. Slight revision on March 10, 200

    Apollonian Circle Packings: Geometry and Group Theory II. Super-Apollonian Group and Integral Packings

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    Apollonian circle packings arise by repeatedly filling the interstices between four mutually tangent circles with further tangent circles. Such packings can be described in terms of the Descartes configurations they contain. It observed there exist infinitely many types of integral Apollonian packings in which all circles had integer curvatures, with the integral structure being related to the integral nature of the Apollonian group. Here we consider the action of a larger discrete group, the super-Apollonian group, also having an integral structure, whose orbits describe the Descartes quadruples of a geometric object we call a super-packing. The circles in a super-packing never cross each other but are nested to an arbitrary depth. Certain Apollonian packings and super-packings are strongly integral in the sense that the curvatures of all circles are integral and the curvature×\timescenters of all circles are integral. We show that (up to scale) there are exactly 8 different (geometric) strongly integral super-packings, and that each contains a copy of every integral Apollonian circle packing (also up to scale). We show that the super-Apollonian group has finite volume in the group of all automorphisms of the parameter space of Descartes configurations, which is isomorphic to the Lorentz group O(3,1)O(3, 1).Comment: 37 Pages, 11 figures. The second in a series on Apollonian circle packings beginning with math.MG/0010298. Extensively revised in June, 2004. More integral properties are discussed. More revision in July, 2004: interchange sections 7 and 8, revised sections 1 and 2 to match, and added matrix formulations for super-Apollonian group and its Lorentz version. Slight revision in March 10, 200

    Non-LTE analysis of copper abundances for the two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood

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    Two distinct halo populations were found in the solar neighborhood by a series of works. They can be clearly separated by [alpha\Fe] and several other elemental abundance ratios including [Cu/Fe]. Very recently, a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) study revealed that relatively large departures exist between LTE and non-LTE results in copper abundance analysis. We aim to derive the copper abundances for the stars from the sample of Nissen et al (2010) with both LTE and non-LTE calculations. Based on our results, we study the non-LTE effects of copper and investigate whether the high-alpha population can still be distinguished from the low-alpha population in the non-LTE [Cu/Fe] results. Our differential abundance ratios are derived from the high-resolution spectra collected from VLT/UVES and NOT/FIES spectrographs. Applying the MAFAGS opacity sampling atmospheric models and spectrum synthesis method, we derive the non-LTE copper abundances based on the new atomic model with current atomic data obtained from both laboratory and theoretical calculations. The copper abundances determined from non-LTE calculations are increased by 0.01 to 0.2 dex depending on the stellar parameters compared with the LTE results. The non-LTE [Cu/Fe] trend is much flatter than the LTE one in the metallicity range -1.6<[Fe/H]<-0.8. Taking non-LTE effects into consideration, the high- and low-alpha stars still show distinguishable copper abundances, which appear even more clear in a diagram of non-LTE [Cu/Fe] versus [Fe/H]. The non-LTE effects are strong for copper, especially in metal-poor stars. Our results confirmed that there are two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood. The dichotomy in copper abundance is a peculiar feature of each population, suggesting that they formed in different environments and evolved obeying diverse scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Microflow valve control system design

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    A design synthesis for a microflow control system is presented based on the interrogation of an analytical model, testing, and observation. The key issues relating to controlling a microflow using a variable geometry flow channel are explored through the implementation and testing of open and closed-loop control systems. The reliance of closed-loop systems on accurate flow measurement and the need for an open-loop strategy are covered. A valve and control system capable of accurately controlling flowrates between 0.09 and 400 ml/h and with a range of 900:1 is demonstrated
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