2,318 research outputs found

    Chain Homotopies for Object Topological Representations

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    This paper presents a set of tools to compute topological information of simplicial complexes, tools that are applicable to extract topological information from digital pictures. A simplicial complex is encoded in a (non-unique) algebraic-topological format called AM-model. An AM-model for a given object K is determined by a concrete chain homotopy and it provides, in particular, integer (co)homology generators of K and representative (co)cycles of these generators. An algorithm for computing an AM-model and the cohomological invariant HB1 (derived from the rank of the cohomology ring) with integer coefficients for a finite simplicial complex in any dimension is designed here. A concept of generators which are "nicely" representative cycles is also presented. Moreover, we extend the definition of AM-models to 3D binary digital images and we design algorithms to update the AM-model information after voxel set operations (union, intersection, difference and inverse)

    Estudio de técnicas para la supervisión de calidad y clasificación de granos de café tostado: análisis de nuevas tecnologías

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    El tostado es el paso más importante en el procesamiento del café, responsable de los cambios químicos, físicos, estructurales y organolépticos en el grano. Durante este proceso los granos verdes y secos son sometidos a un tratamiento caracterizado por varias temperaturas aplicadas en fases sucesivas a lo largo del tiempo consignado, que determinará las características finales del producto. El color es el parámetro más empleado para establecer el nivel de tostado del café, aspecto relevante en el momento de evaluar la calidad del producto final. Para la medición del color en el café existe instrumentación específica, colorímetros comerciales desarrollados exclusivamente para esta aplicación. El presente trabajo presenta y compara la instrumentación comercialmente disponible para asistencia en el control de calidad de la industria tostadora de café, y propone otros equipos cuya aplicación podría potencialmente aumentar el nivel de control sobre la operación de tostado aportando información adicional y complementaria a la de la colorimetría, como espectrofotómetros o técnicas de análisis de imagen

    Advanced characterization of a coffee fermenting tank by multi-distributed wireless sensors: spatial interpolation and phase diagrams.

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    In coffee processing the fermentation stage is considered one of the critical operations by its impact on the final quality of the product. However, the level of control of the fermentation process on each farm is often not adequate; the use of sensorics for controlling coffee fermentation is not common. The objective of this work is to characterize the fermentation temperature in a fermentation tank by applying spatial interpolation and a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space diagrams of temperature data, collected by means of multi-distributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors. A real coffee fermentation was supervised in the Cauca region (Colombia) with a network of 24 semi-passive TurboTag RFID temperature loggers with vacuum plastic cover, submerged directly in the fermenting mass. Temporal evolution and spatial distribution of temperature is described in terms of the phase diagram areas which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature and highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermal conditions at different locations in the tank where the average temperature of the fermentation was 21.2 °C, although there were temperature ranges of 4.6°C, and average spatial standard deviation of ±1.21ºC. In the upper part of the tank we found high heterogeneity of temperatures, the higher temperatures and therefore the higher fermentation rates. While at the bottom, it has been computed an area in the phase diagram practically half of the area occupied by the sensors of the upper tank, therefore this location showed higher temperature homogeneit

    COVID-19 pandemic on coronary artery and cerebrovascular diseases in Southern Spain: interrupted time series analysis

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    Objective: Healthcare systems have been put under intense pressure by the COVID-19 pandemic, although some studies have shown a decline in hospital admissions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases during the first and second wave of the pandemic. In addition, studies analyzing gender and procedural differences are scarce. The present study aimed to determine the impact of the pandemic on hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) in Andalusia (Spain) and analyzed differences by gender and by percutaneous coronary interventions performed. Patients and methods: An interrupted time series analysis of AMI and CVD hospital admissions in Andalusia (Spain) was carried out to measure the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. AMI and CVD cases admitted daily in public hospitals of Andalusia between January 2018 and December 2020 were included. Results: During the pandemic, significant reductions in AMI [-19%; 95% confidence interval (CI): (-29%, -9%), p<0.001] and CVD [-17%; 95% CI: (-26%, -9%); p<0.01] in daily hospital admissions were observed. Differences were also produced according to the diagnosis (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction, other AMI and stroke), with a greater reduction in females for AMI and in males for CVD. Although there were more percutaneous coronary interventions during the pandemic, no significant reductions were observed. Conclusions: A decline in AMI and CVD daily hospital admissions during the first and second wave of COVID-19 pandemic was noted. Gender differences were observed, but no clear impact was observed in percutaneous interventions

    Prospective of Innovative Technologies for Quality Supervision and Classification of Roasted Coffee Beans

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    Color sorting is the major procedure employed for establish roast degree of coffee beans. However, color-based procedures have been proven to be ineffective, since coffee beans roasted to different degrees can present the same average readings in light reflectance measurements with significant quality variations. Besides to color, other major changes in beans are volume (swell), mass, form, bean pop and density. Eight samples of arabica coffee from Colombia and Guatemala have been roasted under slightly different conditions of time and temperature in order to obtain the same color classification. Sample analysis of data from nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry show differences between samples in T1 and T2 parameters at cellular and subcellular level, and image analysis carried out on X-ray μCT leading to microestruture images corroborate differences in porosity and fissures presence among them, proving the potentiality of these technological solutions for sensing the microstructure of coffee to provide tools to enhance the roasting process

    The CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model: the approach to the decoupling limit

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    A CP-even neutral Higgs boson with Standard-Model-like couplings may be the lightest scalar of a two-Higgs-doublet model. We study the decoupling limit of the most general CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model, where the mass of the lightest Higgs scalar is significantly smaller than the masses of the other Higgs bosons of the model. In this case, the properties of the lightest Higgs boson are nearly indistinguishable from those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. The first non-trivial corrections to Higgs couplings in the approach to the decoupling limit are also evaluated. The importance of detecting such deviations in precision Higgs measurements at future colliders is emphasized. We also clarify the case in which a neutral Higgs boson can possess Standard-Model-like couplings in a regime where the decoupling limit does not apply. The two-Higgs-doublet sector of the minimal supersymmetric model illustrates many of the above features.Comment: 54 pages, 2 tables, revtex4 format, some new material added (including elegant forms for the three-Higgs and four-Higgs couplings) and typographical errors fixe

    SUSY-electroweak one-loop contributions to Flavour-Changing Higgs-Boson Decays

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    The SUSY-EW one-loop quantum contributions to flavour-changing MSSM Higgs-boson decays into bsˉb \bar s and sbˉs \bar b are computed and discussed. We use the full diagrammatic approach that is valid for all tanβ\tan \beta values and do not rely on the mass-insertion approximation for the characteristic flavour-changing parameter. We analyze in full detail the dependence of these flavour-changing partial widths on all the relevant MSSM parameters and also study the non-decoupling behaviour of these widths with the SUSY mass parameters. We find that these contributions are sizable as compared to the SM ones, and together with the SUSY-QCD contributions they can be very efficient as an indirect method in the future search for Supersymmetry.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 12 figures. Text improved and References added. Version to appear in Phys.Rev.