3,357 research outputs found

    The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic supergroup

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    In a previous work we established a super Schur-Weyl-Brauer duality between the orthosymplectic supergroup of superdimension (m∣2n)(m|2n) and the Brauer algebra with parameter mβˆ’2nm-2n. This led to a proof of the first fundamental theorem of invariant theory, using some elementary algebraic supergeometry, and based upon an idea of Atiyah. In this work we use the same circle of ideas to prove the second fundamental theorem for the orthosymplectic supergroup. The proof uses algebraic supergeometry to reduce the problem to the case of the general linear supergroup, which is understood. The main result has a succinct formulation in terms of Brauer diagrams. Our proof includes new proofs of the corresponding second fundamental theorems for the classical orthogonal and symplectic groups, as well as their quantum analogues. These new proofs are independent of the Capelli identities, which are replaced by algebraic geometric arguments.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Invariants of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra and super Pfaffians

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    Given a complex orthosymplectic superspace VV, the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(V)\mathfrak {osp}(V) and general linear algebra glN{\mathfrak {gl}}_N both act naturally on the coordinate super-ring S(N)\mathcal{S}(N) of the dual space of VβŠ—CNV\otimes{\mathbb C}^N, and their actions commute. Hence the subalgebra S(N)osp(V)\mathcal{S}(N)^{\mathfrak {osp}(V)} of osp(V)\mathfrak {osp}(V)-invariants in S(N)\mathcal{S}(N) has a glN{\mathfrak {gl}}_N-module structure. We introduce the space of super Pfaffians as a simple glN{\mathfrak {gl}}_N-submodule of S(N)osp(V)\mathcal{S}(N)^{\mathfrak {osp}(V)}, give an explicit formula for its highest weight vector, and show that the super Pfaffians and the elementary (or `Brauer') OSp{\rm OSp}-invariants together generate S(N)osp(V)\mathcal{S}(N)^{\mathfrak {osp}(V)} as an algebra. The decomposition of S(N)osp(V)\mathcal{S}(N)^{\mathfrak {osp}(V)} as a direct sum of simple glN{\mathfrak {gl}}_N-submodules is obtained and shown to be multiplicity free. Using Howe's (gl(V),glN)({\mathfrak {gl}}(V), {\mathfrak {gl}}_N)-duality on S(N)\mathcal{S}(N), we deduce from the decomposition that the subspace of osp(V)\mathfrak{osp}(V)-invariants in any simple gl(V){\mathfrak {gl}}(V)-tensor module is either 00 or 11-dimensional. These results also enable us to determine the osp(V)\mathfrak {osp}(V)-invariants in the tensor powers VβŠ—rV^{\otimes r} for all rr

    A Temperley-Lieb analogue for the BMW algebra

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    The Temperley-Lieb algebra may be thought of as a quotient of the Hecke algebra of type A, acting on tensor space as the commutant of the usual action of quantum sl(2) on the n-th tensor power of the 2-dimensional irreducible module. We define and study a quotient of the Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra, which plays an analogous role for the 3-dimensional representation of quantum sl(2). In the course of the discussion we prove some general results about the radical of a cellular algebra, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 31 page

    On endomorphisms of quantum tensor space

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    We give a presentation of the endomorphism algebra \End_{\cU_q(\fsl_2)}(V^{\otimes r}), where VV is the 3-dimensional irreducible module for quantum \fsl_2 over the function field \C(q^{{1/2}}). This will be as a quotient of the Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra BMWr(q):=BMWr(qβˆ’4,q2βˆ’qβˆ’2)BMW_r(q):=BMW_r(q^{-4},q^2-q^{-2}) by an ideal generated by a single idempotent Ξ¦q\Phi_q. Our presentation is in analogy with the case where VV is replaced by the 2- dimensional irreducible \cU_q(\fsl_2)-module, the BMW algebra is replaced by the Hecke algebra Hr(q)H_r(q) of type Arβˆ’1A_{r-1}, Ξ¦q\Phi_q is replaced by the quantum alternator in H3(q)H_3(q), and the endomorphism algebra is the classical realisation of the Temperley-Lieb algebra on tensor space. In particular, we show that all relations among the endomorphisms defined by the RR-matrices on VβŠ—rV^{\otimes r} are consequences of relations among the three RR-matrices acting on VβŠ—4V^{\otimes 4}. The proof makes extensive use of the theory of cellular algebras. Potential applications include the decomposition of tensor powers when qq is a root of unity.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum group actions on rings and equivariant K-theory

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    Let \Uq be a quantum group. Regarding a (noncommutative) space with \Uq-symmetry as a \Uq-module algebra AA, we may think of equivariant vector bundles on AA as projective AA-modules with compatible \Uq-action. We construct an equivariant K-theory of such quantum vector bundles using Quillen's exact categories, and provide means for its compution. The equivariant K-groups of quantum homogeneous spaces and quantum symmetric algebras of classical type are computed.Comment: 31 page

    The first fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic super group

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    We give a new proof, inspired by an argument of Atiyah, Bott and Patodi, of the first fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic super group. We treat in a similar way the case of the periplectic super group. Lastly, the same method is used to explain the fact that Sergeev's super Pfaffian, an invariant for the special orthosymplectic super group, is polynomial

    First fundamental theorems of invariant theory for quantum supergroups

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    Let Uq(g)U_q(\mathfrak{g}) be the quantum supergroup of glm∣n\mathfrak{gl}_{m|n} or the modified quantum supergroup of ospm∣2nosp_{m|2n} over the field of rational functions in qq, and let VqV_q be the natural module for Uq(g)U_q(\mathfrak{g}). There exists a unique tensor functor, associated with VqV_q, from the category of ribbon graphs to the category of finite dimensional representations of Uq(gU_q(\mathfrak{g}, which preserves ribbon category structures. We show that this functor is full in the cases g=glm∣n\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{gl}_{m|n} or osp2β„“+1∣2nosp_{2\ell+1|2n}. For g=osp2β„“βˆ£2n\mathfrak{g}=osp_{2\ell|2n}, we show that the space HomUq(g(VqβŠ—r,VqβŠ—s)Hom_{U_q(\mathfrak{g}}(V_q^{\otimes r}, V_q^{\otimes s}) is spanned by images of ribbon graphs if r+s<2β„“(2n+1)r+s< 2\ell(2n+1). The proofs involve an equivalence of module categories for two versions of the quantisation of U(g)U(\mathfrak{g})

    The Jones quotients of the Temperley-Lieb algebras

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    When the parameter qq is a root of unity, the Temperley-Lieb algebra TLn(q)TL_n(q) is non-semisimple for almost all nn. Jones showed that there is a canonical symmetric bilinear form on TLn(q)TL_n(q), whose radical Rn(q)R_n(q) is generated by a certain idempotent Eβ„“βˆˆTLβ„“βˆ’1(q)βŠ†TLn(q)E_\ell\in TL_{\ell-1}(q)\subseteq TL_n(q), which is now referred to as the Jones-Wenzl idempotent, for which an explicit formula was subsequently given by Graham and Lehrer. In this work, we study the quotients Qn(β„“):=TLn(q)/Rn(q)Q_n(\ell):=TL_n(q)/R_n(q), where ∣q2∣=β„“|q^2|=\ell, which are precisely the algebras generated by Jones' projections. We give the dimensions of their simple modules, as well as dim⁑(Qn(β„“))\dim(Q_n(\ell)); en route we give generating functions and recursions for the dimensions of cell modules and associated combinatorics. When the order ∣q2∣=4|q^2|=4, we obtain an isomorphism of Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell) with the even part of the Clifford algebra, well known to physicists through the Ising model. When ∣q2∣=5|q^2|=5, we obtain a sequence of algebras whose dimensions are the odd-indexed Fibonacci numbers. The general case is described explicitly

    Temperley-Lieb at roots of unity, a fusion category and the Jones quotient

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    When the parameter qq is a root of unity, the Temperley-Lieb algebra TLn(q)TL_n(q) is non-semisimple for almost all nn. In this work, using cellular methods, we give explicit generating functions for the dimensions of all the simple TLn(q)TL_n(q)-modules. Jones showed that if the order ∣q2∣=β„“|q^2|=\ell there is a canonical symmetric bilinear form on TLn(q)TL_n(q), whose radical Rn(q)R_n(q) is generated by a certain idempotent Eβ„“βˆˆTLβ„“βˆ’1(q)βŠ†TLn(q)E_\ell\in TL_{\ell-1}(q)\subseteq TL_n(q), which is now referred to as the Jones-Wenzl idempotent, for which an explicit formula was subsequently given by Graham and Lehrer. Although the algebras Qn(β„“):=TLn(q)/Rn(q)Q_n(\ell):=TL_n(q)/R_n(q), which we refer to as the Jones algebras (or quotients), are not the largest semisimple quotients of the TLn(q)TL_n(q), our results include dimension formulae for all the simple Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell)-modules. This work could therefore be thought of as generalising that of Jones et al. on the algebras Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell). We also treat a fusion category Cred\mathcal{C}_{\rm red} introduced by Reshitikhin, Turaev and Andersen, whose objects are the quantum sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2-tilting modules with non-zero quantum dimension, and which has an associative truncated tensor product (the fusion product). We show Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell) is the endomorphism algebra of a certain module in Cred\mathcal{C}_{\rm red} and use this fact to recover a dimension formula for Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell). We also show how to construct a "stable limit" K(Q∞)K(Q_\infty) of the corresponding fusion category of the Qn(β„“)Q_n(\ell), whose structure is determined by the fusion rule of Cred\mathcal{C}_{\rm red}, and observe a connection with a fusion category of affine sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2 and the Virosoro algebra.Comment: 25 pages. This paper supercedes and replaces our earlier work arXiv:1702.0812

    Cellularity of certain quantum endomorphism algebras

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    We exhibit for all positive integers r, an explicit cellular structure for the endomorphism algebra of the r'th tensor power of an integral form of the Weyl module with highest weight d of the quantised enveloping algebra of sl2. When q is specialised to a root of unity of order bigger than d, we consider the corresponding specialisation of the tensor power. We prove one general result which gives sufficient conditions for the commutativity of specialisation with the taking of endomorphism algebras, and another which relates the multiplicities of indecomposable summands to the dimensions of simple modules for an endomorphism algebra. Our cellularity result then allows us to prove that knowledge of the dimensions of the simple modules of the specialised cellular algebra above is equivalent to knowledge of the weight multiplicities of the tilting modules for the specialised quantum group. In the final section we independently determine the weight multiplicities of indecomposable tilting modules for quantum sl2, and the decomposition numbers of the endomorphism algebras. We indicate how either one of these sets of numbers determines the other.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure
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