71 research outputs found

    Recommandations for malaria prevention in moderate to low risk areas : traveller's choice and risk perception

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    Background. Le considérable déclin de la malaria au niveau mondial remet en question la stratégie de chimioprophylaxie pour les voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria. Un consensus international de la meilleure stratégie de prévention reste à trouver. Suivant le mouvement actuel de partage décisionnel, cette étude invite le voyageur au sein du débat comme acteur du processus de décision. Objectifs. Investiguer les préférences des voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria en matière de prévention contre la malaria, en mettant en perspective leur perception du risque et les raisons de leur choix. Méthodologie. Dans la salle d'attente du Centre de Vaccination et Médecine de Voyage, les voyageurs à destination de risque modéré à faible de malaria remplissent un questionnaire et choisissent la méthode de prévention qu'ils préfèrent aidés d'un tableau leur proposant 4 choix possible ; mesure de prévention des piqûres de moustique uniquement, chimioprophylaxie, traitement de réserve seul et traitement de réserve avec test diagnostic rapide. Ils reçoivent aussi une échelle de risque illustrant les risques de malaria et d'effets indésirables des anti-malariques comparés à différents autres risques liés au voyage, inspirée par les palettes de Paling de la Communication Risk Institut. Résultats. De décembre 2012 à décembre 2013, 391 voyageurs on été inclus. 59 (15%) ont choisi la chimioprophylaxie, 116 (30%) un traitement de réserve, 112 (29%) un traitement de réserve avec test rapide diagnostic, 100 (26%) une prévention des piqûre de moustiques uniquement, and 4 (1%) plusieurs alternatives. Les raisons de choisir une chimioprophylaxie étaient la sécurité (42%), l'action préventive (29%), l'efficacité (15%) et la facilité d'utilisation (15%). Les raisons de choisir un traitement de réserve étaient moins de prise de médicament (29%), moins d'effets secondaires de ceux-ci (23%) et le prix (9%). Les voyageurs choisissant la chimioprohylaxie l'avaient plus souvent déjà utilisée par le passé [OR=3.0 (CI 1.7-5.44)], sans différence en terme de profil démographique, caractéristique du voyage ou comportement à risque. Conclusions. Quand interrogés, 85% des voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria préfèrent ne pas prendre la chimioprophylaxie, bien que la plupart des pays la recommande encore. Les raisons avancées sont cohérentes avec leur choix. Les nouvelles recommandations devraient prendre en compte la préférence des voyageurs et inclure un processus de décision partagé

    Communication du risque en médecine des voyages [Risk communication in travel medicine].

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    Les recommandations en termes de prévention contre la malaria pour les pays à risques modéré à faible diffèrent entre les pays, malgré le fait que les personnes soient exposées à un risque identique dans les pays qu'ils visitent. Pour inclure les voyageurs dans la réflexion, des outils de partage de la décision ont été développés et testés dans cette population. Leur utilisation a montré que la majorité des personnes choisissent de ne pas prendre de chimioprophylaxie en avançant des raisons valides. Le développement d'aides décisionnelles répondant à des critères reconnus est prévu et permettra d'améliorer la pertinence des recommandations. Les aides décisionnelles permettront aussi aux voyageurs de faire un choix de prévention avec les soignants au plus près de leurs valeurs et préférences, tout en respectant les règles de l'éthique médicale. Recommendations for malaria prevention for travelers planning a trip in medium to low risk countries differ between countries, despite the fact that people are exposed to the same risk in the travelled country. Decision aids have been developed and tested in a population of travelers planning a trip in such countries n order to present travelers the various prevention options and involve them in the decision. The use of the decision aid showed that he majority of people choose not to take chemoprophylaxis and that they could motivate their choice with valid reasons. The development of decision aids based on recognized quality criteria is foreseen; these will allow to improving the relevance of the recommendations and enable travelers to choose a prevention option that will be the closest to their values and preferences while following to the principles of medical ethics

    Assessment of Discordance Between Physicians and Family Members Regarding Prognosis in Patients With Severe Acute Brain Injury.

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    Shared decision-making requires key stakeholders to align in perceptions of prognosis and likely treatment outcomes. For patients with severe acute brain injury, the objective of this study was to better understand prognosis discordance between physicians and families by determining prevalence and associated factors. This mixed-methods cross-sectional study analyzed a cohort collected from January 4, 2018, to July 22, 2020. This study was conducted in the medical and cardiac intensive care units of a single neuroscience center. Participants included families, physicians, and nurses of patients admitted with severe acute brain injury. Severe acute brain injury was defined as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy with a Glasgow Coma Scale score less than or equal to 12 points after hospital day 2. Prognosis discordance was defined as a 20% or greater difference between family and physician prognosis predictions; misunderstanding was defined as a 20% or greater difference between physician prediction and the family's estimate of physician prediction; and optimistic belief difference was defined as any difference (>0%) between family prediction and their estimate of physician prediction. Logistic regression was used to identify associations with discordance. Optimistic belief differences were analyzed as a subgroup of prognosis discordance. Among 222 enrolled patients, prognostic predictions were available for 193 patients (mean [SD] age, 57 [19] years; 106 men [55%]). Prognosis discordance occurred for 118 patients (61%) and was significantly more common among families who identified with minoritized racial groups compared with White families (odds ratio [OR], 3.14; CI, 1.40-7.07, P = .006); among siblings (OR, 4.93; 95% CI, 1.35-17.93, P = .02) and adult children (OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.10-5.37; P = .03) compared with spouses; and when nurses perceived family understanding as poor compared with good (OR, 3.73; 95% CI, 1.88-7.40; P < .001). Misunderstanding was present for 80 of 173 patients (46%) evaluated for this type of prognosis discordance, and optimistic belief difference was present for 94 of 173 patients (54%). In qualitative analysis, faith and uncertainty emerged as themes underlying belief differences. Nurse perception of poor family understanding was significantly associated with misunderstanding (OR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.07-3.94; P = .03), and physician perception with optimistic belief differences (OR, 2.32; 95% CI, 1.10-4.88; P = .03). Results of this cross-sectional study suggest that for patients with severe acute brain injury, prognosis discordance between physicians and families was common. Efforts to improve communication and decision-making should aim to reduce this discordance and find ways to target both misunderstanding and optimistic belief differences

    Setting up an outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) unit in Switzerland: review of the first 18 months of activity.

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    Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) has been recognised as a useful, cost-effective and safe alternative to inpatient treatment, but no formal OPAT unit existed in Switzerland until recently. In December 2013 an OPAT unit was established at Lausanne University Hospital. We review here the experience of this new OPAT unit after 18 months of activity. Patient characteristics, clinical activities and outcomes were recorded prospectively. Need and acceptance was evaluated as number of OPAT courses administered and number of patients refusing OPAT. Safety and efficacy were evaluated as: (1) adverse events linked to antimicrobials and catheters, (2) re-admission to hospital, (3) rate of treatment failures and (4) mortality. Over 18 months, 179 courses of OPAT were administered. Acceptance was high with only four patients refusing OPAT. Urinary tract infections with resistant bacteria and musculoskeletal infections were the most common diagnoses. Self-administration of antibiotics using elastomeric pumps became rapidly the most frequently used approach. Sixteen patients presented with adverse events linked to antimicrobials and catheters. OPAT-related readmissions occurred in nine patients. The overall cure rate was 94 %. This study shows that OPAT is very well accepted by patients and medical staff, even in a setting which has not used this type of treatment approach until now. Self-administration using elastomeric pumps proved to be particularly useful, safe and efficient. OPAT offers a good alternative to hospitalisation for patients presenting with infections due to resistant bacteria that cannot be treated orally anymore and for difficult to treat infections

    Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur [New approaches of malaria prevention for travelers]

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    Malaria is declining in many tropical countries. This reduction challenges our usual preventive strategies. In moderate to low risk areas, the Swiss guidelines recommend a stand-by emergency treatment. Controversies between experts are numerous though. Professionals at the Travel Clinic in Lausanne has explored shared-decision making through three clinical studies. The first showed that travelers visiting moderate to low risk malaria areas prefer a standby emergency treatment rather than chemoprophylaxis. The second study investigates the use of rapid diagnostic tests by travelers. The third focuses on the prospects of tropical telemedicine. Involving the traveler into the debate is a priority, until a vaccine becomes available

    Antibiotic stability related to temperature variations in elastomeric pumps used for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT).

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    Elastomeric pumps can be used for the continuous administration of antimicrobials in the outpatient setting. A potentially limiting factor in their use is the stability of antimicrobials. To investigate under real-life conditions the temperature variations of antibiotic solutions contained in elastomeric pumps, and to examine under such conditions the stability of five antibiotics. Healthy volunteers carried the elastomeric pumps in carry pouches during their daily activities. A thermologger measured the temperatures every 15 min over 24 h. Antibiotic concentrations were measured by HPLC coupled to tandem MS. During daytime, the temperature of solutions in the pumps increased steadily, warming to >30°C. During the night, when the pumps were kept attached to the waist, the temperatures reached up to 33°C. The use of white carry pouches avoided excessive temperature increases. Over seven experiments, cefazolin, cefepime, piperacillin and tazobactam were found to be stable over 24 h. Flucloxacillin showed a mean decrease in concentration of 11% ( P  = 0.001). Real-life situations can cause significant temperature rises in elastomeric pumps, thereby potentially increasing the risk of antibiotic degradation. Patients should be instructed to avoid situations causing excessive temperature increases. Despite these temperature variations, cefazolin, cefepime, piperacillin and tazobactam were found to be stable over 24 h. A moderate degradation was noticed for flucloxacillin, albeit most probably not to an extent that might impair anti-infective efficacy

    Patient satisfaction in an outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) unit practising predominantly self-administration of antibiotics with elastomeric pumps.

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    Self-administration of antibiotics using elastomeric pumps has become the most frequently used treatment modality at the outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) unit of the University Hospital of Lausanne. However, it remains unknown how comfortable patients feel using this mode of treatment. A questionnaire was offered to all patients treated at the OPAT unit between June 2014 and December 2015. The questionnaire was distributed to 188 patients and 112 questionnaires were returned. Seventy-one patients were treated by self-administration, 21 attended the OPAT unit on a daily basis, and 20 received their antibiotics from home-care nurses. Overall, 83-97% of the patients gave the highest possible scores to the four items evaluating their global satisfaction. Subjects treated by self-administration gave a significantly better rating to 6 of the 17 semi-quantitative questions than the patients treated at the OPAT unit or by home-care nurses. There was no item which was more poorly rated by patients treated by self-administered OPAT than by the other treatment groups. In conclusion satisfaction was high in all patients treated by OPAT. The particularly high satisfaction of patients treated by self-administration of antibiotics with elastomeric pumps suggests that a significant number of patients are happy to take over some responsibility for their treatment. Patients' capacity to appropriate their care themselves should not be underestimated by health care professionals