24,097 research outputs found

    Upper Limits from Counting Experiments with Multiple Pipelines

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    In counting experiments, one can set an upper limit on the rate of a Poisson process based on a count of the number of events observed due to the process. In some experiments, one makes several counts of the number of events, using different instruments, different event detection algorithms, or observations over multiple time intervals. We demonstrate how to generalize the classical frequentist upper limit calculation to the case where multiple counts of events are made over one or more time intervals using several (not necessarily independent) procedures. We show how different choices of the rank ordering of possible outcomes in the space of counts correspond to applying different levels of significance to the various measurements. We propose an ordering that is matched to the sensitivity of the different measurement procedures and show that in typical cases it gives stronger upper limits than other choices. As an example, we show how this method can be applied to searches for gravitational-wave bursts, where multiple burst-detection algorithms analyse the same data set, and demonstrate how a single combined upper limit can be set on the gravitational-wave burst rate.Comment: 26 pages (CQG style), 8 figures. Added study of robustness of limits

    Incidence angle bounds for lip flow separation of three 13.97-centimeter-diameter inlets

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    Low speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to establish a procedure for determining inlet-lip flow separation and to make preliminary examination of the incidence angle bounds for lip flow separation on inlets intended for the nacelles of STOL (short takeoff and landing) aircraft. Three inlets were tested. Two of the inlets had short centerbodies with lower lip area contraction ratios of 1.30 and 1.44. The third inlet had a cylindrical centerbody extended forward into the inlet throat with a lower lip area contraction ratio of 1.44. The inlets were sized to fit a 13.97 centimeter-diameter fan. For inlet throat Mach numbers less than about 0.43, the lip flow separation angle was increased by either increasing the ratio of throat velocity to freestream velocity (Vt/Vo) or by increasing the lower lip area contraction ratio. For throat Mach numbers greater than a certain value (ranging from 0.43 to 0.52), increasing throat Mach number in some cases resulted in a decrease in the lip flow separation angle. Extending a cylindrical centerbody into the inlet throat increased the flow separation angle for nearly all values of Vt/Vo

    In-trail dynamics of multiple CDTI-equipped aircraft queues

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    One of the potential problems of in-trail self-spacing with a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) is whether dynamic oscillations would occur in a queue of aircraft flying an approach, similar to the ""accordion'' effect seem with the queue of automobiles in stop-and-go traffic. In order to gain some insight into this potential problem, a brief experiment was conducted with the Transport Systems Research Vehicle (TSRV) ground-based simulator equipped with CDTI which presented the position of other aircraft in the area. Three simulation sessions were conducted wherein queues of up to nine aircraft were built, each one self-spacing on the preceding aircraft. The aircraft crews were rotated to ensure that the pilots had no prior knowledge of the lead aircraft behavior they would be following. Two different spacing criteria were employed: a constant time predictor criterion and a constant time delay criterion. The experiment failed to uncover any dynamic oscillatory tendencies in queues of seven to nine aircraft

    Low speed wind tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic and acoustic performance of several sonic inlet takeoff and approach geometries

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    A series of tests was conducted to determine the aerodynamic and acoustic performance of several sonic inlet takeoff and approach geometries. The effects of inlet lip shape and diffuser length were also investigated. The tests were conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel at free-stream velocities of 0 and 45 meters per second. Inlet incidence angle was varied from 0 deg to 50 deg. The inlets were sized to fit a 13.97-centimeter-diameter fan. In terms of the highest level of inlet total pressure recovery for a given amount of noise suppression, a cylindrical centerbody takeoff geometry and a bulb-shaped centerbody approach geometry provided the best results over all conditions of free-stream velocity and incidence angle. Increasing inlet lip contraction ratio extended the maximum incidence angle for attached lip flow, while increasing inlet diffuser length resulted in a higher total pressure recovery for a given amount of noise suppression

    Comparison of Integrated Gasifier-Combined Cycle and AFB-steam turbine systems for industrial cogeneration

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    In the cogeneration technology alternatives study (CTAS) a number of advanced coal fired systems were examined and systems using a integrated coal gasifier IGCC or a fluid bed combustor AFB were found to yield attractive cogeneration results in industrial cogeneration applications. A range of site requirements and cogeneration sizing strategies using ground rules based on CTAS were used in comparing an IGCC and an AFB. The effect of time variations in site requirements and the sensitivity to fuel and electricity price assumptions are examined. The economic alternatives of industrial or utility ownership are also considered. The results indicate that the IGCC system has potentially higher fuel and emission savings and could be an attractive option for utility ownership. The AFB steam turbine system has a potentially higher return on investment and could be attractive assuming industrial ownership

    Low-speed aerodynamic performance of 50.8-centimeter-diameter noise-suppressing inlets for the Quiet, Clean, Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE)

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    Two basic inlet concepts, a high throat Mach number (0.79) design and a low throat Mach number (0.60) design, were tested with four diffuser acoustical treatment designs that had face sheet porosity ranging from 0 to 24 percent for the high Mach number inlet and 0 to 28 percent for the low Mach number inlet. The tests were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at free stream velocities of 0, 41, and 62 m/sec and angles of attack to 50 deg. Inlet throat Mach number was varied about the design value. Increasing the inlet diffuser face sheet porosity resulted in an increase in total pressure loss in the boundary layer for both the high and low Mach number inlet designs, however, the overall effect on inlet total pressure recovery of 0.991 at the design throat Mach number, a free stream velocity of 41 m/sec, and an angle of attack of 50 deg; Inlet flow separation at an angle of attack of 50 deg was encountered with only one inlet configuration the high Mach number design with the highest diffuser face sheet porosity (24 percent)

    Cost effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with standard hysterectomy: results from a randomised trial

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    Objective: To assess the cost effectiveness of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with conventional hysterectomy (abdominal or vaginal). Design: Cost effectiveness analysis based on two parallel trials: laparoscopic (n = 324) compared with vaginal hysterectomy (n = 163); and laparoscopic (n = 573) compared with abdominal hysterectomy (n = 286). Participants: 1346 women requiring a hysterectomy for reasons other than malignancy. Main outcome measure: One year costs estimated from NHS perspective. Health outcomes expressed in terms of QALYs based on women's responses to the EQ-5D at baseline and at three points during up to 52 weeks' follow up. Results: Laparoscopic hysterectomy cost an average of pound401 (708;C571)more(95708; C571) more (95% confidence interval pound271 to pound542) than vaginal hysterectomy but produced little difference in mean QALYs (0.0015, 0.0 15 to 0.0 18). Mean differences in cost and QALYs generated an incremental cost per QALY gained of pound267 333 (471789; E380 437). The, probability that laparoscopic hysterectomy is cost effective was below 50% for a large range of values of willingness to pay for an additional QALY. Laparoscopic hysterectomy cost an average of pound186 (328;E265)morethanabdominalhysterectomy,although95328; E265) more than abdominal hysterectomy, although 95% confidence intervals crossed zero -pound26 to pound375); there was little difference in mean QALYs (0.007, - 0.008 to 0,023), resulting in an incremental cost per QALY gained of pound26 571 (46 893; E37 813). If the NHS is willing to pay pound30 0 00 for an additional QALY, the probability that laparoscopic hysterectomy is cost effective is 56%. Conclusions: Laparoscopic hysterectomy is not cost effective relative to vaginal hysterectomy. Its cost effectiveness relative to the abdominal procedure is finely balanced

    Low-speed wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic and acoustic performance of a translating grid choked flow inlet

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    The aerodynamic and acoustic performance of a translating grid choked-flow inlet was determined in a low-speed wind tunnel at free-stream velocities of 24, 32, and 45 m/sec and incidence angles of 0, 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 deg. The inlet was sized to fit a 13.97- centimeter-diameter fan with a design weight flow of 2.49 kg/sec. Measurements were made to determine inlet total pressure recovery, flow distortion, and sound pressure level for both choked and unchoked geometries over a range of inlet weight flows. For the unchoked geometry, inlet total pressure recovery ranged from 0.983 to 0.989 at incidence angles less than 40 deg. At 40 deg incidence angle, inlet cowl separation was encountered which resulted in lower values of pressure recovery and higher levels of fan broadband noise. For the choked geometry, increasing total pressure losses occurred with increasing inlet weight flow that prevented the inlet from reaching full choked conditions with the particular fan used. These losses were attributed to the high Mach number drag rise characteristics of airfoil grid. At maximum attainable inlet weight flow, the total pressure recovery at static conditions was 0.935. The fan blade passing frequency and other fan generated pure tones were eliminated from the noise spectrum, but the broadband level was increased
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