46,356 research outputs found

    The relation between velocity dispersions and chemical abundances in RAVE giants

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    We developed a Bayesian framework to determine in a robust way the relation between velocity dispersions and chemical abundances in a sample of stars. Our modelling takes into account the uncertainties in the chemical and kinematic properties. We make use of RAVE DR5 radial velocities and abundances together with Gaia DR1 proper motions and parallaxes (when possible, otherwise UCAC4 data is used). We found that, in general, the velocity dispersions increase with decreasing [Fe/H] and increasing [Mg/Fe]. A possible decrease in velocity dispersion for stars with high [Mg/Fe] is a property of a negligible fraction of stars and hardly a robust result. At low [Fe/H] and high [Mg/Fe] the sample is incomplete, affected by biases, and likely not representative of the underlying stellar population.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 330, "Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky", held in April 2017, Nice, Franc

    A generalization of convergence actions

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    Let a group GG act properly discontinuously and cocompactly on a locally compact space XX. A Hausdorff compact space ZZ that contains XX as an open subspace has the perspectivity property if the action Gβ†·XG\curvearrowright X extends to an action Gβ†·ZG\curvearrowright Z, by homeomorphisms, such that for every compact KβŠ†XK\subseteq X and every element uu of the unique uniform structure compatible with the topology of ZZ, the set {gK:g∈G}\{gK: g \in G\} has finitely many non uu-small sets. We describe a correspondence between the compact spaces with the perspectivity property with respect to XX (and the fixed action of GG on it) and the compact spaces with the perspectivity property with respect to GG (and the left multiplication on itself). This generalizes a similar result for convergence group actions.Comment: 57 page

    Strangeness production in STAR

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    We present a summary of strangeness enhancement results comparing data from Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(SNN) = 200GeV measured by the STAR experiment. Relative yields in central Cu+Cu data seem to be higher than the equivalent sized peripheral Au+Au collision. In addition, strange particle production from these two systems is compared in terms of a statistical model, applying a Grand-Canonical ensemble and also applying a canonical correlation volume for the strange particles. Thermal fit results from the Grand-Canonical formalism shows little dependence on the system size but, when considering a strange canonical ensemble, strangeness enhancement shows a strong dependency on the correlation volume.Comment: proceedings to 24th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, South Padre Island, Texas, April 200

    Eigensequences for Multiuser Communication over the Real Adder Channel

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    Shape-invariant signals under the Discrete Fourier Transform are investigated, leading to a class of eigenfunctions for the unitary discrete Fourier operator. Such invariant sequences (eigensequences) are suggested as user signatures over the real adder channel (t-RAC) and a multiuser communication system over the t-RAC is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. VI International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2006

    Orthogonal Multilevel Spreading Sequence Design

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    Finite field transforms are offered as a new tool of spreading sequence design. This approach exploits orthogonality properties of synchronous non-binary sequences defined over a complex finite field. It is promising for channels supporting a high signal-to-noise ratio. New digital multiplex schemes based on such sequences have also been introduced, which are multilevel Code Division Multiplex. These schemes termed Galois-field Division Multiplex (GDM) are based on transforms for which there exists fast algorithms. They are also convenient from the hardware viewpoint since they can be implemented by a Digital Signal Processor. A new Efficient-bandwidth code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) is introduced, which is based on multilevel spread spectrum sequences over a Galois field. The primary advantage of such schemes regarding classical multiple access digital schemes is their better spectral efficiency. Galois-Fourier transforms contain some redundancy and only cyclotomic coefficients are needed to be transmitted yielding compact spectrum requirements.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. In: Coding, Communication and Broadcasting.1 ed.Hertfordshire: Reseach Studies Press (RSP), 2000. ISBN 0-86380-259-

    Symplectic Integrator Mercury: Bug Report

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    We report on a problem found in MERCURY, a hybrid symplectic integrator used for dynamical problems in Astronomy. The variable that keeps track of bodies' statuses is uninitialised, which can result in bodies disappearing from simulations in a non-physical manner. Some FORTRAN compilers implicitly initialise variables, preventing simulations from having this problem. With other compilers, simulations with a suitably large maximum number of bodies parameter value are also unaffected. Otherwise, the problem manifests at the first event after the integrator is started, whether from scratch or continuing a previously stopped simulation. Although the problem does not manifest in some conditions, explicitly initialising the variable solves the problem in a permanent and unconditional manner.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Dynamics of a Mathematical Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Population Model

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    We explore the bifurcations and dynamics of a scalar differential equation with a single constant delay which models the population of human hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. One parameter continuation reveals that with a delay of just a few days, stable periodic dynamics can be generated of all periods from about one week up to one decade! The long period orbits seem to be generated by several mechanisms, one of which is a canard explosion, for which we approximate the dynamics near the slow manifold. Two-parameter continuation reveals parameter regions with even more exotic dynamics including quasi-periodic and phase-locked tori, and chaotic solutions. The panoply of dynamics that we find in the model demonstrates that instability in the stem cell dynamics could be sufficient to generate the rich behaviour seen in dynamic hematological diseases

    Introducing an Analysis in Finite Fields

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    Looking forward to introducing an analysis in Galois Fields, discrete functions are considered (such as transcendental ones) and MacLaurin series are derived by Lagrange's Interpolation. A new derivative over finite fields is defined which is based on the Hasse Derivative and is referred to as negacyclic Hasse derivative. Finite field Taylor series and alpha-adic expansions over GF(p), p prime, are then considered. Applications to exponential and trigonometric functions are presented. Theses tools can be useful in areas such as coding theory and digital signal processing.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Conference: XVII Simposio Brasileiro de Telecomunicacoes, 1999, Vila Velha, ES, Brazil. (pp.472-477

    A Factorization Scheme for Some Discrete Hartley Transform Matrices

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    Discrete transforms such as the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the discrete Hartley transform (DHT) are important tools in numerical analysis. The successful application of transform techniques relies on the existence of efficient fast transforms. In this paper some fast algorithms are derived. The theoretical lower bound on the multiplicative complexity for the DFT/DHT are achieved. The approach is based on the factorization of DHT matrices. Algorithms for short blocklengths such as N∈{3,5,6,12,24}N \in \{3, 5, 6, 12, 24 \} are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, International Conference on System Engineering, Communications and Information Technologies, 2001, Punta Arenas. ICSECIT 2001 Proceedings. Punta Arenas: Universidad de Magallanes, 200

    Multilayer Hadamard Decomposition of Discrete Hartley Transforms

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    Discrete transforms such as the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or the discrete Hartley transform (DHT) furnish an indispensable tool in signal processing. The successful application of transform techniques relies on the existence of the so-called fast transforms. In this paper some fast algorithms are derived which meet the lower bound on the multiplicative complexity of the DFT/DHT. The approach is based on a decomposition of the DHT into layers of Walsh-Hadamard transforms. In particular, fast algorithms for short block lengths such as N∈{4,8,12,24}N \in \{4, 8, 12, 24\} are presented.Comment: Fixed several typos. 7 pages, 5 figures, XVIII Simp\'osio Brasileiro de Telecomunica\c{c}\~oes, 2000, Gramado, RS, Brazi
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