62 research outputs found

    Semantic Tolerancing

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    Recently we developed a new tolerance modeling scheme, semantic tolerance modeling, to enable interpretable and accurate tolerance analysis. In this paper, a new dimensioning and tolerancing practice, semantic tolerancing, is proposed with the theoretical support of semantic tolerance modeling. Based on the principles of interpretability, this tolerancing approach allows for better design intent capturing, including flexible material selection, component sorting in selective assembly, and assembly sequence

    Periodic Loci Surface Reconstruction in Nano Material Design

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    Recently we proposed a periodic surface (PS) model for computer aided nano design (CAND). This implicit surface model allows for parametric model construction at atomic, molecular, and meso scales. In this paper, loci surface reconstruction is studied based on a generalized PS model. An incremental searching algorithm is developed to reconstruct PS models from crystals. Two metrics to measure the quality of reconstructed loci surfaces are proposed and an optimization method is developed to avoid overfitting