1 research outputs found
Children’s Rights or Employers’ Rights?
- Author
- A Davin
- A Franklin
- A Geo-Jaja
- B Powell
- B White
- C Grootaert
- C Nardinelli
- Christian Aid & SACCS
- CL Watch
- D Sridhar
- D Venkateswarlu
- E Umlas
- F Siddiqi
- Fair Labor Association
- FR Khan
- G Betcherman
- G Brown
- G Tsogas
- HR Watch
- IFI Shihata
- ILO (International Labour Organisation)
- ILO.
- IOE (International Organisation of Employers)
- IOE.
- IOE.
- IOE.
- ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation)
- ITUC/Global Unions
- J Boyden
- J Seabrook
- JA Dorn
- K Basu
- K Basu
- M Chossudovsky
- M Chossudovsky
- M Gulrajani
- M Lavalette
- M Liebel
- M Thomas
- ME Nielsen
- MY Eming
- O Nieuwenhuys
- O Nieuwenhuys
- P Hudson
- P Miljeteig
- R Bhaskaran
- R Broad
- R Lenisink
- R Miliband
- R Rothstein
- S Cunningham
- SE Laird
- SL Kang
- T Evans
- UNCHR (United Nations Commission on Human Rights)
- USDL (United States Department of Labor)
- USGAO (United States General Accounting Office)
- W Bello
- WE Myers
- WE Myers
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study