240 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of a Semilinear Hyperbolic System Advected by a White in Time Random Velocity Field

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    We study a system of semilinear hyperbolic equations passively advected by smooth white noise in time random velocity fields. Such a system arises in modeling non-premixed isothermal turbulent flames under single-step kinetics of fuel and oxidizer. We derive closed equations for one-point and multi-point probability distribution functions (PDFs) and closed form analytical formulas for the one point PDF function, as well as the two-point PDF function under homogeneity and isotropy. Exact solution formulas allows us to analyze the ensemble averaged fuel/oxidizer concentrations and the motion of their level curves. We recover the empirical formulas of combustion in the thin reaction zone limit and show that these approximate formulas can either underestimate or overestimate average concentrations when reaction zone is not tending to zero. We show that the averaged reaction rate slows down locally in space due to random advection induced diffusion; and that the level curves of ensemble averaged concentration undergo diffusion about mean locations.Comment: 18 page

    Improved linear response for stochastically driven systems

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    The recently developed short-time linear response algorithm, which predicts the average response of a nonlinear chaotic system with forcing and dissipation to small external perturbation, generally yields high precision of the response prediction, although suffers from numerical instability for long response times due to positive Lyapunov exponents. However, in the case of stochastically driven dynamics, one typically resorts to the classical fluctuation-dissipation formula, which has the drawback of explicitly requiring the probability density of the statistical state together with its derivative for computation, which might not be available with sufficient precision in the case of complex dynamics (usually a Gaussian approximation is used). Here we adapt the short-time linear response formula for stochastically driven dynamics, and observe that, for short and moderate response times before numerical instability develops, it is generally superior to the classical formula with Gaussian approximation for both the additive and multiplicative stochastic forcing. Additionally, a suitable blending with classical formula for longer response times eliminates numerical instability and provides an improved response prediction even for long response times

    Ergodicity, Decisions, and Partial Information

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    In the simplest sequential decision problem for an ergodic stochastic process X, at each time n a decision u_n is made as a function of past observations X_0,...,X_{n-1}, and a loss l(u_n,X_n) is incurred. In this setting, it is known that one may choose (under a mild integrability assumption) a decision strategy whose pathwise time-average loss is asymptotically smaller than that of any other strategy. The corresponding problem in the case of partial information proves to be much more delicate, however: if the process X is not observable, but decisions must be based on the observation of a different process Y, the existence of pathwise optimal strategies is not guaranteed. The aim of this paper is to exhibit connections between pathwise optimal strategies and notions from ergodic theory. The sequential decision problem is developed in the general setting of an ergodic dynamical system (\Omega,B,P,T) with partial information Y\subseteq B. The existence of pathwise optimal strategies grounded in two basic properties: the conditional ergodic theory of the dynamical system, and the complexity of the loss function. When the loss function is not too complex, a general sufficient condition for the existence of pathwise optimal strategies is that the dynamical system is a conditional K-automorphism relative to the past observations \bigvee_n T^n Y. If the conditional ergodicity assumption is strengthened, the complexity assumption can be weakened. Several examples demonstrate the interplay between complexity and ergodicity, which does not arise in the case of full information. Our results also yield a decision-theoretic characterization of weak mixing in ergodic theory, and establish pathwise optimality of ergodic nonlinear filters.Comment: 45 page

    Associação entre características de desempenho de tilápia-do-nilo ao longo do período de cultivo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as herdabilidades e a estrutura de correlações genéticas entre as características de desempenho de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) da linhagem GIFT, em diferentes estágios do ciclo de produção. As tilápias foram cultivadas em tanques - rede. Mediu-se ganho em peso diário total, peso vivo e ganho em peso diário, em quatro períodos, com intervalos de aproximadamente 30 dias. Foram realizadas análises unicaracter para as medidas, em todas as biometrias e, nas análises bicaracter, as medidas de mesma característica foram combinadas duas a duas e com o ganho em peso diário total. As estimações de herdabilidade variaram de 0,15 a 0,11 para peso vivo, 0,16 a 0,09 para ganho em peso diário e 0,17 a 0,12 para ganho em peso diário total, nas análises unicaracter. Os valores estimados de correlação genética para peso vivo e ganho em peso diário, associados ao ganho em peso diário total, variaram entre 0,37 a 0,98 e 0,74 a 0,8 respectivamente. A forte associação genética estimada entre peso vivo em biometrias intermediárias e ganho em peso diário total sugere que a seleção para velocidade de crescimento pode ser realizada de forma precoce

    Observability and nonlinear filtering

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    This paper develops a connection between the asymptotic stability of nonlinear filters and a notion of observability. We consider a general class of hidden Markov models in continuous time with compact signal state space, and call such a model observable if no two initial measures of the signal process give rise to the same law of the observation process. We demonstrate that observability implies stability of the filter, i.e., the filtered estimates become insensitive to the initial measure at large times. For the special case where the signal is a finite-state Markov process and the observations are of the white noise type, a complete (necessary and sufficient) characterization of filter stability is obtained in terms of a slightly weaker detectability condition. In addition to observability, the role of controllability in filter stability is explored. Finally, the results are partially extended to non-compact signal state spaces

    On the exchange of intersection and supremum of sigma-fields in filtering theory

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    We construct a stationary Markov process with trivial tail sigma-field and a nondegenerate observation process such that the corresponding nonlinear filtering process is not uniquely ergodic. This settles in the negative a conjecture of the author in the ergodic theory of nonlinear filters arising from an erroneous proof in the classic paper of H. Kunita (1971), wherein an exchange of intersection and supremum of sigma-fields is taken for granted.Comment: 20 page

    Upper estimate of martingale dimension for self-similar fractals

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    We study upper estimates of the martingale dimension dmd_m of diffusion processes associated with strong local Dirichlet forms. By applying a general strategy to self-similar Dirichlet forms on self-similar fractals, we prove that dm=1d_m=1 for natural diffusions on post-critically finite self-similar sets and that dmd_m is dominated by the spectral dimension for the Brownian motion on Sierpinski carpets.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figures; minor revision with adding a referenc

    An Optimal Execution Problem with Market Impact

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    We study an optimal execution problem in a continuous-time market model that considers market impact. We formulate the problem as a stochastic control problem and investigate properties of the corresponding value function. We find that right-continuity at the time origin is associated with the strength of market impact for large sales, otherwise the value function is continuous. Moreover, we show the semi-group property (Bellman principle) and characterise the value function as a viscosity solution of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. We introduce some examples where the forms of the optimal strategies change completely, depending on the amount of the trader's security holdings and where optimal strategies in the Black-Scholes type market with nonlinear market impact are not block liquidation but gradual liquidation, even when the trader is risk-neutral.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, a modified version of the article "An optimal execution problem with market impact" in Finance and Stochastics (2014

    Analytic Controllability of Time-Dependent Quantum Control Systems

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    The question of controllability is investigated for a quantum control system in which the Hamiltonian operator components carry explicit time dependence which is not under the control of an external agent. We consider the general situation in which the state moves in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, a drift term is present, and the operators driving the state evolution may be unbounded. However, considerations are restricted by the assumption that there exists an analytic domain, dense in the state space, on which solutions of the controlled Schrodinger equation may be expressed globally in exponential form. The issue of controllability then naturally focuses on the ability to steer the quantum state on a finite-dimensional submanifold of the unit sphere in Hilbert space -- and thus on analytic controllability. A relatively straightforward strategy allows the extension of Lie-algebraic conditions for strong analytic controllability derived earlier for the simpler, time-independent system in which the drift Hamiltonian and the interaction Hamiltonia have no intrinsic time dependence. Enlarging the state space by one dimension corresponding to the time variable, we construct an augmented control system that can be treated as time-independent. Methods developed by Kunita can then be implemented to establish controllability conditions for the one-dimension-reduced system defined by the original time-dependent Schrodinger control problem. The applicability of the resulting theorem is illustrated with selected examples.Comment: 13 page

    Stochastic Line-Motion and Stochastic Conservation Laws for Non-Ideal Hydromagnetic Models. I. Incompressible Fluids and Isotropic Transport Coefficients

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    We prove that smooth solutions of non-ideal (viscous and resistive) incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations satisfy a stochastic law of flux conservation. This property involves an ensemble of surfaces obtained from a given, fixed surface by advecting it backward in time under the plasma velocity perturbed with a random white-noise. It is shown that the magnetic flux through the fixed surface is equal to the average of the magnetic fluxes through the ensemble of surfaces at earlier times. This result is an analogue of the well-known Alfven theorem of ideal MHD and is valid for any value of the magnetic Prandtl number. A second stochastic conservation law is shown to hold at unit Prandtl number, a random version of the generalized Kelvin theorem derived by Bekenstein-Oron for ideal MHD. These stochastic conservation laws are not only shown to be consequences of the non-ideal MHD equations, but are proved in fact to be equivalent to those equations. We derive similar results for two more refined hydromagnetic models, Hall magnetohydrodynamics and the two-fluid plasma model, still assuming incompressible velocities and isotropic transport coefficients. Finally, we use these results to discuss briefly the infinite-Reynolds-number limit of hydromagnetic turbulence and to support the conjecture that flux-conservation remains stochastic in that limit.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, submitted to J. Math. Phys