51 research outputs found


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    Kemampuan benih pepaya untuk berkecambah dipengaruhi oleh resistensi senyawa fenolik yang dapat menghambat perkecambahan dan kendala lain yang disebabkan dormansi benih. Pesentase berkecambah benih disetiap bagian buah juga bervariasi mulai dari bagian pangkal, tengah maupun ujung buah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh letak benih pada buah dan macam perendaman terhadap viabilitas benih pepaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2016. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan  dua  faktor.  Faktor  pertama  adalah  bagian  buah  pepaya,  yakni  :  B1  (ujung),  B2 (tengah), dan B3 (pangkal). Faktor kedua adalah perendaman, ialah P1 (aquades), P2 (air panas 50o  C), P3 (H2SO4  1 %), dan P4 (KNO3  10 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih pepaya bagian tengah buah memiliki viabilitas paling tinggi, perlakuan macam perendaman tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap viabilitas benih pepaya


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    Kemampuan benih pepaya untuk berkecambah dipengaruhi oleh resistensi senyawa fenolik yang dapat menghambat perkecambahan dan kendala lain yang disebabkan dormansi benih. Pesentase berkecambah benih disetiap bagian buah juga bervariasi mulai dari bagian pangkal, tengah maupun ujung buah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh letak benih pada buah dan macam perendaman terhadap viabilitas benih pepaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2016. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan  dua  faktor.  Faktor  pertama  adalah  bagian  buah  pepaya,  yakni  :  B1  (ujung),  B2 (tengah), dan B3 (pangkal). Faktor kedua adalah perendaman, ialah P1 (aquades), P2 (air panas 50o  C), P3 (H2SO4  1 %), dan P4 (KNO3  10 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih pepaya bagian tengah buah memiliki viabilitas paling tinggi, perlakuan macam perendaman tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap viabilitas benih pepaya

    Pengujian Kekhususan Inang Parasitoid Anagyrus Lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) Pada Empat Spesies Kutu Putih Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Tanaman Singkong

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    A parasitoid, Anagyrus lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was introduced from Thailand into Indonesia in early 2014 to control the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). To determine its potential uses and effect on non-target species, behavioural observation of the parasitoids were made on four species of mealybugs, i.e. P. manihoti, Paracoccus marginatus Williams-Granara de Willink, Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi Gimpel-Miller, and Ferrisia virgata Cockerell (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). For that purposes, a set of tests were conducted wich includes host susceptability, preference, and suitability. Tests were conducted by exposing a female parasitoid to 3rd instar nymphs of each mealybug species in a petri dish. For susceptability test, parasitoid A. lopezi encounterend P. manihoti more often (13.70 ± 7.18 visits per 30 minutes) as compared to P. marginatus (985 ± 10.24), P. jackbeardsleyi (6.60 ± 3.62), and F. virgata (5.75 ± 4.09). So did ovipositor probing occurred more on P. manihoti (8.20 ± 5.68 probes per 30 minutes) than on P. marginatus (0.70 ± 1.84), P. jackbeardsleyi (0.35 ± 0.68), and F. virgata (0.10 ± 0.45). For preference test, host encounter and ovipositor probing by the parasitoid were more common on P. manihoti as opposed to other mealybug species. Out of four mealybug species tested, P. manihoti was the only suitable host for parasitoid development, with the number of progenies emerged 7.40 ± 2.17 individuals per 3 female parasitoids exposed in 24 hour. Host specifity exhibited by parasitoid A. lopezi may prevent adverse effect to other mealybug species inhabiting cassava fields

    Oxalate and silica contents of seven varieties of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum)

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    Oxalate and silica are considered antinutrients. Large quantities of oxalate and silica in plants can interfere with the uptake of essential minerals in ruminants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the total silica and oxalate contents of seven varieties of Napier grass to find out which is best for cultivation. Taiwan, Zanzibar, Pakchong, Purple, Kobe, Indian, and Dwarf Napier grass were grown in a completely randomized design with three replications to determine their soluble oxalate, total oxalate, and silica contents. Plants were harvested at two months of plant maturity. Whole plant of the Dwarf Napier grass contained significantly higher soluble oxalate content than tall varieties. Total oxalate content in whole plant differed significantly among varieties. Dwarf showed the highest total oxalate content (3.23% dry matter (DM)) followed by Kobe (2.61%), Zanzibar (2.60%), Purple (2.44%), Taiwan (2.43%), Indian (2.15%), and Pakchong (1.95%). Regardless of variety, leaf tissue contained significantly higher soluble oxalate and total oxalate than stem tissue. There were no differences in silica content among them. In conclusion, the tall varieties could produce lower levels of soluble oxalate than the Dwarf variety, whereas silica content might not vary among them.Keywords: botanical fractions, mineral bioavailability, ruminan

    Thermoelectric properties and high-temperature stability of the Ti<sub>1-x</sub>V<sub>x</sub>CoSb<sub>1-x</sub>Sn<sub>x</sub> half-Heusler alloys

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    The thermoelectric properties and high-temperature stability of the Ti1−xVxCoSb1−xSnx solid solution have been investigated.</p

    Possibility and Effects of Recycling Vinyl-Banner Waste into Fired-Clay Bricks for Home Industry in Lampung

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    Bricks are regarded as important material in building constructions. Basically, brick is processed by mixing clay and water then burnt under high temperature for a certain duration. Previous study in Indonesia shows that mixing local clay with additional materials could improve its characteristic, especially in terms of water absorption potentiality. Lampung has home industries which run brick making business traditionally. Moreover, this year Indonesian government has been organizing regional elections which attract campaigners to produce more vinyl banners as advertising media. As the event has already passed, vinyl banners eventually become environmental issue since they are not yet well managed. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility and effect of red bricks mixtures along with vinyl banner waste. Fired-clay bricks dimensions including length, width, and height are 19 cm, 9.5 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Measurement has done by employing water absorption tests. Waste-added bricks absorb more water than the conventional one, about 11% higher. However, rice-husk-ash-added bricks perform similar to the normal bricks, it has slow rate of water absorption. Absorption rate of waste-added bricks also fast and exceed the conventional and RHA-added bricks. Modified red bricks surfaces are uneven, they show cracks and rough edges

    Possibility and Effects of Recycling Vinyl-Banner Waste Into Fired-Clay Bricks for Home Industry in Lampung

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    Bricks are regarded as important material in building constructions. Basically, brick is processed by mixing clay and water then burnt under high temperature for a certain duration. Previous study in Indonesia shows that mixing local clay with additional materials could improve its characteristic, especially in terms of water absorption potentiality. Lampung has home industries which run brick making business traditionally. Moreover, this year Indonesian government has been organizing regional elections which attract campaigners to produce more vinyl banners as advertising media. As the event has already passed, vinyl banners eventually become environmental issue since they are not yet well managed. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility and effect of red bricks mixtures along with vinyl banner waste. Fired-clay bricks dimensions including length, width, and height are 19 cm, 9.5 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Measurement has done by employing water absorption tests. Waste-added bricks absorb more water than the conventional one, about 11% higher. However, rice-husk-ash-added bricks perform similar to the normal bricks, it has slow rate of water absorption. Absorption rate of waste-added bricks also fast and exceed the conventional and RHA-added bricks. Modified red bricks surfaces are uneven, they show cracks and rough edges