16 research outputs found

    Characterization of Entire Sequences via Double Orlicz Space

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    Let Γ denote the space of all entire sequences and ∧ the space of all analytic sequences. This paper is a study of the characterization and general properties of entire sequences via double Orlicz space of ΓM2 of Γ2 establishing some inclusion relations

    The Generalized Non-absolute type of sequence spaces

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    In this paper we introduce the notion of λmn−χ2\lambda_{mn}-\chi^{2} and Λ2\Lambda^{2} sequences. Further, we introduce the spaces [χfμ2qλ,∥(d(x1,0),d(x2,0),⋯ ,d(xn−1,0))∥p]I(F)\left[\chi^{2q\lambda}_{f\mu },\left\|\left(d\left(x_{1},0\right),d\left(x_{2},0\right),\cdots, d\left(x_{n-1},0\right)\right)\right\|_{p}\right]^{\textit{I}\left(F\right)} and [Λfμ2qλ,∥(d(x1,0),d(x2,0),⋯ ,d(xn−1,0))∥p]I(F),\left[\Lambda^{2q\lambda}_{f\mu },\left\|\left(d\left(x_{1},0\right),d\left(x_{2},0\right),\cdots, d\left(x_{n-1},0\right)\right)\right\|_{p}\right]^{\textit{I}\left(F\right)}, which are of non-absolute type and we prove that these spaces are linearly isomorphic to the spaces χ2\chi^{2} and Λ2,\Lambda^{2}, respectively. Moreover, we establish some inclusion relations between these spaces

    Resistance to Oral Pathogens Among Dentures Wearers

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    The human oral environment allows the growth of various microorganisms like staphylococcus aureus; streptococcus; enterococcus; klebsiella; e.coli; pseudomonas; candida albicans. As the colonization progress the pathogens start affecting the soft tissues of oral cavity. The maintainance of dentures plays a key role in preventing the pathogens to affect the oral cavity. The aim of the study is to identify the most common pathogens that invades the surface of the denture and to eradicate the pathogens. A study was conducted among 30 geriatric patients attending the OPD of saveetha dental college, saveetha university. 20 denture blocks were prepared with a size of 5x5mm of which 10 were impregnated with an antibiotic agent amoxicillin 500mg and another 10 were impregnated with an antifungal agent fluconazole 150mg. The blocks were reevaluated for the degree of growth of microbial pathogens. The results reveals that the microbial growth medium inoculated with the swab samples collected from 30 different subjects shows ballooning of S.Aureus and C.Albicans. Fluconazole impregnated blocks show the decreased thickness of candidal growth whereas, Amoxicillin impregnated blocks shows the clear zone of inhibition of bacterial growth and the average clear zone is determined. As the candida infections are concerned, fluconazole is effective as expected in control of bacterial growth. The amoxicillin shows the marked effect against the bacteria. The study gave a scope for further investigations with incorporating newer agents or different agents at various concentrations

    Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with mandibular implant screw retained Fp-3 prosthesis opposing maxillary acrylic removable over-denture

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    A hybrid denture is one that is fabricated over a metal framework and retained by screws threaded into the implant abutments. The anterior part of a mandibular hybrid denture is fixed on implants while the posterior part of the denture is extended and cantilevered from implants. This article presents the fabrication of a maxillary over-denture opposing mandibular implant retained hybrid prosthesis. A total of four implants were placed in the mandibular arch. Castable abutments were used to produce the optimal angulations. Framework was waxed, cast recovered, and the fit was refined until the framework seated passively on the master cast. The mandibular denture teeth were waxed to the hybrid framework, and a final wax try-in was performed to verify and correct maxillomandibular relations before processing. The prosthesis was inserted after verification of occlusion, retention, and stability. The rehabilitation of edentulous patients with hybrid dentures has been observed to achieve greater masticatory function and psychological satisfaction than with conventional over-dentures. Producing a passive-fitting substructure for a fixed removable screw retained hybrid prosthesis is arguably one of the most technically complex tasks in implant dentistry. The technique presented may not initially produce a perfectly passive framework, but use of disclosing media and adjusting the internal aspect of the casting can result in non-binding, fully seated prostheses