68 research outputs found

    Effect of 6-Month Athletic Training on Motor Abilities in Seven-Year-Old Schoolgirls

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    The effects of six-month athletic training on improving motor abilities in 7-year-old schoolgirls were assessed. Analysis of the results of 12 motor tests showed significant improvement in the study group (n=38) in comparison with control group (n=140) subjected to conventional physical education classes only. The improvement referred to the variables of aerobic endurance (3-min run), flexibility (forward bow), explosive strength (ball throwing and 20-m run), keeping balance (bench standing), static strength (bent arm hang), and repetitive strength (sit-ups). These are probably adaptive changes brought up by discriminant functions. The varimax factor and discriminative function correlations indicated that all four factors of changes contributed significantly to the explanation of discriminative function. An almost equally high correlation of varimax factors and discriminative function was obtained on the basis of differences in the third factor responsible for changes in the frequency of movements and in the explosive strength of the jump type; in the second factor responsible for changes in coordination with changes in the repetitive strength of the body; and in the fourth factor responsible for changes in the explosive strength of the throw and sprint types with changes and endurance

    Influence of the Attack End Conduction on Match Result in Handball

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    The influence of 18 predictive variables on final match result in the character of the criterion variable has been analyzed for the purpose to establish the significance of positional direction of the attack end conduction on the situation-related resulting successfulness in top quality handball. It has been done on the sample of 80 matches from 1999 Men , s World Handball Championship in Egypt. The frequency and the effectiveness of shooting from different playing positions are defined by these predictive variables. It is evident from investigation results that predictive variables significantly explain resulting successfulness. Significant influence on final match result is given by all variables defining the effectiveness of the realization (achieved goals), except from the pivot attacker position. Also particularly significant influence on final match result is given by variables of the realization from back attacker positions and from individual action by the break-through and from the fastbreak. Variables relating to the frequency of shooting from particular position have no significant influence on the result meaning that resulting successfulness does not depend on quantity but on quality of shots

    Effect of Specially Programmed Physical and Health Education on Motor Fitness of Seven-Year-Old School Children

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    The efficacy of specially programmed physical and health education on the motor development of first-grade pupils was analyzed in a sample of 633 children aged 7 years. Pupils have been divided into control group consisting of 140 boys and 137 girls attending standard program of physical and health education, and in experimental group consisting of 184 boys and 172 girls attending specially programmed physical and health education. A battery of 12 motor tests has been used on two occasions separated by nine -month interval. Analysis of time-changes (by using the model of differences) pointed to the significantly greater quantitative changes in experimental group compared with control group of children. In boys, the changes are obtained for the tests of aerobic endurance, static strength, flexibility, speed, explosive strength of sprint and throw type, and equilibrium, and in girls, they are for aerobic endurance, static strength, explosive strength of throw and sprint type, flexibility, repetitive strength, speed, and equilibrium

    Effect of Specially Programmed Physical and Health Education on Motor Fitness of Seven-Year-Old School Children

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    The efficacy of specially programmed physical and health education on the motor development of first-grade pupils was analyzed in a sample of 633 children aged 7 years. Pupils have been divided into control group consisting of 140 boys and 137 girls attending standard program of physical and health education, and in experimental group consisting of 184 boys and 172 girls attending specially programmed physical and health education. A battery of 12 motor tests has been used on two occasions separated by nine -month interval. Analysis of time-changes (by using the model of differences) pointed to the significantly greater quantitative changes in experimental group compared with control group of children. In boys, the changes are obtained for the tests of aerobic endurance, static strength, flexibility, speed, explosive strength of sprint and throw type, and equilibrium, and in girls, they are for aerobic endurance, static strength, explosive strength of throw and sprint type, flexibility, repetitive strength, speed, and equilibrium

    Comparative analysis of antibiotic residue in milk using enzyme and microbiological methods

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    Antibiotic residue can have a harmful effect on human health and can disrupt the processing of milk and milk products. In order to prevent these unwanted effects of residue, different screening methods are used today. The basic goal of this paper is to compare screening methods performed during the testing of milk from different points of the production chain. In this paper we have comparatively analyzed three screening methods: microbiological methods - the Delvo SP test and the diffusion method with B. stearothermophilus as the test microorganism, and an enzyme method - the Penzym S test. Twenty samples of farm milk from collective tanks were analyzed, as well as 20 samples of milk from transport cisterns, 10 samples of pasteurized milk and 10 samples of sterilized market milk. Based on the comparative analysis of the diffusion method, Delvo SP test and Panzym S test, we conclude that all three methods are in hgih mutual accordance (the kappa value oscillates from nearly ideal to ideal coinciding) and thus meet one of the criteria for being included in the systematic control of milk for the presence of antibiotic residue.Rezidue antibiotika mogu štetno da deluju i na zdravlje ljudi i ometaju preradu mleka u proizvode. Da bi se sprečili ovi nepoželjni efekti rezidua, danas se koriste različite skrining metode. Osnovni zadatak ovoga rada je poređenje skrining metoda prilikom ispitivanja mleka sa različitih mesta u lancu proizvodnje. U radu smo uporedo ispitali tri skrining metode: mikrobiološke metode Delvo SP test i Difuzionu metodu sa B. stearothermophilus kao test mikroorganizmom i enzimsku metodu Penzym S test. Ispitano je 20 uzoraka mleka iz sabirnih tankova sa farme, 20 uzoraka mleka iz transportnih cisterni, 10 uzoraka pasterizovanog mleka i 10 uzoraka sterilizovanog mleka iz prometa. Na osnovu uporednih ispitivanja Difuzione metode, Delvo SP testa i Penzym S testa zaključujemo da su sve tri metode u visokoj međusobnoj saglasnosti (kappa vrednost se kreće od skoro idealne podudarnosti do idealne podudarnosti) i time ispunjavaju jedan od kriterijuma za uključivanje u sistematsku kontrolu mleka na prisustvo rezidua antibiotika

    Influence of the Attack End Conduction on Match Result in Handball

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    The influence of 18 predictive variables on final match result in the character of the criterion variable has been analyzed for the purpose to establish the significance of positional direction of the attack end conduction on the situation-related resulting successfulness in top quality handball. It has been done on the sample of 80 matches from 1999 Men , s World Handball Championship in Egypt. The frequency and the effectiveness of shooting from different playing positions are defined by these predictive variables. It is evident from investigation results that predictive variables significantly explain resulting successfulness. Significant influence on final match result is given by all variables defining the effectiveness of the realization (achieved goals), except from the pivot attacker position. Also particularly significant influence on final match result is given by variables of the realization from back attacker positions and from individual action by the break-through and from the fastbreak. Variables relating to the frequency of shooting from particular position have no significant influence on the result meaning that resulting successfulness does not depend on quantity but on quality of shots

    Effect of 6-Month Athletic Training on Motor Abilities in Seven-Year-Old Schoolgirls

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    The effects of six-month athletic training on improving motor abilities in 7-year-old schoolgirls were assessed. Analysis of the results of 12 motor tests showed significant improvement in the study group (n=38) in comparison with control group (n=140) subjected to conventional physical education classes only. The improvement referred to the variables of aerobic endurance (3-min run), flexibility (forward bow), explosive strength (ball throwing and 20-m run), keeping balance (bench standing), static strength (bent arm hang), and repetitive strength (sit-ups). These are probably adaptive changes brought up by discriminant functions. The varimax factor and discriminative function correlations indicated that all four factors of changes contributed significantly to the explanation of discriminative function. An almost equally high correlation of varimax factors and discriminative function was obtained on the basis of differences in the third factor responsible for changes in the frequency of movements and in the explosive strength of the jump type; in the second factor responsible for changes in coordination with changes in the repetitive strength of the body; and in the fourth factor responsible for changes in the explosive strength of the throw and sprint types with changes and endurance

    Coupled wake boundary layer model of wind-farms

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    We present and test the coupled wake boundary layer (CWBL) model that describes the distribution of the power output in a wind-farm. The model couples the traditional, industry-standard wake model approach with a "top-down" model for the overall wind-farm boundary layer structure. This wake model captures the effect of turbine positioning, while the "top-down" portion of the model adds the interactions between the wind-turbine wakes and the atmospheric boundary layer. Each portion of the model requires specification of a parameter that is not known a-priori. For the wake model, the wake expansion coefficient is required, while the "top-down" model requires an effective spanwise turbine spacing within which the model's momentum balance is relevant. The wake expansion coefficient is obtained by matching the predicted mean velocity at the turbine from both approaches, while the effective spanwise turbine spacing depends on turbine positioning and thus can be determined from the wake model. Coupling of the constitutive components of the CWBL model is achieved by iterating these parameters until convergence is reached. We illustrate the performance of the model by applying it to both developing wind-farms including entrance effects and to fully developed (deep-array) conditions. Comparisons of the CWBL model predictions with results from a suite of large eddy simulations (LES) shows that the model closely represents the results obtained in these high-fidelity numerical simulations. A comparison with measured power degradation at the Horns Rev and Nysted wind-farms shows that the model can also be successfully applied to real wind-farms.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy on July 18, 201

    Uloga veterinara u obezbeđenju zdravstvene ispravnosti namirnica životinjskog porekla

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    The consumer demands that to be provided with a sufficient quantity of articles of animal origin that meet the requirements of sanitary hygiene and are available at acceptable prices. Food articles of animal origin that are safe for human consumption can be obtained only from healthy animals. Veterinarians are daily concerned with the health of animals and are taking measures to prevent the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms from animals to humans. The knowledge of epizootiology, microbiology, the sources and pathways of contamination of food articles of animal origin by microbiological and chemical pollutants, the procedures in the process of producing food articles in which such pollutants can be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level, and the connection between these factors and human health, give veterinarians the key position in the securing of sanitary hygiene of articles of animal origin. The safety of articles of animal origin is a specialized field in the area of veterinary medicine that links all the activities of a veterinarian. In partnership with other professions, engaged in the chain of food production, veterinarians guarantee that food articles are safe for the health of consumers.Potrošač zahteva da mu se obezbedi dovoljno zdravstveno bezbednih namirnica životinjskog porekla po prihvatljivim cenama. Namirnice životinjskog porekla bezbedne po zdravlje ljudi mogu da se dobiju samo od zdravih životinja. Veterinari se svakodnevno staraju o zdravlju životinja i preduzimaju mere da se spreči prenošenje patogenih mikroorganizama sa životinja na ljude. Poznavanje epizootiologije, mikrobiologije, izvora i puteva kontaminacije namirnica životinjskog porekla mikrobiološkim i hemijskim zagađivačima, postupaka u procesu proizvodnje namirnica kojima se ti zagađivači mogu da eliminišu ili svedu na prihvatljiv nivo i povezanost tih faktora sa zdravljem ljudi, daje veterinarima ključno mesto u obezbeđenju zdravstvene ispravnosti namirnica životinjskog porekla. Higijena namirnica životinjskog porekla je specijalizovano polje u oblasti veterinarske medicine koje povezuje sve aktivnosti veterinara. U partnerstvu sa drugim strukama, koje su u lancu proizvodnje hrane, veterinari garantuju da su namirnice za potrošača zdravstveno bezbedne