69 research outputs found

    Conditions for free magnetic monopoles in nanoscale square arrays of dipolar spin ice

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    We study a modified frustrated dipolar array recently proposed by M\"{o}ller and Moessner [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{96}, 237202 (2006)], which is based on an array manufactured lithographically by Wang \emph{et al.} [Nature (London) \textbf{439}, 303 (2006)] and consists of introducing a height offset hh between islands (dipoles) pointing along the two different lattice directions. The ground-states and excitations are studied as a function of hh. We have found, in qualitative agreement with the results of M\"{o}ller and Moessner, that the ground-state changes for h>h1h>h_{1}, where h1=0.444ah_{1}= 0.444a (aa is the lattice parameter or distance between islands). In addition, the excitations above the ground-state behave like magnetic poles but confined by a string, whose tension decreases as hh increases, in such a way that for h≈h1h\approx h_1 its value is around 20 times smaller than that for h=0h=0. The system exhibits an anisotropy in the sense that the string tension and magnetic charge depends significantly on the directions in which the monopoles are separated. In turn, the intensity of the magnetic charge abruptly changes when the monopoles are separated along the direction of the longest axis of the islands. Such a gap is attributed to the transition from the anti to the ferromagnetic ground-state when h=h1h=h_1.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Published versio

    Use Dosimetry Virtual Tool for Security Studies Physics and Nuclear

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    AbstractThe objective of this work is to develop a virtual detection tool of radioactive sources, such as to facilitate and assist the training and nuclear security planning. To accomplish this tool was created a virtual model of the Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN) with virtual characters (avatars), able to move and interact with the environment, radiation detectors (fixed and portable) and sources radioactive. A tool developed enabled the simulation where individuals who were carrying radioactive sources were identified through the detectors installed at strategic points in the virtual environment. Furthermore, it was possible to detect and locate sources for handling portable detectors, operated by the characters within the virtual environment. The results showed a radiation detection system before the continuous profile radioactive sources, making it possible to evaluate the dose rate at any position of the virtual environment. So this work could help in both the security agents training and in the evaluation of the radiological safety of a nuclear site

    Nambu monopoles interacting with lattice defects in two-dimensional artificial square spin ice

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    The interactions between an excitation (similar to a pair of Nambu monopoles) and a lattice defect are studied in an artificial two-dimensional square spin ice. This is done by considering a square array of islands containing only one island different from all others. This difference is incorporated in the magnetic moment (spin) of the "imperfect" island and several cases are studied, including the special situation in which this distinct spin is zero (vacancy). We have shown that the two extreme points of a malformed island behave like two opposite magnetic charges. Then, the effective interaction between a pair of Nambu monopoles with the deformed island is a problem involving four magnetic charges (two pairs of opposite poles) and a string. We also sketch the configuration of the field lines of these four charges to confirm this picture. The influence of the string on this interaction decays rapidly with the string distance from the defect.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figure

    Diluted planar ferromagnets: nonlinear excitations on a non-simply connected manifold

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    We study the behavior of magnetic vortices on a two-dimensional support manifold being not simply connected. It is done by considering the continuum approach of the XY-model on a plane with two disks removed from it. We argue that an effective attractive interaction between the two disks may exist due to the presence of a vortex. The results can be applied to diluted planar ferromagnets with easy-plane anisotropy, where the disks can be seen as nonmagnetic impurities. Simulations are also used to test the predictions of the continuum limit.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Vortex behavior near a spin vacancy in 2D XY-magnets

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    The dynamical behavior of anisotropic two dimensional Heisenberg models is still a matter of controversy. The existence of a central peak at all temperatures and a rich structure of magnon peaks are not yet understood. It seems that the central peaks are related, in some way, to structures like vortices. In order to contribute to the discussion of the dynamical behavior of the model we use Monte Carlo and spin dynamics simulations as well analytical calculations to study the behavior of vortices in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities. Our simulations show that vortices are attracted and trapped by the impurities. Using this result we show that if we suppose that vortices are not very much disturbed by the presence of the impurities, then they work as an attractive potential to the vortices explaining the observed behavior in our simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
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