3 research outputs found

    Die wasserrechtliche Fachbetriebspflicht Schwachstellenanalyse und Vorschlaege zur Steigerung ihrer Effizienz

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    The Water Protection Act ('Wasserhaushaltsgesetz'-WHG), relating to process installations, defines a requirement that some specific activities may only be performed by 'qualified enterprises' ('Fachbetriebe'). These enterprises must have knowledge, personnel and equipment to use the technical methods to protect the water from hazardous substances. The regulations have been in force in their current form since 1986. This research was instigated due to the reportedly high frequency of audit Faults at process installations where these 'qualified enterprises' had been employed. A survey of the current opinion of involved parties (including authorities, operating companies and expert bodies) was carried out by means of questionnaires. General support for the concept of 'qualified enterprises' was confirmed from this. The WHG allows two implementation routes; using the Technical Monitoring organisations recognised in Water Protection legislation, or using the Goods- and Monitoring Associations acknowledged in construction regulations. On the other hand the analysis showed that the two types of organisation are generally equal in terms of effectiveness. However instances were found where significant differences can exist between the two types of organisations. The consensus of the participants clearly endorsed preservations of both forms of organisations because each demonstrates specific advantages. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(2003,70) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Vorschlaege fuer Verbesserungen beim anlagenbezogenen Gewaesserschutz Auswertung einer Umfrage

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    The present regulations on ground water protection, particularly the 'Anlagenverordnung VAwS' (State-Regulation of the 16 German Federal States) were analyzed. Special attention was paid to regulations, such as Regulation on Flammable Liquids (VbF),... on Pressure Vessels (DruckbehV) which may lead to multiple control of a single plant. The research was performed in four phases: 1. mailing of 385 questionnaires, 2. interviews with 40 managers of plants and authorities, 3. expertise of the 'Institute for Water-Polluting Substances' and 4. evaluation of the forementioned results. The results aim both at specific adjustments of existing details within the framework of the VAwS as well as at fundamental improvements. The definition of 'plant' in the framework of the water protection is of central interest together with its licencing procedure; in this context new guidelines were proposed. The concept of 'water polluting indicator figures' (Wassergefaehrdungsklassen) for the technical layout of plants (size and quality of secondary containment) were analyzed in depth. The proposals are presented together with numerous examples under the background of the 16-fold different State ('Laender') Regulations. The implications are contrasted with Federal ('Bundes') Regulations presently under consideration (Plant Safety Code). For three central issues: improvement of the licensing procedure, development of a clear and disjunct structure of competing technical regulations, development of rules for the interace between plant and sewage the importance of novel approach is clearly demonstrated. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(99-129) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Integrierter Umweltschutz bei bestimmten industriellen Taetigkeiten Deutscher Beitrag zu besten verfuegbaren Techniken in der Raffinerieindustrie

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    Der Rat der Europaeischen Union hat im September 1996 die Richtlinie 96/61/EG ueber die integrierte Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung erlassen (IVU oder IPPC, Integrated Pollution, Prevention and Control). Inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt der Richtlinie sind Beste verfuegbare Techniken, Best available Techniques (BAT). Das vorliegende Dokument ist der deutsche Beitrag zum IPPC Reference document on Best Available Techniques for mineral oil and gas refineries. Das Dokument orientiert sich im wesentlichen an der heute in deutschen Raffinerien installierten Anlagentechnik, die sich im Hinblick auf die Reduzierung von Emissionen bewaehrt hat. Kernstueck der Arbeit ist die Erfassung von Verbrauchs- und Emissionsdaten in 5 repraesentativen deutschen rohoelverarbeitenden Raffinerien und einer Schmierstoffraffinerie. Man konzentrierte sich hauptsaechlich auf Teilanlagen, die im letzten Jahrzehnt neu errichtet oder wesentlich geaendert, d.h. modernisiert wurden. Daher werden die beschriebenen Einrichtungen als beste verfuegbare Techniken in Betracht gezogen. Die Arbeit beschraenkt sich auf die Grundprozesse und die Verarbeitungsprozesse in den Raiffinerien. Prozesse, die nicht im direkten Zusammenhang mit der Produktion von Mineraloelprodukten stehen, wie z.B. die Herstellung petrochemischer Produkte, wurden nicht mit erfasst. Dies trifft ebenso auch fuer Kraftwerke zu. Die besten verfuegbaren Techniken als wesentliche Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie werden in den Kapiteln 4 und 5 des Dokuments vorgestellt. Neben den wichtigsten Einzelmassnahmen auch Aussagen zur Anlagenkonfiguration im Sinne von BVT gemacht. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass die Anlagenkonfiguration bei Neuanlagen fuer eine Integration von BVT anpassbar ist. Da die meisten Raiffinerien aber ueber Jahrzehnte gewachsen sind, sind grundlegende Aenderungen der Raffineriestruktur insbesondere aus wirtschaftlichen Gruenden nicht durchfuehrbar. (orig.)In September 1996, the Council of the European Union issued the Directive 96/61/EG for integrated prevention and control of pollution in the environment (IPPC, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control). A fundamental component of the Directive are the Best Available Techniques (BAT). This document are the german notes for the IPPC Reference document on Best Available Techniques for mineral oil and gas refineries. This document deals mainly with the present plant techniques in German refineries which have proven themselves in reducing emissions. The focus of this work is the collection of consumption and emission data from 5 representative German crude oil processing refineries and a lubricating oil refinery which concentrates mainly on functional units which were newly established or greatly modified, i.e. modernized in the last decade. As such the described plants are taken into consideration as the best available techniques. This work restricts itself to the fundamental and manufacturing processes in the refineries. Processes which are not directly related to the production of mineral oil products such as, e.g. the manufacture of petrochemical products, are not included. This also applies to power stations. The best available techniques, as main results of the present study, are shown in Chapter 4 and 5. Beside the most important individual measures, information about configuration of the plant in the context of BAT is given. It should be noted that the configuration of new plants can be adapted for integration of BAT. Because most refineries have grown over the past decades, fundamental changes in the structure of the refinery are not possible, especially because of economic reasons. (orig.)Published in 2 volumes (English, German)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,43): RN 8908(2000,43,e) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman