3,551 research outputs found


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    Purpose of research is to get the right levels dosage of between inoculation Rhizobium indigenous with urea fertilizer as the best combination of nodulation and growth of Nagara bean in peat medium. Design experiment used was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial two factors. The first factor was levels dosage treatment of Inocuation Rhizobium indigenous: r0 = 0 g (without inoculation); r1 = 100 g and r2 = 200 g  kg-1 of seeds. The second factor is levels dosage of urea fertilizer: u0 = 0 kg ha-1 (without urea fertilizer); u1 = 25 kg ha-1 (25%); u2 = 50 kg ha-1 (50%); u3 = 75 kg ha-1 (75%) and u4 = 100 kg ha-1 (100%). The combination of both treatments was 12, with 3 times replication. The result showed that the interaction between inoculation Rhizobium indigenous and dosage of urea fertilizer, significant and highly significant effect on nodulation and growth of Nagara bean in peat media. Inoculation Rhizobium indigenous 200 g kg-1  of seeds with urea fertilizer 50 kg ha-1  (50%)  was the best treatment combination for nodulation and growth of Nagara bean in peat medi

    Issues of the 2024 Presidential Candidates in Online News Texts: Critical Discourse Analysis of the Teun A Van Dijk Model

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    The discourse on the 2024 presidential candidate issue is a discourse formed by the practice of power which implies certain goals. Therefore, media discourse that reports on the 2024 presidential candidate issue is an issue or problem that contains critical languages or expressions. This research is important to find out the purpose or intention of the presidential candidate issue which reports on popular figures who have a major influence on social change and the progress of the country in the future. The purpose of this study is to analyze news texts about presidential candidates using the text dimensions of the Teun A. van Dijk model in the form of macro structure, super structure, and micro structure which are modified with the Jufri model. The type of method used is qualitative with a qualitative descriptive design that describes aspects of the text dimensions of the discourse structure, the data used is written text on the online news media CNN Indonesia, Jawapos.com, and Kompas.com. The results of this study are to describe the description and interpretation of the aspects of text dimensions in the form of macro structure, super structure, and micro structure which are then explained in the form of actions or actions that have a specific purpose. This research is useful for making a theoretical contribution and providing a conceptual overview that can inspire researchers or students who focus on the study of critical discourse analysis and can be implemented in critical discourse courses

    Penggunaan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Type Inquery Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Unsur Serapan Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penerapan penggunaan unsurserapan melalui metode inquery di SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru. Metode penelitianadalah metode inquery karena penelitian berharap bahwa metode ini siswa dapatmenemukan langsung masalah yang dipelajari siswa. Hasil belajar sebelumpenelitian adalah sangat rendah yaitu ketuntasan sebanyak 13 orang 38,24%setelah diadakan perbaikan pada siklus I yang lulus sebanyak 14 orang 41,18 % danpada siklus II lulus 30 orang 88,24 %. Yang tidak tuntas masih ada 4 orang yaitu11,76 %

    Konflik Dalam Perspektif Komunikasi: Suatu Tinjauan Teoretis

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    Komunikasi adalah sebagai suatu kegiatan dalam pertukaran pesan sesuai dengan pertumbuhan isu atau informasi dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Informasi yang benar akan menimbulkan suatu ketenangan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Jika isu atau informasi yang dikembangkan orang dalam berinteraksi tidak seirama dengan apa yang terjadi maka timbullah konflik dalam setiap proses pertukaran pesan, baik yang bersifat individu, kelompok, maupun masyarakat. Akibatnya, benturan sosial tidak dapat dihindari, baik dalam bentuk fisik maupun penekanan setiap ide yang berkembang dalam setiap komponen kehidupan masyaraka

    Penggunaan Metode Sq3r dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Membaca Pemahamaman Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru

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    This study is a quasi experimental study aimed to describe the use of methods SQ3R and motivation and student learning outcomes learning materials reading comprehension. Implementation of the research in accordance with the learning procedure starting from planning, core activities and weekend activities. This study is an experimental research that distinguishes SQ3R method and conventional methods as well as motivation and learning outcomes. Research subjects a class XI student of SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. Results motivation and learning outcomes that motivated the data analysis methods SQ3R average of 129.56 and an average of 119.11 conventional methods; (2) Analysis of the average data overall learning outcomes of the students taught using methods SQ3R of 26.56 and 22.33 for the conventional method difference 4.23; (3) Analysis of average data results that are taught using methods SQ3R highest score 30.67 High Group and group the highest score 22.24 Low 8.23 difference in numbers; average data analysis of learning outcomes are taught with methods SQ3R study group Low highest score 26.28 and Conventional High group scores highest score group low 26.28 and the lowest scoring average 18.39 7.89 difference in numbers. So from this analysis can be concluded that the method SQ3R motivation and learning outcomes is higher than the motivation and learning outcomes conventional methods
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