326 research outputs found

    Formation of charmonium states in heavy ion collisions and thermalization of charm

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    We examine the possibility to utilize in-medium charmonium formation in heavy ion interactions at collider energy as a probe of the properties of the medium. This is possible because the formation process involves recombination of charm quarks which imprints a signal on the resulting normalized transverse momentum distribution containing information about the momentum distribution of the quarks. We have contrasted the transverse momentum spectra of J/Psi, characterized by , which result from the formation process in which the charm quark distributions are taken at opposite limits with regard to thermalization in the medium. The first uses charm quark distributions unchanged from their initial production in a pQCD process, appropriate if their interaction with the medium is negligible. The second uses charm quark distributions which are in complete thermal equilibrium with the transversely expanding medium, appropriate if a very strong interaction between charm quarks and medium exists. We find that the resulting of the formed J/Psi should allow one to differentiate between these extremes, and that this differentiation is not sensitive to variations in the detailed dynamics of in-medium formation. We include a comparison of predictions of this model with preliminary PHENIX measurements, which indicates compatibility with a substantial fraction of in-medium formation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, based on presentation at the Workshop on Quark-Gluon-Plasma Thermalization (QGPTH05), Vienna, Austria, August 10-12, 2005. To be published in the proceedings. Two figures and 3 references update

    An assessment of J/Psi formation in the light of initial RHIC data

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    Predictions of J/Psi formation at RHIC via "off-diagonal" combinations of charm and anticharm quarks in a region of color deconfinement are confronted with initial data from the PHENIX collaboration. We find that the measured centrality behavior places significant constraints on the various parameters which control model calculations of J/Psi formation. Within present statistical and systematic uncertainties, one can map out a region of parameter space within which the contribution of formation in a deconfined phase is allowed. As these uncertainties decrease and new data from d-Au interactions becomes available, it is expected that definitive tests for the presence of this formation mechanism will be possible. We anticipate that the rapidity and transverse momentum spectra will prove decisive for a final determination.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, presented at SQM2003, March 12-17, 2003. To be published in J. Phys.

    Nonlinear Behavior of Quarkonium Formation and Deconfinement Signals

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    We anticipate new features of quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies which differ from a straightforward extrapolation of results at CERN SPS energy. General arguments indicate that one may expect quarkonium formation rates to increase more rapidly with energy and centrality than the production rate of the heavy quarks which they contain. This is due to new formation mechanisms in which independently-produced quarks and antiquarks form a bound quarkonium state. This mechanism will depend quadratically on the total number of initially-produced heavy quark pairs, and becomes numerically significant only at RHIC and LHC energy. When viewed as a signal of color deconfinement, a transition from suppression to enhancement may be observed. Explicit model calculations are presented, in which one can follow striking variations of final quarkonium production within a range of parameter space.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Pan American Advanced Studies Institute on New States of Matter in Hadronic Interactions (PASI 2002), Campos do Jordao, Brazil, 7-18 Jan 2002; American Institute of Physics 200

    In-Medium formation of J/Psi as a probe of charm quark thermalization

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    Charmonium formation via charm quark in-medium recombination in heavy ion interactions at collider energies has the potential to probe some properties of the medium by utilizing the sensitivity of the recombination process to the momentum distribution of the quarks. We have examined the transverse momentum spectra of J/Psi, characterized by , which result from the formation process in which the charm quark distributions are unchanged from their initial production in a pQCD process. This is contrasted with the case in which the charm quarks have completely come into thermal equilibrium with an expanding medium whose properties are determined by the spectra of produced light hadrons. We find that the resulting of the formed J/Psi provide a distinct signature of the underlying charm quark spectra, and that signature is essentially independent of the detailed dynamics of the in-medium formation reaction. In addition, both of these signatures are sufficiently separated from the case in which no in-medium formation takes place. Finally, utilizing a model for the fraction of J/Psi which originate from in-medium formation, we predict the centrality behavior of these signatures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, invited talk at the 35'th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 2005, Kromeriz, Czech Republic, to be published in the proceeding

    Quarkonium formation in statistical and kinetic models

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    I review the present status of two related models addressing scenarios in which the formation of heavy quarkonium states in high energy heavy ion collisions proceed via "off-diagonal" combinations of a quark and an antiquark. The physical process involved belongs to a general class of quark "recombination", although technically the recombining quarks here were never previously bound in a quarkonium state. Features of these processes relevant as a signature of color deconfinement are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, based on invited plenary talk at Hard Probes 2004, Ericeira, Portugal, November 3-11, 2004, to appear in the proceeding

    In-medium formation of quarkonium

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    We confront preliminary RHIC data on J/Psi production in nuclear interactions with expectations which follow in scenarios involving charm quark recombination in a region of color deconfinement. The focus is on transverse momentum and rapidity spectra of the J/Psi, which carry a memory of the spectra of the charm quarks. In such a scenario, one predicts that both spectra will be narrower than those expected without recombination. Preliminary results for the transverse momentum spectra point toward a preference for the recombination picture, while the rapidity spectra do not exhibit any narrowing within present large uncertainties. We present new calculations in the recombination model for the centrality behavior of these signals, which map out the necessary experimental precision required for a definitive test.Comment: Based on invited talk at Strangeness in Quark Matter 2006, UCLA, March 26-31, 2006. Clarifying remarks added in published journal versio

    Charmed Hadrons from Strangeness-rich QGP

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    The yields of charmed hadrons emitted by strangeness rich QGP are evaluated within chemical non-equilibrium statistical hadronization model, conserving strangeness, charm, and entropy yields at hadronization.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures SQM 2006; the same as J. Phys. G in pres
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