100 research outputs found

    Educational Attainment, Teaching Experience, Professional Development and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Chemistry Content Knowledge: Implication for the Development of a National Promotion Examination

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    This study examined teachers’ content knowledge (CK) in chemistry and its relationship to teachers’ chemistry background, teaching experience, involvement in professional development and self-efficacy It was further investigated which variables predicted the level of content knowledge (CK) of one hundred public secondary chemistry teachers. The data shows that the majority of science teachers have low level of CK in Chemistry. Teaching experience, professional development, chemistry background, and selfefficacy were significantly related to the CK of teachers. Teachers\u27 professional development and self-efficacy predicted the CK of teachers

    Metaloproteinases (MMPS) no plasma seminal de caprinos infectados experimentalmente pelo Vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE).

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    Resumo: As Metaloproteinases de Matriz (MMPs) estão presentes nos fluidos do epidídimo de carneiros, suínos e equinos. Elas estão envolvidas no processo de fertilização durante a penetração do espermatozoide através da membrana plasmática do óvulo. Recentemente as MMPs estão sendo foco de estudo na medicina humana, pois, estão envolvidas em tumores, metástases, doenças periodontais, pneumonia, entre outras. Nesse contexto, as mesmas estão sendo investigadas como possíveis biomarcadores. Na espécie caprina os estudos são incipientes, especialmente com relação à Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE). Objetiva-se nesse trabalho determinar a presença das gelatinases MMP-2 e MMP-9 e sua atividade no plasma seminal de caprinos experimentalmente infectados pelo vírus da CAE.Edición de las Memorias de la 25a. Reunión de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal (ALPA), 2016, Recife, Brasil

    Estudo preliminar da relação entre as bandas proteicas do plasma seminal com a fertilidade de reprodutores da raça Morada Nova.

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    O estudo das proteínas seminais vem se destacando como ferramenta para avaliar o potencial reprodutivo de ovinos. A proteômica seminal proporciona a identificação das propriedades e funções das proteínas envolvidas no mecanismo de regulação das funções do trato reprodutivo do macho. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fertilidade e relacionar a mesma com o perfil das bandas proteicas presentes no plasma seminal de reprodutores.Edición de las Memorias de la 25a. Reunión de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal (ALPA), 2016, Recife, Brasil

    Efeito do tipo de manejo sobre a orientação sexual de caprinos.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar o comportamento sexual de caprinos jovens da raça Anglo-Nubiano após o desaleitamento.Edición de las Memorias de la 25a. Reunión de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal (ALPA), 2016, Recife, Brasil

    Study of metalloproteinases in the blood of goats experimentally infected with caprine encephalitis arthritis virus.

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    Abstract: Caprine arthritis encephalitis is a lentiviral disease that leads to considerable losses in goat farming. In the acute phase of viral infection, though antiviral antibodies are produced by the host?s immune system, they are not sufficient to be detected by serological tests. Acute infections begin with an incubation period, during which the viral genome replicates and host innate responses are initiated. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that play an important role in the physiological and pathological processes of tissue remodeling. The present study aimed to evaluate the expression of MMPs and their activity in the blood serum of male goats experimentally infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Five dairy male goats, aged 3-4 years, were intravenously inoculated with CAEV Cork strain (titer: 105-6 TCID50/mL) after being tested negative for CAEV thrice at consecutive intervals of 30 days using western blot analysis and nested-PCR. The study included three stages: S1 or pre-infection stage; S2 or seroconversion stage, corresponding to the occurrence of first seroconversion; and S3 or post-seroconversion stage, corresponding to 23 weeks after seroconversion. Zymography was performed for the samples using gelatin zymography gels (12.5%), which were subjected to electrophoresis at 170V, 1A, and 300W for 50-70 min. The density of MMP-2 was found to be lower at S1 (1456.20 pixels) than that at S2 and S3 (1943.80 and 2104.40 pixels, respectively) (P < 0.05); and the density of MMP-9 was found to be lower at S3 (133.60 pixels) than that at S1 and S2 (359.60 and 370.60 pixels, respectively). The density of proMMP-2 was low at S1 and S3 (130.45 and 145.20 pixels, respectively). On the other hand, the density of proMMP-9 was statistically different between S1 and S3 (89.22 vs. 415.60 pixels). Both proMMP-2 and proMMP-9 were absent at S2. Thus, MMP-2 and MMP-9 exhibited opposite behaviors depending on the stage of infection. As the greatest activity of MMP-2 was detected at stage S3, we suggest that MMP-2 can be used as a biomarker for complementary diagnosis of acute CAEV infection. In addition, the presence of proMMP-13 can be used to indicate active viral infection. [Estudo de metaloproteinases no sangue de caprinos experimentalmente infectados pelo vírus da artrite encefalite caprina]. Resumo: A encefalite por artrite caprina é uma doença lentiviral que leva a perdas consideráveis na criação de caprinos. Na fase aguda da infecção viral, embora os anticorpos antivirais sejam produzidos pelo sistema imunológico do hospedeiro, eles não são suficientes para serem detectados por testes sorológicos. As infecções agudas começam com um período de incubação, durante o qual o genoma viral se replica e as respostas inatas do hospedeiro são iniciadas. As metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) são enzimas que desempenham um papel importante nos processos fisiológicos e patológicos da remodelação tecidual. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão de MMPs e sua atividade no soro sanguíneo de reprodutores caprinos infectados experimentalmente pelo vírus da encefalite por artrite caprina (CAEV). Cinco machos caprinos, com idades entre 3-4 anos, foram inoculadas por via intravenosa com a cepa de CAEV Cork (título: 105-6 TCID50/mL) após serem testados negativamente para CAEV três vezes em intervalos consecutivos de 30 dias usando a análise de western blot e nested-PCR. O estudo incluiu três etapas: estágio S1 ou pré-infecção; S2 ou estágio de soroconversão, correspondente à ocorrência de primeira soroconversão; e S3 ou pós-soroconversão, correspondendo a 23 semanas após a soroconversão. A zimografia foi realizada para as amostras utilizando gel de gelatina (12,5%), que foram submetidos à eletroforese em 170V, 1A e 300W por 50-70 min. Verificou-se que a densidade de MMP-2 era menor em S1 (1456,20 pixels) do que em S2 e S3 (1943,80 e 2104,40 pixels, respectivamente) (P < 0,05); e a densidade de MMP-9 foi menor em S3 (133,60 pixels) do que em S1 e S2 (359,60 e 370,60 pixels, respectivamente). A densidade do proMMP-2 era baixa em S1 e S3 (130,45 e 145,20 pixels, respectivamente). Por outro lado, a densidade do proMMP-9 foi estatisticamente diferente entre S1 e S3 (89,22 vs. 415,60 pixels). ProMMP-2 e proMMP-9 estavam ausentes no S2. Assim, MMP-2 e MMP-9 exibiram comportamentos opostos, dependendo do estágio da infecção. Como a maior atividade da MMP-2 foi detectada no estágio S3, sugerimos que a MMP-2 possa ser usada como biomarcador para o diagnóstico complementar de infecção aguda por CAEV. Além disso, a presença de proMMP-13 pode ser usada para indicar infecção viral ativa

    COVAC1 phase 2a expanded safety and immunogenicity study of a self-amplifying RNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2

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    BACKGROUND: Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) encapsulated self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) is well tolerated and immunogenic in SARS-CoV-2 seronegative and seropositive individuals aged 18-75. METHODS: A phase 2a expanded safety and immunogenicity study of a saRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate LNP-nCoVsaRNA, was conducted at participating centres in the UK between 10th August 2020 and 30th July 2021. Participants received 1 μg then 10 μg of LNP-nCoVsaRNA, ∼14 weeks apart. Solicited adverse events (AEs) were collected for one week post-each vaccine, and unsolicited AEs throughout. Binding and neutralisating anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody raised in participant sera was measured by means of an anti-Spike (S) IgG ELISA, and SARS-CoV-2 pseudoneutralisation assay. (The trial is registered: ISRCTN17072692, EudraCT 2020-001646-20). FINDINGS: 216 healthy individuals (median age 51 years) received 1.0 μg followed by 10.0 μg of the vaccine. 28/216 participants were either known to have previous SARS-CoV2 infection and/or were positive for anti-Spike (S) IgG at baseline. Reactogenicity was as expected based on the reactions following licensed COVID-19 vaccines, and there were no serious AEs related to vaccination. 80% of baseline SARS-CoV-2 naïve individuals (147/183) seroconverted two weeks post second immunization, irrespective of age (18-75); 56% (102/183) had detectable neutralising antibodies. Almost all (28/31) SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals had increased S IgG binding antibodies following their first 1.0 μg dose with a ≥0.5log10 increase in 71% (22/31). INTERPRETATION: Encapsulated saRNA was well tolerated and immunogenic in adults aged 18-75 years. Seroconversion rates in antigen naïve were higher than those reported in our dose-ranging study. Further work is required to determine if this difference is related to a longer dosing interval (14 vs. 4 weeks) or dosing with 1.0 μg followed by 10.0 μg. Boosting of S IgG antibodies was observed with a single 1.0 μg injection in those with pre-existing immune responses. FUNDING: Grants and gifts from the Medical Research Council UKRI (MC_PC_19076), the National Institute for Health Research/Vaccine Task Force, Partners of Citadel and Citadel Securities, Sir Joseph Hotung Charitable Settlement, Jon Moulton Charity Trust, Pierre Andurand, and Restore the Earth

    Transient Facial Nerve Paralysis (Bell's Palsy) following Intranasal Delivery of a Genetically Detoxified Mutant of Escherichia coli Heat Labile Toxin

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    BACKGROUND: An association was previously established between facial nerve paralysis (Bell's palsy) and intranasal administration of an inactivated influenza virosome vaccine containing an enzymatically active Escherichia coli Heat Labile Toxin (LT) adjuvant. The individual component(s) responsible for paralysis were not identified, and the vaccine was withdrawn. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Subjects participating in two contemporaneous non-randomized Phase 1 clinical trials of nasal subunit vaccines against Human Immunodeficiency Virus and tuberculosis, both of which employed an enzymatically inactive non-toxic mutant LT adjuvant (LTK63), underwent active follow-up for adverse events using diary-cards and clinical examination. Two healthy subjects experienced transient peripheral facial nerve palsies 44 and 60 days after passive nasal instillation of LTK63, possibly a result of retrograde axonal transport after neuronal ganglioside binding or an inflammatory immune response, but without exaggerated immune responses to LTK63. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: While the unique anatomical predisposition of the facial nerve to compression suggests nasal delivery of neuronal-binding LT-derived adjuvants is inadvisable, their continued investigation as topical or mucosal adjuvants and antigens appears warranted on the basis of longstanding safety via oral, percutaneous, and other mucosal routes

    Serum HCoV-spike specific antibodies do not protect against subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents

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    SARS-CoV-2 infections in children are generally asymptomatic or mild and rarely progress to severe disease and hospitalization. Why this is so remains unclear. Here we explore the potential for protection due to pre-existing cross-reactive seasonal coronavirus antibodies and compare the rate of antibody decline for nucleocapsid and spike protein in serum and oral fluid against SARS-CoV-2 within the pediatric population. No differences in seasonal coronaviruses antibody concentrations were found at baseline between cases and controls, suggesting no protective effect from pre-existing immunity against seasonal coronaviruses. Antibodies against seasonal betacoronaviruses were boosted in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In serum, anti-nucleocapsid antibodies fell below the threshold of positivity more quickly than anti-spike protein antibodies. These findings add to our understanding of protection against infection with SARS-CoV-2 within the pediatric population, which is important when considering pediatric SARS-CoV-2 immunization policies