593 research outputs found

    Introduction to dark matter experiments

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    This is a set of four lectures presented at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI-09) in June 2009. I provide an introduction to experiments designed to detect WIMP dark matter directly, focusing on building intuitive understanding of the characteristics of potential WIMP signals and the experimental techniques. After deriving the characteristics of potential signals in direct-detection experiments for standard WIMP models, I summarize the general experimental methods shared by most direct-detection experiments and review the advantages, challenges, and status of such searches (as of late 2009). Experiments are already probing SUSY models, with best limits on the spin-independent coupling below 10^-7 pb.Comment: 64 pages, 25 figures, based on lectures at 2009 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI), Boulder, Colorado. This posted version benefits from some editing relative to the version in the published proceeding

    Construction and measurements of a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system

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    Long-lived alpha and beta emitters in the 222^{222}Rn decay chain on (and near) detector surfaces may be the limiting background in many experiments attempting to detect dark matter or neutrinoless double-beta decay, and in screening detectors. In order to reduce backgrounds from radon-daughter plate-out onto the wires of the BetaCage during its assembly, an ultra-low-radon cleanroom is being commissioned at Syracuse University using a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system. The radon filter shows ~20×\times reduction at its output, from 7.47±\pm0.56 to 0.37±\pm0.12 Bq/m3^3, and the cleanroom radon activity meets project requirements, with a lowest achieved value consistent with that of the filter, and levels consistently < 2 Bq/m3^3.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    Status of BetaCage: an Ultra-sensitive Screener for Surface Contamination

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    BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, has been proposed as a viable screener for emitters of low-energy alphas and electrons to which commercial radioactivity counting techniques are insensitive. Using radiopure materials for construction, active and passive shielding from extrinsic backgrounds, large counting area and minimal detector mass, BetaCage will be able to achieve sensitivities of 10^(−5) counts keV^(−1) kg^(−1) day^(−1) in a few days of running time. We report on progress in prototype development work since the last meeting of this workshop

    Radon Emanation Techniques and Measurements for LZ

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    Radon emanation was projected to account for >50>50% of the electron recoil background in the WIMP region of interest for the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment. To mitigate the amount of radon inside the detector volume, materials with inherently low radioactivity content were selected for LZ construction through an extensive screening campaign. The SD Mines radon emanation system was one of four emanation facilities utilized to screen materials during construction of LZ. SD Mines also employed a portable radon collection system for equipment too large or delicate to move to a radon emanation facility. This portable system was used to assay the Inner Cryostat Vessel in-situ at various stages of detector construction, resulting in the inference that the titanium cryostat is the source of significant radon emanation. Assays of a 228^{228}Th source confirmed that its 222^{222}Rn emanation is low enough for it to be used, and that 14% of the 220^{220}Rn emanates from the source at room temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to LRT 2022 Conference Proceeding

    Construction and Measurements of an Improved Vacuum-Swing-Adsorption Radon-Mitigation System

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    In order to reduce backgrounds from radon-daughter plate-out onto detector surfaces, an ultra-low-radon cleanroom is being commissioned at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. An improved vacuum-swing-adsorption radon mitigation system and cleanroom build upon a previous design implemented at Syracuse University that achieved radon levels of ∌\sim0.2 \,Bq \,m−3^{-3}. This improved system will employ a better pump and larger carbon beds feeding a redesigned cleanroom with an internal HVAC unit and aged water for humidification. With the rebuilt (original) radon mitigation system, the new low-radon cleanroom has already achieved a >> \,300×\times reduction from an input activity of 58.6±0.758.6\pm0.7 \,Bq \,m−3^{-3} to a cleanroom activity of 0.13±0.060.13\pm0.06 \,Bq \,m−3^{-3}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2015, Seattle, WA, March 18-20, 201

    Abundant cyanopolyynes as a probe of infall in the Serpens South cluster-forming region

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    We have detected bright HC7N J = 21-20 emission toward multiple locations in the Serpens South cluster-forming region using the K-Band Focal Plane Array at the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. HC7N is seen primarily toward cold filamentary structures that have yet to form stars, largely avoiding the dense gas associated with small protostellar groups and the main central cluster of Serpens South. Where detected, the HC7N abundances are similar to those found in other nearby star forming regions. Toward some HC7N `clumps', we find consistent variations in the line centroids relative to NH3 (1,1) emission, as well as systematic increases in the HC7N non-thermal line widths, which we argue reveal infall motions onto dense filaments within Serpens South with minimum mass accretion rates of M ~ 2-5 M_sun Myr^-1. The relative abundance of NH3 to HC7N suggests that the HC7N is tracing gas that has been at densities n ~ 10^4 cm^-3, for timescales t < 1-2 x 10^5 yr. Since HC7N emission peaks are rarely co-located with those of either NH3 or continuum, it is likely that Serpens South is not particularly remarkable in its abundance of HC7N, but instead the serendipitous mapping of HC7N simultaneously with NH3 has allowed us to detect HC7N at low abundances in regions where it otherwise may not have been looked for. This result extends the known star-forming regions containing significant HC7N emission from typically quiescent regions, like the Taurus molecular cloud, to more complex, active environments.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted to MNRAS. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.dunlap.utoronto.ca/~friesen/Friesen_HC7N.pd

    Determining the Mass of Dark Matter Particles with Direct Detection Experiments

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    In this article I review two data analysis methods for determining the mass (and eventually the spin-independent cross section on nucleons) of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles with positive signals from direct Dark Matter detection experiments: a maximum likelihood analysis with only one experiment and a model-independent method requiring at least two experiments. Uncertainties and caveats of these methods will also be discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 1 reference added, typos fixed, published version, to appear in the NJP Focus Issue on "Dark Matter and Particle Physics

    The BetaCage, an ultra-sensitive screener for surface contamination

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    Material screening for identifying low-energy electron emitters and alpha-decaying isotopes is now a prerequisite for rare-event searches (e.g., dark-matter direct detection and neutrinoless double-beta decay) for which surface radiocontamination has become an increasingly important background. The BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, is a proposed ultra-sensitive (and nondestructive) screener for alpha- and beta-emitting surface contaminants to which existing screening facilities are insufficiently sensitive. Sensitivity goals are 0.1 betas per keV-m2^2-day and 0.1 alphas per m2^2-day, with the former limited by Compton scattering of photons in the screening samples and (thanks to tracking) the latter expected to be signal-limited; radioassays and simulations indicate backgrounds from detector materials and radon daughters should be subdominant. We report on details of the background simulations and detector design that provide the discrimination, shielding, and radiopurity necessary to reach our sensitivity goals for a chamber with a 95×\times95 cm2^2 sample area positioned below a 40 cm drift region and monitored by crisscrossed anode and cathode planes consisting of 151 wires each.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    Origins of Modern Wicca

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    Department of Histor

    Screening Surface Contamination with BetaCage

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    Existing screening facilities are insufficiently sensitive to meet the needs of rare‐event experiments for low‐energy electron emitters and alpha‐decaying isotopes. To provide such screening, the BetaCage will be a low‐background, atmospheric‐pressure neon drift chamber with unprecedented sensitivity to emitters of low‐energy electrons and alpha particles. Minimization of the detector mass and use of radiopure materials reduce background events. The chamber design accepts nearly all alphas and low‐energy electrons from the sample surface while allowing excellent rejection of residual backgrounds. A non‐radiopure prototype is under construction to test the design. The BetaCage will provide new infrastructure for rare‐event science as well as for a wider community that uses radioactive screening for areas including archaeology, biology, climatology, environmental science, geology, planetary science, and integrated‐circuit quality control
