4,269 research outputs found

    Knudsen gas provides nanobubble stability

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    We provide a model for the remarkable stability of surface nanobubbles to bulk dissolution. The key to the solution is that the gas in a nanobubble is of Knudsen type. This leads to the generation of a bulk liquid flow which effectively forces the diffusive gas to remain local. Our model predicts the presence of a vertical water jet immediately above a nanobubble, with an estimated speed of 3.3m/s\sim3.3\,\mathrm{m/s}, in good agreement with our experimental atomic force microscopy measurement of 2.7m/s\sim2.7\,\mathrm{m/s}. In addition, our model also predicts an upper bound for the size of nanobubbles, which is consistent with the available experimental data

    Surface bubble nucleation phase space

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    Recent research has revealed several different techniques for nanoscopic gas nucleation on submerged surfaces, with findings seemingly in contradiction with each other. In response to this, we have systematically investigated the occurrence of surface nanobubbles on a hydrophobised silicon substrate for various different liquid temperatures and gas concentrations, which we controlled independently. We found that nanobubbles occupy a distinct region of this phase space, occurring for gas concentrations of approximately 100-110%. Below the nanobubble phase we did not detect any gaseous formations on the substrate, whereas micropancakes (micron wide, nanometer high gaseous domains) were found at higher temperatures and gas concentrations. We moreover find that supersaturation of dissolved gases is not a requirement for nucleation of bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fine-scale movement of the European hedgehog: An application of spool-and-thread tracking

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    The European hedgehog is a significant predator species of rare and endangered ground-nesting birds in the riverbeds of the Waitaki Basin, South Island, New Zealand. Studies focusing on the movements and habits of this species have generally been limited to broad-scale radio-tracking studies or incidental trap-catch data. Within our study, we aimed to investigate the finer scale movement patterns of the hedgehog in relation to vegetation structure by using spool-and-thread tracking. We captured 30 hedgehogs (15 female, 15 male) within the study area, and spool-and-thread-tracked the movements of each over a single night. Only two of the 30 animals moved onto the gravel areas of the riverbeds where birds nest - hedgehogs may therefore not target birds' nests as a primary prey source, but rather as a secondary prey item. The movement paths were all non-random, and males demonstrated particular linearity in their tracks. This straighter and more directed movement may be due to more intensive male search at this time of the year. We also assessed habitat use using a very high resolution habitat map (derived from Ikonos 4-m-resolution satellite image). Dense grassland was the most selected habitat type, perhaps because insect prey are at a higher density in this vegetation type. Hedgehogs (particularly males) also used boundaries of all habitat types significantly more than the centre of habitat patches. We found the spool-and-thread tracking technique does have limitations: (1) it could be inappropriate for animals exhibiting a significant escape response; (2) the data do not include a temporal dimension. However, these problems were not considered relevant for this study. Fine-scale studies such as this can provide increased power when investigating the ecology of species at a scale relevant to trap placement

    Ionic liquids that form adducts with alcohols

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    Ionic liquids bearing an activated carbonyl group in the cation are shown to form adducts with alcohols without the aid of any catalysts. How these functionalised ionic liquids could be used in altering vapour phase compositions of alcohols and in alcohol separations are demonstrated.</p

    Simulated herbivory enhances leaky sex expression in the dioecious herb Mercurialis annua

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant reproductive traits are widely understood to be responsive to the selective pressures exerted by pollinators, but there is also increasing evidence for an important role for antagonists such as herbivores in shaping these traits. Many dioecious species show leaky sex expression, with males and females occasionally producing flowers of the opposite sex. Here, we asked to what extent leakiness in sex expression in Mercurialis annua (Euphorbiaceae) might also be plastically responsive to simulated herbivory. This is important because enhanced leakiness in dioecious populations could lead to a shift in both the mating system and in the conditions for transitions between combined and separate sexes. METHODS: We examined the effect of simulated herbivory on the sexual expression of males and females of M. annua in two experiments in which different levels of simulated herbivory led to enhanced leakiness in both sexes. KEY RESULTS: We showed that leaky sex expression in both males and females of the wind-pollinated dioecious herb M. annua is enhanced in response to simulated herbivory, increasing the probability for and the degree of leakiness in both sexes. We also found that leakiness was greater in larger females but not in larger males. CONCLUSIONS: We discuss hypotheses for a possible functional link between herbivory and leaky sex expression, and consider what simulated herbivory-induced leakiness might imply for the evolutionary ecology of plant reproductive systems, especially the breakdown of dioecy and the evolution of hermaphroditism

    Calculation of the Phase Behavior of Lipids

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    The self-assembly of monoacyl lipids in solution is studied employing a model in which the lipid's hydrocarbon tail is described within the Rotational Isomeric State framework and is attached to a simple hydrophilic head. Mean-field theory is employed, and the necessary partition function of a single lipid is obtained via a partial enumeration over a large sample of molecular conformations. The influence of the lipid architecture on the transition between the lamellar and inverted-hexagonal phases is calculated, and qualitative agreement with experiment is found.Comment: to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Finite element modelling of liquid crystal devices and applications

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