590 research outputs found

    BeppoSAX observations of the black hole candidates LMC X-1 and LMC X-3

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    We describe BeppoSAX observations of the black hole candidates LMC X--1 and LMC X--3 performed in Oct. 1997. Both sources can be modelled by a multicolor accretion disk spectrum, with temperature ∌1\sim 1 keV. However, there is some evidence that a thin emitting component coexists with the thick disk at these temperatures. In the direction of LMC X--1, we detected a significant emission above 10 keV, which we suspect originates from the nearby source PSR 0540-69. For LMC X--1, we estimate an absorbing column density of ≃6×1021\simeq 6\times 10^{21} cm−2^{-2}, which is almost ten times larger than that found for LMC X--3. In both sources, we find no indication of emission or absorption features whatsoever.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for pubblication in the Proc. of 32nd Cospar scientific assembly, Nagoya, 13-15 July 199

    Evidence for a Molecular Cloud Origin for Gamma-Ray Bursts: Implications for the Nature of Star Formation in the Universe

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    It appears that the majority of rapidly-, well-localized gamma-ray bursts with undetected, or dark, optical afterglows, or `dark bursts' for short, occur in clouds of size R > 10L_{49}^{1/2} pc and mass M > 3x10^5L_{49} M_{sun}, where L is the isotropic-equivalent peak luminosity of the optical flash. We show that clouds of this size and mass cannot be modeled as a gas that is bound by pressure equilibrium with a warm or hot phase of the interstellar medium (i.e., a diffuse cloud): Such a cloud would be unstable to gravitational collapse, resulting in the collapse and fragmentation of the cloud until a burst of star formation re-establishes pressure equilibrium within the fragments, and the fragments are bound by self-gravity (i.e., a molecular cloud). Consequently, dark bursts probably occur in molecular clouds, in which case dark bursts are probably a byproduct of this burst of star formation if the molecular cloud formed recently, and/or the result of lingering or latter generation star formation if the molecular cloud formed some time ago. We then show that if bursts occur in Galactic-like molecular clouds, the column densities of which might be universal, the number of dark bursts can be comparable to the number of bursts with detected optical afterglows: This is what is observed, which suggests that the bursts with detected optical afterglows might also occur in molecular clouds. We confirm this by modeling and constraining the distribution of column densities, measured from absorption of the X-ray afterglow, of the bursts with detected optical afterglows: We find that this distribution is consistent with the expectation for bursts that occur in molecular clouds, and is not consistent with the expectation for bursts that occur in diffuse clouds. More...Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Radio Monitoring of the January 11, 1997 Gamma-Ray Burst

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    We report on a comprehensive radio monitoring program of the bright gamma-ray burster GRB970111. These VLA observations were made at a frequency of 1.4 GHz and span a range of post-burst timescales between 28 hours and one month. Despite extensive sampling at sub-milliJansky sensitivities, no radio source was detected above 0.5 mJy in the current best error box (~14 arcmin^2) for GRB970111. A highly unusual radio source, VLA J1528.7+1945, was seen to drop in flux density by a factor of two in our monitoring period but it lies outside the error box and thus it is unlikely to be related to GRB970111. Cosmological fireball models of gamma-ray bursts make predictions of late-time emission occurring at longer wavelengths. The absence of a flaring or fading radio counterpart to GRB970111 provides strong constraints on these models.Comment: ApJ Let (accepted

    Multifrequency observations of XTE J0421+560/CI Cam in outburst

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    We report on two X-ray observations of the transient source XTE J0421+560 performed by BeppoSAX, and on a series of observations performed by the 0.7m Teramo-Normale Telescope. Outburst peak occurrence time and duration depend on photon energy: the outburst peak is achieved first in the X-ray band, then in the optical and finally in the radio. An exponential decay law fits well the X-ray data except in the TOO2 0.5-1.0 keV band, where erratic time variability is detected. During TOO1 the e-folding time scale decreases with energy up to ~ 20 keV, when it achieves a saturation; during TOO2 it decreases up to ~ 2 keV and then increases. This change is correlated with a spectral change, characterized by the onset of a soft (< 2 keV) component in TOO2 (Orr et al. 1998). This component might originate from the relativistic jets, while the hard component is more likely associated to processes occurring in the circumstellar matter and/or near the compact object. Optical observations show that the object appears intrinsically red even during the outburst. The nature of the compact object is discussed.Comment: Four pages. Accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    Identification of an Extended Accretion Disk Corona in the Hercules X-1 Low State: Moderate Optical Depth, Precise Density Determination, and Verification of CNO Abundances

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    We identify an accretion disk atmosphere and corona from the high resolution X-ray spectrum of Hercules X-1, and we determine its detailed physical properties. More than two dozen recombination emission lines (from Fe XXVI at 1.78 A to N VI at 29.08 A) and Fe K-alpha, K-beta fluorescence lines were detected in a 50 ks observation with the Chandra High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS). They allow us to measure the density, temperature, spatial distribution, elemental composition, and kinematics of the plasma. We exclude HZ Her as the source of the recombination emission. We compare accretion disk model atmospheres with the observed spectrum in order to constrain the stratification of density and ionization, disk atmosphere area, elemental composition, and energetics. The atmospheric spectrum observed during the low state is photoionized by the main-on X-ray continuum, indicating that the disk is observed edge-on during the low state. We infer the mean number of scatterings N of Ly-alpha and Ly-beta line photons from H-like ions. We derive N < 69 for O VIII Ly_alpha_1, which rules out the presence of a mechanism modeled by Sako (2003) to enhance N VII emission via a line overlap with O VIII. The line optical depth diagnostics are consistent with a flattened atmosphere. Our spectral analysis, the disk atmosphere model, and the presence of intense N VII and N VI lines (plus N V in the UV), confirm the over-abundance of nitrogen relative to other metals, which was shown to be indicative of CNO cycle processing in a massive progenitor.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
