45 research outputs found

    Meat, wool and milk utilization together with comparison of F1 coming from Finnsheep rams with F1 coming from other prolific breeds

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    The effect of crossing of Polish Corriedale (C) sheep with East Friesian, Finnsheep (F), and Polish Heath sheep was analyzed. The utility of F1 crossbreds coming from C and prolific breed rams (given above) was confirmed. The F, crosses of C ewes and F rams were characterized by the best reproductive performance, high level of milk production and the small decrease of wool quality and quantity produced by the ewes, and good carcase quality of ram lambs

    Development in Postmodern Time

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    W artykule przedstawiono istotę zrównoważonego rozwoju w późnej nowoczesności odnoszącą się do kształtowania rozwoju społecznego zarówno lokalnych społeczeństw, jak i globalnego społeczeństwa. Rozwój sustensywny (zrównoważony) jest procesem wielopoziomowym. W szczególności, oznacza to, że powinno następować polepszanie jakości życia wszystkich istot ludzkich, a także kreowanie ładu społecznego, gospodarczego, ekologicznego, przestrzennego i instytucjonalno-politycznego. Zaspokojenie potrzeb człowieka powinno następować przez realizację odpowiednich celów społecznych i/lub gospodarczych i/lub środowiskowych współtworzących rozwój. Współzależności pomiędzy tymi trzema kategoriami rozwojowymi winny się wzajemnie interaktywnie warunkować, a tym samym ujmować fakt, że proces rozwojowy zachodzi w trójsystemie.This paper provides consideration on sustainable development in postmodern time, which should conduct shaping of social development as well as development of local and global communities. Ensuring sustainability of development is a multilevel process. In particular, that means that sustainability is achieved by improving live quality of each member of population, and needs creating of adequate social, economical, ecological, spatial and institutional-political order. Fulfilling of human needs leading to improvement quality of life should be achieved by realization following objectives social and/or economical and/or environmental, what is equal with development social and/or economical and/or environmental. Interrelationships between those three categories of development influence and limited each other

    Dilemmas of environmental programming in the context of sustainable development

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    The analysis of the existing dilemmas as well as methods of environmental programming indicates clearly that radical change is needed, not only procedural, but above all in institutional management. This change should be linked with the proposed by the Ministry of Regional Development reform, with almost revolutionary development management system change. It should be achieve by adequate strategic planning of the development of Poland. Equally important is to organize the substantive content of the various “green” policies. Cardinal factor causing disorder in the Polish strategic programming is the lack of guidance document, a document which is kind of foundation of the whole edifice of development programming. It should be a strategy for sustainable development of the Poland. Without it, “we are all lonely rudder and sailors”

    Meat quality of corriedale ram-lambs as compared to their crosses with rams of fertile breeds

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    Соответствующие исследования проводились в сельскохозяйственной опытной станции Пучнев на материале 45 баранчиков. Тридцать ягнят происходило от товарного скрещивания овец корридель с баранами финской и фризской породы (обе опытные группы насчитывали по 15 голов), сравниваемых с отечественными корриделями. Животных откармливали до веса тела 40 кг, а затем их убивали и оценивали тканевый состав тушек путем диссекции окорока, а также определяли питательные достои - ства мяса. Самое высокое содержание мяса установлено в окороках баранчиков как типа корридель так и их помесей с фризскими овцематками. Самое малое ожирение мяса было у помесей корриделя с финской молочной овцой. Не наблюдались существенные различия в физических признаках мяса (pH, окраска, водопоглотимость). Содержание сухого вещества и общего дира было самым высоким в мясе помесей корриделя с финской овцой. Относительно общего белка не обнаружено статистически существенных различий.The respective investigations were carried out at the Agricultural Experiment Station Puczniew on 45 ram-lambs. Thirty lambs originated from commercial crossing of Corriedale sheep with East-Friesian and Finnish rams and 15 lambs constituted Corriedale sheep. All animals were fattened to the liveweight of 40 kg,, then slaughtered and the hind leg was dissected to determine the tissue composition of the carcass. Thereupon the quality of meat was estimated. The highest content of lean meat in the hind leg of lamb was found in the Corriedale ram-lambs and in those originating from F₁ crosses with the East-Friesian sheep. The lowest fat content was found in lambs of the crosses of Corriedale ewes with East-Friesian rams. No significant differences in the physical traits of meat of particular experimental groups has been proved. The content of dry matter and crude fat was the highest in the lean meat of crosses of Corriedale ewes with Finnish rams. No significant differences have been foud, either, in the crude protein content in the lean meat