159,056 research outputs found

    The density of zeros of forms for which weak approximation fails

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    The weak approximation principal fails for the forms x3 + y3 + z3 = kw3, when k = 2 or 3. The question therefore arises as to what asymptotic density one should predict for the rational zeros of these forms. Evidence, both numerical and theoretical, is presented, which suggests that, for forms of the above type, the product of the local densities still gives the correct global density. Let f(x1,..., xn) ∈ Q[x1,..., xn] be a rational form. We say that f satisfies the weak approximation principle if the following condition holds. (WA): Given an ε> 0 and a finite set S of places of Q, and zeros (xν1,..., x ν n) ∈ Qnν of the form f, we can find a rational zero (x1,..., xn) of f such that, |xi − xνi |ν < ε, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and ν ∈ S. Alternatively, we may write X(K) for the points on the hypersurface f = 0 whose coordinates lie in the field K, and consider the produc

    Prime number theory and the Riemann Zeta-function

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    Artin's Conjecture on Zeros of pp-Adic Forms

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    This is an exposition of work on Artin's Conjecture on the zeros of pp-adic forms. A variety of lines of attack are described, going back to 1945. However there is particular emphasis on recent developments concerning quartic forms on the one hand, and systems of quadratic forms on the other.Comment: Submitted for publication as part of ICM 201

    Lattice points in the sphere

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    Our goal in this paper is to give a new estimate for the number of integer lattice points lying in a sphere of radius R centred at the origin. Thus we define S(R) = #{x ∈ ZZ3: ||x| | ≤ R}

    A mean value estimate for real character sums

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    There are a number of well known estimates for averages of Dirichlet polynomi-als. For example one has ∫

    The distribution and moments of the error term in the Dirichlet divisor problem

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    This paper will consider results about the distribution and moments of some of the well known error terms in analytic number theory. To focus attention we begin by considering the error term ∆(x) in the Dirichlet divisor problem, which is defined a

    Linear relations amongst sums of two squares

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    The density of rational points on curves and surfaces

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    Let CC be an irreducible projective curve of degree dd in P3\mathbb{P}^3, defined over Q\overline{\mathbb{Q}}. It is shown that CC has Oε,d(B2/d+ε)O_{\varepsilon,d}(B^{2/d+\varepsilon}) rational points of height at most BB, for any ε>0\varepsilon>0, uniformly for all curves CC. This result extends an estimate of Bombieri and Pila [Duke Math. J., 59 (1989), 337-357] to projective curves. For a projective surface SS in P3\mathbb{P}^3 of degree d3d\ge 3 it is shown that there are Oε,d(B2+ε)O_{\varepsilon,d}(B^{2+\varepsilon}) rational points of height at most BB, of which at most Oε,d(B52/27+ε)O_{\varepsilon,d}(B^{52/27+\varepsilon}) do not lie on a rational line in SS. For non-singular surfaces one may reduce the exponent to 4/3+16/9d4/3+16/9d (for d=4d=4 or 5) or max{1,3/d+2/(d1)}\max\{1,3/\sqrt{d}+2/(d-1)\} (for d6d\ge 6). Even for the surface x1d+x2d=x3d+x4dx_1^d+x_2^d=x_3^d+x_4^d this last result improves on the previous best known. As a further application it is shown that almost all integers represented by an irreducible binary form F(x,y)Z[x,y]F(x,y)\in\mathbb{Z}[x,y] have essentially only one such representation. This extends a result of Hooley [J. Reine Angew. Math., 226 (1967), 30-87] which concerned cubic forms only. The results are not restricted to projective surfaces, and as an application of other results in the paper it is shown that #{(x1,x2,x3)N3:x1d+x2d+x3d=N}ε,dNθ/d+ε\#\{(x_1,x_2,x_3)\in\mathbb{N}^3:x_1^d+x_2^d+x_3^d=N\} \ll_{\varepsilon,d} N^{\theta/d+\varepsilon} with θ=2d+2d1.\theta=\frac{2}{\sqrt{d}}+\frac{2}{d-1}. When d8d\ge 8 this provides the first non-trivial bound for the number of representations as a sum of three dd-th powers