191 research outputs found

    Anisotropic AC Behavior of Multifilamentary Bi-2223/Ag Tapes

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    In this communication, we report on the anisotropy of the superconducting properties of multifilamentary Bi-based tapes experimentally investigated by AC magnetic susceptibility measurements. The susceptibility χ=χjχ\chi= \chi' - j \chi'' was measured using a commercial system and a couple of orthogonal pick-up coils. The χ\chi'' vs. temperature curves were shown to exhibit two peaks. The smaller of the peaks, occurring near T = 72K, was only visible for particular field directions and within a given frequency window. Such results point out the role played by the phase difference between the applied magnetic field and the internal magnetic field seen by the filaments.Comment: 4 pages (2 columns); 4 figure

    From RE-211 to RE-123. How to control the final microstructure of superconducting single-domains

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    This paper reviews the usual techniques for producing YBCO-type single-domains and the microstructure of the as-obtained samples. The problems of seed dissolution and parasite nucleations are discussed in details. Formation of microstructural defects, such as pores and cracks, are examined. An important part of this review is devoted to the study of the influence of RE-211 particles [RE2BaCuO5 where RE denotes Y, Yb, Nd, Sm, Dy, Gd, Eu or a mixture of them. Generally Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 is preferred to Nd2BaCuO5] on the microstructure and properties of RE-Ba-Cu-O single-domains. Trapping/Pushing theory is described in order to explain the spatial distribution of RE-211 particles in the RE-123 [(RE)Ba2Cu3O7-d] monoliths. Formation of RE-211-free regions is discussed. Different ways to limit the RE-211 coarsening are reviewed. Microstructural defects in the RE-123 matrix caused by the RE-211 particles are presented. It is also shown that RE-211 particles play a significant role on the mechanical properties of single-domain samples. We finish this review by discussing the Infiltration and Growth process as a good technique to control the microstructure.Comment: review paper to be published in Supercond. Sci. Technol.; 19 figures; 137 references; 37 page

    Magnon-polaron and Spin-polaron Signatures in the Specific Heat and Electrical Resistivity of La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3La_{0.6}Y_{0.1}Ca_{0.3}MnO_3 in Zero Magnetic Field, and the Effect of MnOMnMn-O-Mn Bond Environment

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    La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3La_{0.6}Y_{0.1}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}, an ABO3ABO_{3} perovskite manganite oxide, exhibits a non trivial behavior in the vicinity of the sharp peak found in the resistivity ρ\rho as a function of temperature TT in zero magnetic field. The various features seen on dρ/dTd\rho/dT are discussed in terms of competing phase transitions. They are related to the MnOMnMn-O-Mn bond environment depending on the content of the AA crystallographic site. A Ginzburg-Landau type theory is presented for incorporating concurrent phase transitions. The specific heat CC of such a compound is also examined from 50 till 200 K. A log-log analysis indicates different regimes. In the low temperature conducting ferromagnetic phase, a collective magnon signature (CT3/2C \simeq T^{3/2}) is found as for what are called magnon-polaron excitations. A CT2/3C \simeq T^{2/3} law is found at high temperature and discussed in terms of the fractal dimension of the conducting network of the weakly conducting (so-called insulating) phase and Orbach estimate of the excitation spectral behaviors. The need of considering both independent spin scattering and collective spin scattering is thus emphasized. The report indicates a remarkable agreement for the Fisher-Langer formula, i.e. CC \sim dρ/dTd\rho/dT at second order phase transitions. Within the Attfield model, we find an inverse square root relationship between the critical temperature(s) and the total local MnOMnMn-O-Mn strain.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; to be published in Phys Rev

    Magneto - transport characterization of Dy123 monodomain superconductors

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    The following report considers textured materials of the DyBa2Cu3O7 type seeded with a Nd123 seed as initiator. They are grown with an excess 20% Dy211 phase on a Dy2O3 substrate. We report chemical characterizations, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity over a broad temperature range as a function of an applied magnetic field up to 6 T. We show that specific features appear on the magneto thermal transport properties different in these materials from those found in single crystals and polycrystalline samples. We propose that two vortex regimes can be distinguished in the mixed phase, - due to the intrinsic microstructure. We calculate the viscosity, entropy and figure of merit of the samples.Comment: 18 pages, with 8 figures; 4 color figuresx missing (much memory needed

    Microwave properties of DyBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) monodomains and related compounds in magnetic fields

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    We present a microwave characterization of a DyBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7x_{7-x} single domain, grown by the top-seeded melt-textured technique. We report the (a,b) plane field-induced surface resistance, ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H), at 48.3 GHz, measured by means of a cylindrical metal cavity in the end-wall-replacement configuration. Changes in the cavity quality factor Q against the applied magnetic field yield ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) at fixed temperatures. The temperature range [70 K ; T_c] was explored. The magnetic field μ0H<\mu_0 H < 0.8 T was applied along the c axis. The field dependence of ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) does not exhibit the steep, step-like increase at low fields typical of weak-links. This result indicates the single-domain character of the sample under investigation. ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) exhibits a nearly square-root dependence on H, as expected for fluxon motion. From the analysis of the data in terms of motion of Abrikosov vortices we estimate the temperature dependences of the London penetration depth λ\lambda and the vortex viscosity η\eta, and their zero-temperature values λ(0)=\lambda(0)=165 nm and η(0)=\eta(0)= 3 107^{-7} Nsm2^{-2}, which are found in excellent agreement with reported data in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7x_{7-x} single crystals. Comparison of microwave properties with those of related samples indicate the need for reporting data as a function of T/T_c in order to obtain universal laws.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    The contribution of 211 particles to the mechanical reinforcement mechanism of 123 superconducting single domains

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    Hardness and fracture toughness of Dy-123 single-domains were studied by Vickers micro-indentation. A significant anisotropy of the mechanical properties was observed. Hardness tests give higher values when performed in (001) planes rather than in planes parallel to the c-axis. Moreover cracks pattern around the indentation follows preferential orientation in planes parallel to the c-axis whereas a classical ''four-cracks'' pattern is observed in the (001) planes. It has been possible to show the crucial role played by the 211-particles in the deviating mechanism of cracks and the relevance of the 211-particle distribution high homogeneity in the material.Comment: 14 pages, including 5 figures and 1 Table. submitted to Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Magneto-transport study of nb-doped Bi/Pb2223 superconductor

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    The magneto-transport properties of Bi1.5Pb0.4Nb0.1Sr2Ca2Cu3O10-x polycrystalline, superconducting ceramic are reported. The material was found to be chemically homogeneous and partially textured. The mixed state properties were investigated by measuring the electrical resistivity, longitudinal and transverse (Nernst effect) thermoelectric power, and thermal conductivity. The magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements were also performed. The variation of these characteristics for magnetic fields up to 5 T are discussed and compared to those of the zero field case. The transport entropy and thermal Hall angle are extracted and quantitatively compared to previously reported data of closely related systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved