896 research outputs found

    Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic and the Corn Virus Disease Complex in Synthetic Populations of Dent Corn and Sweetcorn

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    Phenotypic recurrent selection for resistance in corn (Zea mays L.) to maize dwarf mosaic (MDM) and the com virus disease complex was conducted for five cycles in synthetic populations of dent com and sweet com. Selection was carried out concurrently at two locations under a natural epiphytotic of the com virus disease complex of MDMV and maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV) near Waverly, Tennessee and under an artificially induced epiphytotic near Knoxville, Tennessee created by mechanical inoculation with MDMV and transplanting of infected host plants. Resistant plants were selected and interpollinated concurrently and only apparently symptomless plants were harvested. It was of interest to determine the effect of successive cycles of selection as well as the effect of selection under different disease conditions at two locations. Each cycle of selection at both locations in both synthetics was evaluated for virus reaction by determining the number of diseased plants and the severity of infection of the diseased plants. Host reaction to virus infection is largely quantitative, and genotypes with the same percentage of diseased plants may still vary in resistance because of differences in the severity of infection. Evaluation of the dent populations showed no improvement for virus reaction from C0 to C4 at either location. The Waverly selections had significantly fewer diseased plants than the Knoxville selections at an early rating representing MDMV infection. Evaluation of 100 S1 random selections from the C0 and C3 dent populations showed greater variability for virus reaction in C3. Because hybrid vigor seems to enhance virus tolerance in susceptible and resis-tant genotypes, it may be that the variability of C3 was due to increasing the number of resistant selections and to greater expression of virus reaction in the susceptible selections due to inbreeding depression. Selection in the sweet com synthetic resulted in reduction in the number and severity of diseased plants at both locations when evaluated at Waverly. The Waverly selections were more resistant than the Knoxville selections. Lack of response to selection in the dent synthetic may have been due to reduction in genetic variability for resistance, inbreeding depression, changes in disease pressure during cycles of selection, or to the inability to identify S0 plants with high gene frequencies for resistance because of the confounding effects of hybrid vigor and virus resistance in heterozygous plants. Selection among S0 individuals may have favored heterozygous genotypes and maintained undesirable alleles at higher frequencies than expected


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    New Magnetic Excitations in the Spin-Density-Wave of Chromium

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    Low-energy magnetic excitations of chromium have been reinvestigated with a single-Q crystal using neutron scattering technique. In the transverse spin-density-wave phase a new type of well-defined magnetic excitation is found around (0,0,1) with a weak dispersion perpendicular to the wavevector of the incommensurate structure. The magnetic excitation has an energy gap of E ~ 4 meV and at (0,0,1) exactly corresponds to the Fincher mode previously studied only along the incommensurate wavevector.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution and development of cell walls in cereal grains

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    The composition of cell walls in cereal grains and other grass species differs markedly from walls in seeds of other plants. In the maternal tissues that surround the embryo and endosperm of the grain, walls contain higher levels of cellulose and in many cases are heavily lignified. This may be contrasted with walls of the endosperm, where the amount of cellulose is relatively low, and the walls are generally not lignified. The low cellulose and lignin contents are possible because the walls of the endosperm perform no load-bearing function in the mature grain and indeed the low levels of these relatively intractable wall components are necessary because they allow rapid degradation of the walls following germination of the grain. The major non-cellulosic components of endosperm walls are usually heteroxylans and (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans, with lower levels of xyloglucans, glucomannans, and pectic polysaccharides. Pectic polysaccharides and xyloglucans are the major non-cellulosic wall constituents in most dicot species, in which (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans are usually absent and heteroxylans are found at relatively low levels. Thus, the "core" non-cellulosic wall polysaccharides in grain of the cereals and other grasses are the heteroxylans and, more specifically, arabinoxylans. The (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans appear in the endosperm of some grass species but are essentially absent from others; they may constitute from zero to more than 45% of the cell walls of the endosperm, depending on the species. It is clear that in some cases these (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans function as a major store of metabolizable glucose in the grain. Cereal grains and their constituent cell wall polysaccharides are centrally important as a source of dietary fiber in human societies and breeders have started to select for high levels of non-cellulosic wall polysaccharides in grain. To meet end-user requirements, it is important that we understand cell wall biology in the grain both during development and following germination.Rachel A .Burton and Geoffrey B. Finche

    Morphology, carbohydrate distribution, gene expression, and enzymatic activities related to cell wall hydrolysis in four barley varieties during simulated malting

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    Many biological processes, such as cell wall hydrolysis and the mobilisation of nutrient reserves from the starchy endosperm, require stringent regulation to successfully malt barley (Hordeum vulgare) grain in an industrial context. Much of the accumulated knowledge defining these events has been collected from individual, unrelated experiments, and data have often been extrapolated from Petri dish germination, rather than malting, experiments. Here, we present comprehensive morphological, biochemical, and transcript data from a simulated malt batch of the three elite malting cultivars Admiral, Navigator, and Flagship, and the feed cultivar Keel. Activities of lytic enzymes implicated in cell wall and starch depolymerisation in germinated grain have been measured, and transcript data for published cell wall hydrolytic genes have been provided. It was notable that Flagship and Keel exhibited generally similar patterns of enzyme and transcript expression, but exhibited a few key differences that may partially explain Flagship's superior malting qualities. Admiral and Navigator also showed matching expression patterns for these genes and enzymes, but the patterns differed from those of Flagship and Keel, despite Admiral and Navigator having Keel as a common ancestor. Overall (1,3;1,4)-β-glucanase activity differed between cultivars, with lower enzyme levels and concomitantly higher amounts of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan in the feed variety, Keel, at the end of malting. Transcript levels of the gene encoding (1,3;1,4)-β-glucanase isoenzyme EI were almost three times higher than those encoding isoenzyme EII, suggesting a previously unrecognised importance for isoenzyme EI during malting. Careful morphological examination showed that scutellum epithelial cells in mature dry grain are elongated but expand no further as malting progresses, in contrast to equivalent cells in other cereals, perhaps demonstrating a morphological change in this critical organ over generations of breeding selection. Fluorescent immuno-histochemical labelling revealed the presence of pectin in the nucellus and, for the first time, significant amounts of callose throughout the starchy endosperm of mature grain.Natalie S. Betts, Laura G. Wilkinson, Shi F. Khor, Neil J. Shirley, Finn Lok, Birgitte Skadhauge, Rachel A. Burton, Geoffrey B. Fincher and Helen M. Collin

    Altered expression of genes implicated in xylan biosynthesis affects penetration resistance against powdery mildew

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    Heteroxylan has recently been identified as an important component of papillae, which are formed during powdery mildew infection of barley leaves. Deposition of heteroxylan near the sites of attempted fungal penetration in the epidermal cell wall is believed to enhance the physical resistance to the fungal penetration peg and hence to improve pre-invasion resistance. Several glycosyltransferase (GT) families are implicated in the assembly of heteroxylan in the plant cell wall, and are likely to work together in a multi-enzyme complex. Members of key GT families reported to be involved in heteroxylan biosynthesis are up-regulated in the epidermal layer of barley leaves during powdery mildew infection. Modulation of their expression leads to altered susceptibility levels, suggesting that these genes are important for penetration resistance. The highest level of resistance was achieved when a GT43 gene was co-expressed with a GT47 candidate gene, both of which have been predicted to be involved in xylan backbone biosynthesis. Altering the expression level of several candidate heteroxylan synthesis genes can significantly alter disease susceptibility. This is predicted to occur through changes in the amount and structure of heteroxylan in barley papillae.Jamil Chowdhury, Stefanie Lück, Jeyaraman Rajaraman, Dimitar Douchkov, Neil J. Shirley, Julian G. Schwerdt, Patrick Schweizer, Geoffrey B. Fincher, Rachel A. Burton and Alan Littl

    Electron-phonon effects and transport in carbon nanotubes

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    We calculate the electron-phonon scattering and binding in semiconducting carbon nanotubes, within a tight binding model. The mobility is derived using a multi-band Boltzmann treatment. At high fields, the dominant scattering is inter-band scattering by LO phonons corresponding to the corners K of the graphene Brillouin zone. The drift velocity saturates at approximately half the graphene Fermi velocity. The calculated mobility as a function of temperature, electric field, and nanotube chirality are well reproduced by a simple interpolation formula. Polaronic binding give a band-gap renormalization of ~70 meV, an order of magnitude larger than expected. Coherence lengths can be quite long but are strongly energy dependent.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure
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