3,275 research outputs found

    Synaptic tagging and capture : differential role of distinct calcium/calmodulin kinases in protein synthesis-dependent long-term potentiation

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    Weakly tetanized synapses in area CA1 of the hippocampus that ordinarily display long-term potentiation lasting ~3 h (called early-LTP) will maintain a longer-lasting change in efficacy (late-LTP) if the weak tetanization occurs shortly before or after strong tetanization of an independent, but convergent, set of synapses in CA1. The synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis explains this heterosynaptic influence on persistence in terms of a distinction between local mechanisms of synaptic tagging and cell-wide mechanisms responsible for the synthesis, distribution, and capture of plasticity-related proteins (PRPs). We now present evidence that distinct CaM kinase (CaMK) pathways serve a dissociable role in these mechanisms. Using a hippocampal brain-slice preparation that permits stable long-term recordings in vitro for >10 h and using hippocampal cultures to validate the differential drug effects on distinct CaMK pathways, we show that tag setting is blocked by the CaMK inhibitor KN-93 (2-[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)]-N-(4-methoxybenzenesulfonyl)amino-N-(4-chlorocinnamyl)-N-methylbenzylamine) that, at low concentration, is more selective for CaMKII. In contrast, the CaMK kinase inhibitor STO-609 [7H-benzimidazo(2,1-a)benz(de)isoquinoline-7-one-3-carboxylic acid] specifically limits the synthesis and/or availability of PRPs. Analytically powerful three-pathway protocols using sequential strong and weak tetanization in varying orders and test stimulation over long periods of time after LTP induction enable a pharmacological dissociation of these distinct roles of the CaMK pathways in late-LTP and so provide a novel framework for the molecular mechanisms by which synaptic potentiation, and possibly memories, become stabilized

    Quantum Response at Finite Fields and Breakdown of Chern Numbers

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    We show that the response to an electric field, in models of the Integral Quantum Hall effect, is analytic in the field and has isolated essential singularity at zero field. We also study the breakdown of Chern numbers associated with the response of Floquet states. We argue, and give evidence, that the breakdown of Chern numbers in Floquet states is a discontinuous transition at zero field. This follows from an observation, of independent interest, that Chern numbers for finite dimensional Floquet operators are generically zero. These results rule out the possibility that the breakdown of the Hall conductance is a phase transition at finite fields for a large class of models.Comment: 16 pages, 8 eps figures, LaTeX2e with IOP style. Many changes, including new materia

    Spin dependent scattering of a domain-wall of controlled size

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    Magnetoresistance measurements in the CPP geometry have been performed on single electrodeposited Co nanowires exchange biased on one side by a sputtered amorphous GdCo layer. This geometry allows the stabilization of a single domain wall in the Co wire, the thickness of which can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Comparing magnetization, resistivity, and magnetoresistance studies of single Co nanowires, of GdCo layers, and of the coupled system, gives evidence for an additional contribution to the magnetoresistance when the domain wall is compressed by a magnetic field. This contribution is interpreted as the spin dependent scattering within the domain wall when the wall thickness becomes smaller than the spin diffusion length.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Field-induced breakdown of the quantum Hall effect

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    A numerical analysis is made of the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect caused by the Hall electric field in competition with disorder. It turns out that in the regime of dense impurities, in particular, the number of localized states decreases exponentially with the Hall field, with its dependence on the magnetic and electric field summarized in a simple scaling law. The physical picture underlying the scaling law is clarified. This intra-subband process, the competition of the Hall field with disorder, leads to critical breakdown fields of magnitude of a few hundred V/cm, consistent with observations, and accounts for their magnetic-field dependence \propto B^{3/2} observed experimentally. Some testable consequences of the scaling law are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Current patterns and magnetic impurities in time-reversal breaking superconductor

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    We study the impurity effect in the time reversal symmetry (T{\cal T}) breaking superconductor based on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations. In T{\cal T}-violating superconductors, spontaneous currents are induced around the impurity. The current patterns around the impurity reflect the structures of the Cooper pairs. We investigate impurity problem numerically for two kinds of T{\cal T} violating superconductors (px±ipy(p_{x}\pm {\rm i}p_{y} and d+is)d+{\rm i}s) and investigate the currents around the impurity. We also study the effects of the magnetic impurity in p-wave (px±ipyp_{x}\pm {\rm i}p_{y}) superconductor, especially in view of the zero-energy crossing of energy levels related to the phase transition of the ground state.Comment: 18 page

    Experimental study of positron production from a 2.55-mm-thick silicon crystal target using 8-GeV channeling electron beams with high-bunch charges

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    We have investigated quenching phenomena of channeling radiation through positron production from a silicon crystal hit by a single-bunch electron beam with high-bunch charge at the 8-GeV electron/positron injector linac. The crystal axis, left angle bracket1 1 0right-pointing angle bracket, was aligned to the electron beam with a precise goniometer, and positrons produced in the forward direction with a momentum of 20 MeV/c were detected with a magnetic spectrometer. Positron yields were measured by varying the charge in a bunch with a typical bunch length of not, vert, similar10 ps from 0.1 nC to 2 nC. The corresponding instantaneous current density ranged from 0.15 × 104 to 1.2 × 104 A/cm2. The results show that, at these current densities, the positron yield is proportional to the bunch charge within the experimental accuracy, which implies that no non-linear phenomena are observed in channeling radiation