383 research outputs found

    Photon statistics and power-law blinking of single semiconductor nanocrystals

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    Al voordat het grote publiek kennismaakte met nanotechnologie, besteedde de wetenschap aandacht aan steeds kleinere objecten. Sinds 15 jaar is het bijvoorbeeld mogelijk om met speciale microscopen naar individuele moleculen te kijken! Deze techniek hebben we nu gebruikt om halfgeleider nanokristallen te bestuderen. Halfgeleiders zijn materialen die worden gebruikt in computers. Afhankelijk van hun bewerking en toepassing kunnen zij stroom goed of slecht geleiden. Maar deze nanokristallen zijn zo klein, slechts 5 nanometer (1 miljoen nm = 1 mm) en dus veel kleiner dan de golflengte van licht, dat ze zich heel anders gedragen. Ze kunnen bijvoorbeeld licht absorberen en uitzenden (fluoresceren), maar omdat ze zo klein zijn altijd slechts __n lichtdeeltje (foton) tegelijk, net als een molecuul. Ook het ritme (de statistiek) waarmee dit gebeurt, is heel bijzonder en vergelijkbaar met de statistiek waarmee aardbevingen voorkomen. De pauze tussen het uitzenden van twee fotonen varieert bijvoorbeeld zo sterk, dat we de gemiddelde pauze niet kunnen uitrekenen! Dankzij diverse wiskundige trucs kunnen we dit ritme nu toch beschrijven. Deze wiskunde is ook handig om verschillende experimenten te kunnen vergelijken, zowel voor nanokristallen als voor moleculen. Vervolgens hebben we een model opgesteld dat beschrijft wat er in nanokristallen gebeurt, als een foton wordt geabsorbeerd of uitgezonden.FOMUBL - phd migration 201

    Non-Markovian non-stationary completely positive open quantum system dynamics

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    By modeling the interaction of a system with an environment through a renewal approach, we demonstrate that completely positive non-Markovian dynamics may develop some unexplored non-standard statistical properties. The renewal approach is defined by a set of disruptive events, consisting in the action of a completely positive superoperator over the system density matrix. The random time intervals between events are described by an arbitrary waiting-time distribution. We show that, in contrast to the Markovian case, if one performs a system-preparation (measurement) at an arbitrary time, the subsequent evolution of the density matrix evolution is modified. The non-stationary character refers to the absence of an asymptotic master equation even when the preparation is performed at arbitrary long times. In spite of this property, we demonstrate that operator expectation values and operators correlations have the same dynamical structure, establishing the validity of a non-stationary quantum regression hypothesis. The non-stationary property of the dynamic is also analyzed through the response of the system to an external weak perturbation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    The generality of changes in the trait composition of fish and invertebrate communities after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône)

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    1. A multiple-trait-based approach can provide predictions and interpretations of the responses of freshwater communities to river restoration that apply in different taxonomic contexts. We compared the observed and predicted effects of restoration on sets of traits in fish and invertebrate communities in four reaches of the Rhône River. Restoration included minimum flow increases in three bypassed main channels and the reconnection of eight floodplain channels. 2. Predictions (described in detail in three other articles in this Special Issue) were based on habitat models that related the density of modelled taxa to their physical habitats. We used trait information extracted from the literature to translate predicted taxonomic changes into predicted changes in traits. Observed changes in traits calculated for modelled taxa and for all taxa in the community were both compared to predictions. 3. In 10 of 12 cases, observed changes in traits correlated with predicted ones. With few exceptions, the agreement was higher for fish and invertebrates in the main channels than for invertebrates in floodplain channels. Predictions translated to the trait category level improved those at the taxonomic level in 5/6 and 4/6 cases for modelled taxa and all taxa, respectively. However, the improvement was statistically significant according to a null model for 1/6 and 3/6 cases for modelled taxa and all taxa, respectively. 4. The validation of trait predictions suggested that traits related to locomotion and attachment, as well as general biology and physiology, were particularly suited to predicting and understanding the effects of physical restoration. For example, after restoration, clingers and passive filter feeders dominated invertebrate communities in the main channels, whereas invertebrate communities in the floodplain underwent a selection of traits frequent in running water (clingers, flattened shape and gill respiration). Within fish communities, the periodic life-history strategy that characterises fish species in downstream reaches (long life span, large body, late sexual maturity) increased with restoration, whereas the opportunistic strategy decreased. 5. Our results suggest that a better understanding of how hydraulics shapes traits in riverine systems is critically needed for assessing the effects of restoration measures impacting flow. In addition, existing trait databases (especially for fish) should be expanded to better reflect the energetic trade-offs that organisms must make in various flow contexts

    Updated cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit analysis of two infant rotavirus vaccination strategies in a high-income, low-endemic setting.

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    Since 2013, a biennial rotavirus pattern has emerged in the Netherlands with alternating high and low endemic years and a nearly 50% reduction in rotavirus hospitalization rates overall, while infant rotavirus vaccination has remained below 1% throughout. As the rotavirus vaccination cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit ratio in high-income settings is highly influenced by the total rotavirus disease burden, we re-evaluated two infant vaccination strategies, taking into account this recent change in rotavirus epidemiology

    Onderzoek naar de ecologische achteruitgang en het herstel van Zuid-Limburgse hellingschraallandcomplexen

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    De Zuid-Limburgse hellingschraallanden behoren tot de meest soortenrijke graslandtypen in ons land. Ze liggen op een gradiënt van zure heischrale graslanden bovenaan de helling en basische kalkgraslanden in het middendeel van de helling. Onderaan de helling komen voedselrijkere en dus meer ruige graslandtypen voor. Het oppervlak aan goed ontwikkelde hellingschraallanden is in de 20e eeuw sterk achteruit gegaan en ook de kwaliteit ervan. Om na te gaan wat de oorzaken zijn voor de achteruitgang van flora als fauna en hoe verder herstelbeheer moet plaatsvinden, is in 2005 in het kader van OBN een vierjarig onderzoek gestart. Hieruit blijkt dat er zeker nog perspectief is voor herstel van soortenrijke hellingsschraallanden. Het beheer binnen de hellingschraallanden kan verder geoptimaliseerd worden, zodat meer afvoer van nutriënten plaatsvindt en een meer heterogene vegetatiestructuur ontstaat. Ook moet de sterke mate van versnippering en isolatie van de hellingschraallanden worden aangepakt door het vergroten en onderling verbinden van de huidige reservaten

    Interpreting and acting upon home blood pressure readings: A qualitative study

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright @ 2013 Vasileiou et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: Recent guidelines recognize the importance of home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) as an adjunct to clinical measurements. We explored how people who have purchased and use a home blood pressure (BP) monitor make sense of, and act upon, readings and how they communicate with their doctor about the practice of home monitoring. Methods: A qualitative study was designed and participants were purposively recruited from several areas in England, UK. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 users of home BP monitors. The transcribed data were thematically analysed. Results: Interpretation of home BP readings is complex, and is often characterised by uncertainty. People seek to assess value normality using ‘rules of thumb’, and often aim to identify the potential causes of the readings. This is done by drawing on lay models of BP function and by contextualising the readings to personal circumstances. Based on the perceived causes of the problematic readings, actions are initiated, mostly relating to changes in daily routines. Contacting the doctor was more likely when the problematic readings persisted and could not be easily explained, or when participants did not succeed in regulating their BP through their other interventions. Most users had notified their doctor of the practice of home monitoring, but medical involvement varied, with some participants reporting disinterest or reservations by doctors. Conclusions: Involvement from doctors can help people overcome difficulties and resolve uncertainties around the interpretation of home readings, and ensure that the rules of thumb are appropriate. Home monitoring can be used to strengthen the patient-clinician relationship

    Silicon vacancy in SiC as a promising quantum system for single-defect and single-photon spectroscopy

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    Results of experiments are presented that suggest that the Si vacancy in SiC is a promising quantum system for single-defect and single-photon spectroscopy in the infrared region. The investigation was carried out with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), zero-field optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), direct-detection EPR (DD-EPR), and high-resolution fluorescence-excitation spectroscopy. Depending on the temperature, crystal polytype, and crystal position, two opposite schemes have been observed for the optical alignment of the populations of the spin sublevels of the high-spin ground state of the Si vacancy in SiC upon irradiation with unpolarized light at the zero-phonon lines (ZPLs). A giant change has been found in the luminescence intensity of the ZPLs in zero magnetic field upon the application of resonant microwaves which induce transitions between the spin sublevels of the vacancy ground state thus opening the possibility for magnetic-resonance detection of a single vacancy. The optical alignment of the populations of the spin sublevels in the ground state of the Si vacancy was shown with DD-EPR. Surprisingly narrow ZPLs of Si vacancies with a width less than 0.05 meV have been observed which seem to be the narrowest detected so far in SiC. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Urinary biomarker concentrations of captan, chlormequat, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin in UK adults and children living near agricultural land

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    There is limited information on the exposure to pesticides experienced by UK residents living near agricultural land. This study aimed to investigate their pesticide exposure in relation to spray events. Farmers treating crops with captan, chlormequat, chlorpyrifos or cypermethrin provided spray event information. Adults and children residing ≤100 m from sprayed fields provided first-morning void urine samples during and outwith the spray season. Selected samples (1–2 days after a spray event and at other times (background samples)) were analysed and creatinine adjusted. Generalised Linear Mixed Models were used to investigate if urinary biomarkers of these pesticides were elevated after spray events. The final data set for statistical analysis contained 1518 urine samples from 140 participants, consisting of 523 spray event and 995 background samples which were analysed for pesticide urinary biomarkers. For captan and cypermethrin, the proportion of values below the limit of detection was greater than 80%, with no difference between spray event and background samples. For chlormequat and chlorpyrifos, the geometric mean urinary biomarker concentrations following spray events were 15.4 μg/g creatinine and 2.5 μg/g creatinine, respectively, compared with 16.5 μg/g creatinine and 3.0 μg/g creatinine for background samples within the spraying season. Outwith the spraying season, concentrations for chlorpyrifos were the same as those within spraying season backgrounds, but for chlormequat, lower concentrations were observed outwith the spraying season (12.3 μg/g creatinine). Overall, we observed no evidence indicative of additional urinary pesticide biomarker excretion as a result of spray events, suggesting that sources other than local spraying are responsible for the relatively low urinary pesticide biomarkers detected in the study population

    Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is elevated in cognitively normal older adults at risk of Alzheimer’s disease

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    © 2021, The Author(s). Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), an astrocytic cytoskeletal protein, can be measured in blood samples, and has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, plasma GFAP has not been investigated in cognitively normal older adults at risk of AD, based on brain amyloid-β (Aβ) load. Cross-sectional analyses were carried out for plasma GFAP and plasma Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 ratio, a blood-based marker associated with brain Aβ load, in participants (65–90 years) categorised into low (Aβ−, n = 63) and high (Aβ+, n = 33) brain Aβ load groups via Aβ positron emission tomography. Plasma GFAP, Aβ1–42, and Aβ1–40 were measured using the Single molecule array (Simoa) platform. Plasma GFAP levels were significantly higher (p \u3c 0.00001), and plasma Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 ratios were significantly lower (p \u3c 0.005), in Aβ+ participants compared to Aβ− participants, adjusted for covariates age, sex, and apolipoprotein E-ε4 carriage. A receiver operating characteristic curve based on a logistic regression of the same covariates, the base model, distinguished Aβ+ from Aβ− (area under the curve, AUC = 0.78), but was outperformed when plasma GFAP was added to the base model (AUC = 0.91) and further improved with plasma Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 ratio (AUC = 0.92). The current findings demonstrate that plasma GFAP levels are elevated in cognitively normal older adults at risk of AD. These observations suggest that astrocytic damage or activation begins from the pre-symptomatic stage of AD and is associated with brain Aβ load. Observations from the present study highlight the potential of plasma GFAP to contribute to a diagnostic blood biomarker panel (along with plasma Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 ratios) for cognitively normal older adults at risk of AD
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