117 research outputs found

    Tracing the evolution and charting the future of geothermal energy research and development

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    The gamut of geothermal energy research encompasses the studies aimed at harnessing the abundant and inexhaustible thermal energy within the Earth, and it ranges from heat transfer to the activity of thermophilic microorganisms, 3D printing, and additive manufacturing and impacts the NET ZERO endeavour of humanity. In this paper, computational social network analysis has been employed to discover the subfield clusters of geothermal energy research and further trace the key evolutionary routes from the research corpus. The development, limitations, and opportunities of each cluster are examined, and it becomes evident that the focus of research ranges from geothermal evaluation, long-term effects of borehole heat exchangers, shallow systems that employ urbanisation's ground heating, enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) for district heating, combined and hybridised geothermal power generating models, including multi-generation and poly-generation, geothermal fluids, reinjection and their dual nature, environmental effects in geothermal water and mineral scaling, enhanced geothermal systems aiming to increase permeability without causing seismicity, and finally to social acceptability. We address significant questions, such as whether the waste heat is compatible with the idea of green geothermal heat and the elimination of pollutants and find that further R&D and technological advancements are required for this ubiquitous clean energy to get wider acceptance and employment. The future of this energy depends on the rational and scientifically sound exploration and use of the resources, just as in the case of fossil fuels, and thus precludes geothermal energy as a win-all solution to the energy needs of the whole world

    Antimicrobial activity of ProRoot MTA in contact with blood

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    Dental materials based on Portland cement, which is used in the construction industry have gained popularity for clinical use due to their hydraulic properties, the interaction with tooth tissue and their antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial properties are optimal in vitro. However in clinical use contact with blood may affect the antimicrobial properties. This study aims to assess whether antimicrobial properties of the Portland cement-based dental cements such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) are also affected by contact with blood present in clinical situations. ProRoot MTA, a Portland cement-based dental cement was characterized following contact with water, or heparinized blood after 1 day and 7 days aging. The antimicrobial activity under the mentioned conditions was assessed using 3 antimicrobial tests: agar diffusion test, direct contact test and intratubular infection test. MTA in contact with blood was severely discoloured, exhibited an additional phosphorus peak in elemental analysis, no calcium hydroxide peaks and no areas of bacterial inhibition growth in the agar diffusion test were demonstrated. ProRoot MTA showed limited antimicrobial activity, in both the direct contact test and intratubular infection test. When aged in water ProRoot MTA showed higher antimicrobial activity than when aged in blood. Antimicrobial activity reduced significantly after 7 days. Further assessment is required to investigate behaviour in clinical situations.ERDF (Malta) for the financing of the testing equipment through the project: “Developing an Interdisciplinary Material Testing and Rapid Prototyping R&D Facility” (Ref. no. 012)

    Review of nanomaterials in dentistry: interactions with the oral microenvironment, clinical applications, hazards, and benefits.

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    Interest in the use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) as either nanomedicines or dental materials/devices in clinical dentistry is growing. This review aims to detail the ultrafine structure, chemical composition, and reactivity of dental tissues in the context of interactions with ENMs, including the saliva, pellicle layer, and oral biofilm; then describes the applications of ENMs in dentistry in context with beneficial clinical outcomes versus potential risks. The flow rate and quality of saliva are likely to influence the behavior of ENMs in the oral cavity, but how the protein corona formed on the ENMs will alter bioavailability, or interact with the structure and proteins of the pellicle layer, as well as microbes in the biofilm, remains unclear. The tooth enamel is a dense crystalline structure that is likely to act as a barrier to ENM penetration, but underlying dentinal tubules are not. Consequently, ENMs may be used to strengthen dentine or regenerate pulp tissue. ENMs have dental applications as antibacterials for infection control, as nanofillers to improve the mechanical and bioactive properties of restoration materials, and as novel coatings on dental implants. Dentifrices and some related personal care products are already available for oral health applications. Overall, the clinical benefits generally outweigh the hazards of using ENMs in the oral cavity, and the latter should not prevent the responsible innovation of nanotechnology in dentistry. However, the clinical safety regulations for dental materials have not been specifically updated for ENMs, and some guidance on occupational health for practitioners is also needed. Knowledge gaps for future research include the formation of protein corona in the oral cavity, ENM diffusion through clinically relevant biofilms, and mechanistic investigations on how ENMs strengthen the tooth structure

    Is it time to bid farewell to the pulmonary artery catheter?

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