51 research outputs found

    Pregnancy in autoimmune hepatitis: outcome and risk factors

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    OBJECTIVE: Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) may influence pregnancy outcome and pregnancy may affect AIH. We aimed at analyzing the disease course in pregnant AIH patients and at identifying disease-related risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: AIH patients with at least one pregnancy were identified at four liver units. The patients' records and the data obtained by detailed questionnaires were analyzed retrospectively. Forty-two pregnancies of 22 AIH patients were included. RESULTS: The rate of adverse pregnancy outcome was 26%; a medical explanation could be elucidated in only 4 of 11 pregnancies with adverse outcome. Of note, the 7 unexplained adverse pregnancy outcomes were highly associated with the presence of antibodies to SLA/LP (odds ratio 51; p < 0.003) and Ro/SSA (odds ratio 27; p < 0.02). Of 35 live births, 30 children developed normally over a mean observation period of nearly 5 yr. Eleven of these had been exposed to azathioprine in utero. The rate of serious maternal complications was 9% and a high rate (52%) of postpartum flares was noted. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of autoantibodies may be a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome in AIH patients. Close monitoring of both mother and fetus seems advisable due to a significant rate of maternal and fetal complication

    The effect of aerobic exposure on nutritive value and fermentation parameters of maize silage

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    The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of 24 hours aerobic exposure on the nutritive value and fermentation parameters of maize silage under operating conditions in autumn. The maize silage was treated with the addition of granulated biological silage additive (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus buchneri and Pediococcus pentosaceus) in a 0.25 kg*t-1 dose of matter. The maize silage was stored in unsheltered, impassable 36x23x6m silo, covered with thin translucent underlying sheet and black upper sheet with tires laid on the top at the University farm, Ltd. Kolíňany – large scale dairy farm Oponice. Sampling of the silage from silo was realized by block cutter on 5th of October 2011 at 4 a.m. (before feeding) and subsequently, maize silage was stored at the feeding table in dairy cow\u27s stall. The sampling of the maize silage happened immediately after collection (H0) and after 24 hours of storage at the feeding table (H24). The air temperature in dairy cow\u27s stall was 13.5 °C (H0) and after 24 hours of storage (H24) 15 °C. The temperature of the silage in 30cm depth was 28 °C (H0) and 40.3 °C (H24). After 24 hours of aerobic exposure, the content of dry matter, starch, hemicelluloses and neutral detergent fiber in maize silage was statistically significantly (P < 0.05) increased. Our results indicate a reduction in vitro organic matter digestibility and a decrease in energy and nitrogen values during aerobic exposure. We found statistically significant (P < 0.05) decrease in lactic acid content, the degree of proteolysis and an increase in acetic acid (by 41%) in maize silage with Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus buchneri and Pediococcus pentosaceus during 24 hours aerobic exposure.Cieľom štúdie bolo v prevádzkových podmienkach zistiť vplyv 24 hodinovej aeróbnej expozície v jesennom období na výživnú hodnotu a fermentačné ukazovatele kukuričnej siláže. Kukuričná siláž bola ošetrená prídavkom granulovaného biologického silážneho aditíva (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus buchneri a Pediococcus pentosaceus) aplikovaného v dávke 0,25 kg*t-1 hmoty. Kukuričná siláž bola uskladnená na Vysokoškolskom poľnohospodárskom podniku s.r.o. Kolíňany - Veľkokapacitná farma dajníc Oponice v nezastrešenom, neprejazdnom silážnom žľabe s rozmermi 36x23x6m, zakrytá tenkou priesvitnou podkladovou fóliou a čiernou hornou krycou fóliou, ktorá bola zaťažená pneumatikami. Odber siláže so silážneho žľabu sa realizoval blokovým vykrajovačom 5.10. 2011 ráno o 4:00 hod. (pred skrmovaním) a následne bola kukuričná siláž uskladnená na kŕmnom stole v ustajňovacom priestore dojníc. Odber vzoriek kukuričnej siláže bol realizovaný ihneď po vybratí zo silážneho žľabu (H0) a po 24 hodinách skladovania na kŕmnom stole (H24). Teplota vzduchu v ustajňovacom priestore dojníc bola 13,5 °C (H0) a po 24 hodinách (H24) 15 °C. Teplota siláže v 30 cm hĺbke od povrchu bola 28 °C (H0) a 40,3 °C (H24). Po 24 hodinovej aeróbnej expozícii sa štatisticky preukazne (P < 0,05) zvýšil obsah sušiny, škrobu, hemicelulózy a neutrálnedetergentnej frakcie vlákniny. Naše výsledky naznačujú zníženie in vitro stráviteľnosti organickej hmoty, pokles energetickej a dusíkatej hodnoty počas aeróbnej expozície. Zistili sme štatisticky preukazné (P < 0,05) zníženie obsahu kyseliny mliečnej, stupňa proteolýzy a zvýšenie obsahu kyseliny octovej (o 41%) v kukuričných silážach s Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus buchneri a Pediococcus pentosaceus počas 24 hodinovej aeróbnej expozície