33 research outputs found


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    I. Introduction We consider many other situations; customers are often confronted with two queues, each with its own server. Customers generally enter the shortest queue available. In some situations, customers move from one queue to another. This moment is called jockeying. Such queueing systems, where customers must choose from servers, each with its own queue are called parallel queues. This concept was first studied by [5] Height (1958). His work was followed by [8] Kingman (1961) assumed that a customer would join the shortest queue available. If both queues were join the same size then a customer would join the queue. He also assumed that both servers had the same service rate. The problem to be analyzed is generally referred to as the "shortest queue problem". Zeno and Grassmann (1989) formulae based on Flatto and Mckean which were superior for numerical purposes. In this paper, we consider the following modification of the shortest queue model with jockeyin

    Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Data Placem

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    Abstract The principles and strategies found in material management are comparable and analogue with the data management. This paper concentrates on the conversion of product inventory management principles into data inventory management principles. Efforts were made to enumerate various impacting parameters that would be appropriate to consider if any data inventory model could be plotted. The inventory models parameters are carefully tailored to fit in to the data management paradigm so as to match various distributed storage architectural systems. The basic function of storage management is to employ the storage resources efficiently so as to yield the maximum performance. Even though the storage medium is cheaper in cost that doesn't mean that addition or upgrading of the storage capacity alone can solve the problem of storing ever growing nature of data especially in the inter networked data centric applications. In such cases it is necessary to find a most fitting storage policy to bring out a significant improvement in the data retrieval performance. This paper emphasizes on the need for deriving generic principles for data inventory control that includes data inventory parameters which will be the base for proposing mathematical data inventory models

    Experimenting with Request Assignment Simulator (RAS)

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    Abstract-There is no existence of dedicated simulators on the Internet that studies the impact of load balancing principles of the cloud architectures. Request Assignment Simulator (RAS) is a customizable, visual tool that helps to understand the request assignment to the resources based on the load balancing principles. We have designed this simulator to fit into Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud model. In this paper, we present a working manual useful for the conduct of experiment with RAS. The objective of this paper is to instill the user to understand the pertinent parameters in the cloud, their metrics, load balancing principles, and their impact on the performance

    Cytological evaluation of thyroid lesions by nuclear morphology and nuclear morphometry

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    Introduction: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the thyroid gland is an effective diagnostic method. The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology classifies them into six categories and gives implied risk for malignancy and management protocol in each category. Though the system gives specific criteria, diagnostic dilemma still exists. Using nuclear morphometry, we can quantify the number of parameters, such as those related to nuclear size and shape. The evaluation of nuclear morphometry is not well established in thyroid cytology. Objective: To classify thyroid lesions on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) using Bethesda system and to evaluate the significance of nuclear parameters in improving the prediction of thyroid malignancy. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 120 FNAC cases of thyroid lesions with histological diagnosis were included. Computerized nuclear morphometry was done on 81 cases which had confirmed cytohistological correlation, using Aperio computer software. One hundred nuclei from each case were outlined and eight nuclear parameters were analyzed. Results: In the present study, thyroid lesions were common in female with M: F ratio of 1:5 and most commonly in 40–60 yrs. Under Bethesda system, 73 (60.83%) were category II; 14 (11.6%) were category III, 3 (2.5%) were category IV, 8 (6.6%) were category V, and 22 (18.3%) were category VI, which were malignant on histopathological correlation. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of Bethesda reporting system are 62.5, 84.38, and 74.16%, respectively. Minimal nuclear diameter, maximal nuclear diameter, nuclear perimeter, and nuclear area were higher in malignant group compared to nonneoplastic and benign group. Conclusion: The Bethesda system is a useful standardized system of reporting thyroid cytopathology. It gives implied risk of malignancy. Nuclear morphometry by computerized image analysis can be utilized as an additional diagnostic tool

    A novel two-phase thermal approach for synthesizing CdSe/CdS core/shell nanostructure

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    CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals have been synthesized through a low cost and simple twophase thermal route. The optical spectroscopy and structural characterization evidenced the core/shell structure of the CdSe/CdS nanoparticles. The X-ray diffraction patterns of CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles exhibited peak positions corresponding to those of their bulk cubic crystal structures. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data confirmed the elemental composition of the CdSe/CdS nanoparticles. The absorption spectra of core/shell nanoparticles showed red shift with respect to the core CdSe nanoparticles. The photoluminescence study indicates that the intensity of the emission maximum is considerably increased in the core/shell structure as compared with the parent material, and the capping of CdS nanoparticles with CdSe material exhibit a near band-edge emission, indicating a successful passivation by removing surface defects. The high-resolution transmission microscope images of the bare and core/shell nanoparticles ascertained the monodispersed and well-defined spherical particles. The average particle sizes for CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles are 2.5 and 5 nm, respectively, thus confirming, the larger diameter of CdSe/CdS core/shell nanostructure than the core CdSe nanoparticles

    Unidirectional growth, linear and nonlinear optical, dielectric and mechanical properties of organic adduct of L-tartaric acid nicotinamide

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    An attempt has been made to grow L-tartaric acid nicotinamide (LTN); a complex of tartaric acid, by employing a modified unidirectional method. The crystalline structure and quality are investigated by single crystal XRD and rocking curve studies. The linear and nonlinear optical properties are studied by UV–vis-NIR spectral analysis, SHG test, phase matching and laser induced damage threshold measure-ment. For comparison, parallel growth of the crystal was carried out by conventional method and the properties of the LTN samples grown by the conventional and unidirectional methods are investigated. The mechanical, photoconductivity and dielectric behavior of LTN crystals are also investigated

    Unidirectional growth, structural, optical and mechanical properties of LTA crystal

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    Nonlinear optical amino acid single crystal of l-tartaric acid was successfully grown by unidirectional Sankaranarayanan–Ramasamy method under ambient conditions for the first time. The grown single crystal was subjected to different characterization analyses in order to find out its suitability for device fabrication. The crystal system and lattice parameters were determined from the powder X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystalline perfection was evaluated using high-resolution X-ray diffractometry. It is evident from the optical absorption study that crystal has excellent transmission in the entire visible region with its lower cut off wavelength around 220 nm. The mechanical properties of the grown crystals were studied using Vickers microhardness tester