276 research outputs found

    Global monopole as dual-vacuum solution in Kaluza-Klein spacetime

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    By application of the duality transformation, which implies interchange of active and passive electric parts of the Riemann curvature (equivalent to interchange of Ricci and Einstein tensors) it is shown that the global monopole solution in the Kaluza-Klein spacetime is dual to the corresponding vacuum solution. Further we also obtain solution dual to flat space which would in general describe a massive global monopole in 4-dimensional Euclidean space and would have massless limit analogus to the 4-dimensional dual-flat solution.Comment: 8 pages, LaTEX versio

    A spacetime dual to the NUT spacetime

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    By decomposing the Riemann curvature into electric and magnetic parts, a duality transformation, which involves interchange of active and passive electric parts, has recently been proposed. It was shown that the Schwarzschild solution is dual to the one that describes the Schwarzschild particle with cloud of string dust or a global monopole. Following the same procedure we obtain the solution dual to the NUT spacetime.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Electromagnetic duality in general relativity

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    By resolving the Riemann curvature relative to a unit timelike vector into electric and magnetic parts, we consider duality relations analogous to the electromagnetic theory. It turns out that the duality symmetry of the Einstein action implies the Einstein vacuum equation without the cosmological term. The vacuum equation is invariant under interchange of active and passive electric parts giving rise to the same vacuum solutions but the gravitational constant changes sign. Further by modifying the equation it is possible to construct interesting dual solutions to vacuum as well as to flat spacetimes.Comment: 18 pages, LaTEX versio

    A duality relation for fluid spacetime

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    We consider the electromagnetic resolution of gravitational field. We show that under the duality transformation, in which active and passive electric parts of the Riemann curvature are interchanged, a fluid spacetime in comoving coordinates remains invariant in its character with density and pressure transforming, while energy flux and anisotropic pressure remaining unaltered. Further if fluid admits a barotropic equation of state, p=(γ1)ρp = (\gamma - 1) \rho where 1γ21 \leq \gamma \leq 2, which will transform to p=(2γ3γ21)ρp = (\frac{2 \gamma}{3 \gamma - 2} - 1) \rho. Clearly the stiff fluid and dust are dual to each-other while ρ+3p=0\rho + 3 p =0, will go to flat spacetime. However the n (ρ3p=0)(\rho - 3 p = 0) and the deSitter (ρ+p=0(\rho + p = 0) universes ar e self-dual.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX version, Accepted in Classical Quantum Gravity as a Lette

    Inhomogeneous imperfect fluid spherical models without Big-Bang singularity

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    So far all known singularity-free cosmological models are cylindrically symmetric. Here we present a new family of spherically symmetric non-singular models filled with imperfect fluid and radial heat flow, and satisfying the weak and strong energy conditions. For large tt anisotropy in pressure and heat flux tend to vanish leading to a perfect fluid. There is a free function of time in the model, which can be suitably chosen for non-singular behaviour and there exist multiplicity of such choices.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX versio

    Spherical collapse with heat flow and without horizon

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    We present a class of solutions for a heat conducting fluid sphere, which radiates energy during collapse without the appearance of horizon at the boundary at any stage of the collapse. A simple model shows that there is no accumulation of energy due to collapse since it radiates out at the same rate as it is being generated.Comment: RevTeX, 3 page

    Matter without matter: novel Kaluza-Klein spacetime in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    We consider Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in n(6)n(\ge 6)-dimensional Kaluza-Klein spacetime {\ma M}^{4} \times {\ma K}^{n-4}, where {\ma K}^{n-4} is the Einstein space with negative curvature. In the case where {\ma K}^{n-4} is the space of negative constant curvature, we have recently obtained a new static black-hole solution (Phys. Rev. D {\bf 74}, 021501(R) (2006), hep-th/0605031) which is a pure gravitational creation including Maxwell field in four-dimensional vacuum spacetime. The solution has been generalized to make it radially radiate null radiation representing gravitational creation of charged null dust. The same class of solutions though exists in spacetime {\ma M}^{d} \times {\ma K}^{n-d} for d=3,4d=3,4, however the gravitational creation of the Maxwell field is achieved only for d=4d=4. Also, Gauss-Bonnet effect could be brought down to {\ma M}^d only for d=4d=4. Further some new exact solutions are obtained including its analogue in Taub-NUT spacetime on {\ma M}^4 for d=4d=4.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, result for d=2d=2 corrected, 3 references added, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.