11 research outputs found

    Workshop IV: drug treatment guidelines for the long-term management of Parkinson's disease.

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    An attempt was made to establish a decision algorithm for the treatment of idiopathic Parkinson's disease at various stages and in different subgroups such as akinetic-rigid or tremor dominance type. We suggest treating young patients with selegiline and a dopamine agonist. In the tremor dominance type we use either budipine or a dopamine agonist. Due to levodopa-induced dyskinesia, we try to avoid levodopa in the early stages of the disease and use it only later in more advanced situations in a combination therapy with dopamine agonists. Since IPS is not only based upon dopamine deficiency but also on resulting glutamatergic overstimulation, we advocate the use of a glutamate antagonist such as amantadine or budipine. Catechol-O-methyl inhibitors are very helpful when wearing-off occurs. Anticholinergics are only used in the early stages of tremor-dominant IPS because we fear enhancing the risk of dementia

    Early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.

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    In idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD) approximately 60 % of the nigrostriatal neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) are degenerated before neurologists can establish the diagnosis according to the widely accepted clinical diagnostic criteria. It is conceivable that neuroprotective therapy starting at such an 'advanced stage' of the disease will fail to stop the degenerative process. Therefore, the identification of patients at risk and at earlier stages of the disease appears to be essential for any successful neuroprotection. The discovery of several genetic mutations associated with IPD raises the possibility that these, or other biomarkers, of the disease may help to identify persons at risk of IPD. Transcranial ultrasound have shown susceptibility factors for IPD related to an increased iron load of the substantia nigra. In the early clinical phase, a number of motor and particularly non-motor signs emerge, which can be identified by the patients and physicians years before the diagnosis is made, notably olfactory dysfunction, depression, or 'soft' motor signs such as changes in handwriting, speech or reduced ambulatory arm motion. These signs of the early, prediagnostic phase of IPD can be detected by inexpensive and easy-to-administer tests. As one single instrument will not be sensitive enough, a battery of tests has to be composed measuring independent parameters of the incipient disease. Subjects with abnormal findings in this test battery should than be submitted to nuclear medicine examinations to quantify the extent of dopaminergic injury and to reach the goal of a reliable, early diagnosis

    Accountability, Democracy, and Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance

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    Since the fall of the investment bank Lehman Brothers, the economic downturn hastaken a heavy toll on many countries. In the public and academic discourse on necessaryremedies and reforms, the spotlight is on the role of political elites and business. The actual and potential role of civil society is hardly mentioned in these debates. Yet, it is within civil societythat an alternative paradigm and fundamental rethinking of conventional wisdom may emerge. Inthis collection, we present three different ways to frame the crisis and explore the correspondingroles of civil society actors: Reinforcing public accountability, regaining democracy, and exploring post-growth scenarios. Our goal is to investigate the potentially transformative role of civil society in order to reflect on possible paths towards social change that are not merelyremedial but also (re-)constructive in nature.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rcis20hj201