1,704 research outputs found

    Regenerating a Symmetry in Asymmetric Dark Matter

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    Asymmetric dark matter theories generically allow for mass terms that lead to particle-antiparticle mixing. Over the age of the Universe, dark matter can thus oscillate from a purely asymmetric configuration into a symmetric mix of particles and antiparticles, allowing for pair-annihilation processes. Additionally, requiring efficient depletion of the primordial thermal (symmetric) component generically entails large annihilation rates. We show that unless some symmetry completely forbids dark matter particle-antiparticle mixing, asymmetric dark matter is effectively ruled out for a large range of masses, for almost any oscillation time-scale shorter than the age of the Universe.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Neutrino Mass Matrices with a Texture Zero and a Vanishing Minor

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    We study the implications of the simultaneous existence of a texture zero and a vanishing minor in the neutrino mass matrix. There are thirty six possible texture structures of this type, twenty one of which reduce to two texture zero cases which have, already, been extensively studied. Of the remaining fifteen textures only six are allowed by the current data. We examine the phenomenological implications of the allowed texture structures for Majorana type CP-violating phases, 1-3 mixing angle and Dirac type CP-violating phase. All these possible textures can be generated through the seesaw mechanism and realized in the framework of discrete abelian flavor symmetry. We present the symmetry realization of these texture structures.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    On CP Violation in Minimal Renormalizable SUSY SO(10) and Beyond

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    We investigate the role of CP phases within the renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT with one 10_H, one 126bar_H one 126_H and one 210_H Higgs representations and type II seesaw dominating the neutrino mass matrix. This framework is non trivially predictive in the fermionic sector and connects in a natural way the GUT unification of b and tau Yukawa couplings with the bi-large mixing scenario for neutrinos. On the other hand, existing numerical analysis claim that consistency with quark and charged lepton data prevents the minimal setup from reproducing the observed CP violation via the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. We re-examine the issue and find by inspection of the fermion mass sum rules and a detailed numerical scan that, even though the CKM phase takes preferentially values in the second quadrant, the agreement of the minimal model with the data is actually obtained in a non negligible fraction of the parameter space. We then consider a recently proposed renormalizable extension of the minimal model, obtained by adding one chiral 120-dimensional Higgs supermultiplet. We show that within such a setup the CKM phase falls naturally in the observed range. We emphazise the robust predictivity of both models here considered for neutrino parameters that are in the reach of ongoing and future experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Two refs added, discussion expanded. To appear on Phys. Rev.

    Minimal Seesaw as an Ultraviolet Insensitive Cure for the Problems of Anomaly Mediation

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    We show that an intermediate scale supersymmetric left-right seesaw scenario with automatic R-parity conservation can cure the problem of tachyonic slepton masses that arises when supersymmetry is broken by anomaly mediation, while preserving ultraviolet insensitivity. The reason for this is the existence of light B - L = 2 higgses with yukawa couplings to the charged leptons. We find these theories to have distinct predictions compared to the usual mSUGRA and gauge mediated models as well as the minimal AMSB models. Such predictions include a condensed gaugino mass spectrum and possibly a correspondingly condensed sfermion spectrum.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Constraints on leptogenesis from a symmetry viewpoint

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    It is shown that type I seesaw models based on the standard model Lagrangian extended with three heavy Majorana right-handed fields do not have leptogenesis in leading order, if the symmetries of mass matrices are also the residual symmetry of the Lagrangian. In particular, flavor models that lead to a mass-independent leptonic mixing have a vanishing leptogenesis CP asymmetry. Based on symmetry arguments, we prove that in these models the Dirac-neutrino Yukawa coupling combinations relevant for leptogenesis are diagonal in the physical basis where the charged leptons and heavy Majorana neutrinos are diagonal.Comment: 5 pages; a few comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gauge and Yukawa mediated supersymmetry breaking in the triplet seesaw scenario

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    We propose a novel supersymmetric unified scenario of the triplet seesaw mechanism where the exchange of the heavy triplets generates both neutrino masses and soft supersymmetry breaking terms. Our framework is very predictive since it relates neutrino mass parameters, lepton flavour violation in the slepton sector, sparticle and Higgs spectra and electroweak symmetry breakdown. The phenomenological viability and experimental signatures in lepton flavor violating processes are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 eps figs. Comments and references added. Final version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Neutrino Mass Textures with Maximal CP Violation

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    We have found three types of neutrino mass textures, which give maximal CP-violation as well as maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing. These textures are described by six real mass parameters: one specified by two complex flavor neutrino masses and two constrained ones and the others specified by three complex flavor neutrino masses. In each texture, we calculate mixing angles and masses as well as Majorana CP phases.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, no figures, references updated, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Proton Decay in SO(10) SUSY-GUT with TeV W_R

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    In a recent paper, we proposed a new class of supersymmetric SO(10) models for neutrino masses where the TeV scale electroweak symmetry is SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L} making the associated gauge bosons W_R and Z' accessible at the Large Hadron Collider. We showed that there exists a domain of Yukawa coupling parameters and symmetry breaking patterns which give an excellent fit to all fermion masses including neutrinos. In this sequel, we discuss an alternative Yukawa pattern which also gives good fermion mass fit and then study the predictions of both models for proton lifetime. Consistency with current experimental lower limits on proton life time require the squark masses of first two generations to be larger than ~ 1.2 TeV. We also discuss how one can have simultaneous breaking of both SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L} and standard electroweak symmetries via radiative corrections.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables

    Seesaw Right Handed Neutrino as the Sterile Neutrino for LSND

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    We show that a double seesaw framework for neutrino masses with μτ\mu-\tau exchange symmetry can lead to one of the righthanded seesaw partners of the light neutrinos being massless. This can play the role of a light sterile neutrino, giving a 3+13+1 model that explains the LSND results. We get a very economical scheme, which makes it possible to predict the full 4×44\times 4 neutrino mass matrix if CP is conserved. Once CP violation is included, effect of the LSND mass range sterile neutrino is to eliminate the lower bound on neutrinoless double beta decay rate which exists for the three neutrino case with inverted mass hierarchy. The same strategy can also be used to generate a natural 3+23+2 model for LSND, which is also equally predictive for the CP conserving case in the limit of exact μτ\mu-\tau symmetry.Comment: 13 pages and one figure; model extended to 3+2 cas