86 research outputs found

    Information sharing and credit : firm-level evidence from transition countries

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    We investigate whether information sharing among banks has affected credit market performance in the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, using a large sample of firm-level data. Our estimates show that information sharing is associated with improved availability and lower cost of credit to firms. This correlation is stronger for opaque firms than transparent ones and stronger in countries with weak legal environments than in those with strong legal environments. In cross-sectional estimates, we control for variation in country-level aggregate variables that may affect credit, by examining the differential impact of information sharing across firm types. In panel estimates, we also control for the presence of unobserved heterogeneity at the firm level, as well as for changes in macroeconomic variables and the legal environment

    Characterization of Structural Features Controlling the Receptiveness of Empty Class II MHC Molecules

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    MHC class II molecules (MHC II) play a pivotal role in the cell-surface presentation of antigens for surveillance by T cells. Antigen loading takes place inside the cell in endosomal compartments and loss of the peptide ligand rapidly leads to the formation of a non-receptive state of the MHC molecule. Non-receptiveness hinders the efficient loading of new antigens onto the empty MHC II. However, the mechanisms driving the formation of the peptide inaccessible state are not well understood. Here, a combined approach of experimental site-directed mutagenesis and computational modeling is used to reveal structural features underlying “non-receptiveness.” Molecular dynamics simulations of the human MHC II HLA-DR1 suggest a straightening of the α-helix of the β1 domain during the transition from the open to the non-receptive state. The movement is mostly confined to a hinge region conserved in all known MHC molecules. This shift causes a narrowing of the two helices flanking the binding site and results in a closure, which is further stabilized by the formation of a critical hydrogen bond between residues αQ9 and βN82. Mutagenesis experiments confirmed that replacement of either one of the two residues by alanine renders the protein highly susceptible. Notably, loading enhancement was also observed when the mutated MHC II molecules were expressed on the surface of fibroblast cells. Altogether, structural features underlying the non-receptive state of empty HLA-DR1 identified by theoretical means and experiments revealed highly conserved residues critically involved in the receptiveness of MHC II. The atomic details of rearrangements of the peptide-binding groove upon peptide loss provide insight into structure and dynamics of empty MHC II molecules and may foster rational approaches to interfere with non-receptiveness. Manipulation of peptide loading efficiency for improved peptide vaccination strategies could be one of the applications profiting from the structural knowledge provided by this study

    HLA-DM Mediates Epitope Selection by a “Compare-Exchange” Mechanism when a Potential Peptide Pool Is Available

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    BACKGROUND: HLA-DM (DM) mediates exchange of peptides bound to MHC class II (MHCII) during the epitope selection process. Although DM has been shown to have two activities, peptide release and MHC class II refolding, a clear characterization of the mechanism by which DM facilitates peptide exchange has remained elusive. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have previously demonstrated that peptide binding to and dissociation from MHCII in the absence of DM are cooperative processes, likely related to conformational changes in the peptide-MHCII complex. Here we show that DM promotes peptide release by a non-cooperative process, whereas it enhances cooperative folding of the exchange peptide. Through electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and fluorescence polarization (FP) we show that DM releases prebound peptide very poorly in the absence of a candidate peptide for the exchange process. The affinity and concentration of the candidate peptide are also important for the release of the prebound peptide. Increased fluorescence energy transfer between the prebound and exchange peptides in the presence of DM is evidence for a tetramolecular complex which resolves in favor of the peptide that has superior folding properties. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study shows that both the peptide releasing activity on loaded MHCII and the facilitating of MHCII binding by a candidate exchange peptide are integral to DM mediated epitope selection. The exchange process is initiated only in the presence of candidate peptides, avoiding possible release of a prebound peptide and loss of a potential epitope. In a tetramolecular transitional complex, the candidate peptides are checked for their ability to replace the pre-bound peptide with a geometry that allows the rebinding of the original peptide. Thus, DM promotes a "compare-exchange" sorting algorithm on an available peptide pool. Such a "third party"-mediated mechanism may be generally applicable for diverse ligand recognition in other biological systems

    Dynamically Integrating Knowledge in Teams: Transforming Resources into Performance

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    In knowledge-based environments, teams must develop a systematic approach to integrating knowledge resources throughout the course of projects in order to perform effectively. Yet, many teams fail to do so. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, we examine how teams can develop a knowledge-integration capability to dynamically integrate members‘ resources into higher performance. We distinguish among three sets of resources: relational, experiential, and structural, and propose that they differentially influence a team‘s knowledge-integration capability. We test our theoretical framework using data on knowledge workers in professional services, and discuss implications for research and practice

    Small firm innovation performance and employee involvement

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