590 research outputs found

    Psychologists Collaborating With Clergy

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    If a patient adheres to religious values and practices, should the treating psychologist get input from a clergyperson? How frequent is clergy-psychologist collaboration? What obstacles impede such collaboration? An exploratory survey questionnaire was sent to 200 clergy, 200 psychologists interested in religious issues, and 200 psychologists selected without regard to religious interests or values. Four themes were assessed: types of collaborative activities, frequency of collaboration, obstacles to collaboration, and ways to enhance collaboration. Strategies for promoting clergy-psychologist collaboration include challenging unidirectional referral assumptions, building trust through proximity and familiarity, and considering the importance of shared values and beliefs

    Clinical Training in Explicitly Christian Doctoral Programs: Introduction to the Special Issue

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    This article serves as a brief introduction to this special journal issue on clinical training in doctoral psychology programs described as explicitly Christian. Seven doctoral programs are described by their respective Directors of Clinical Training (DCT) in this special issue. In this introductory paper, we identify four common themes found across the program descriptions: 1) the enthusiasm for respective training missions, 2) the transformation observed in students, 3) the intentional progression of training, and 4) the varied meanings of the term integration

    Research Training in Explicitly Christian Doctoral Programs

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    The importance of research training at explicitly Christian doctoral programs is suggested on the basis of four reasons: the need to hold science and practice together, the need for skills to evaluate interventions, the need to serve a society with a growing interest in religion and spirituality, and the need to assess the effectiveness of explicitly Christian doctoral programs. A discussion of these issues serves as an introduction to the rest of this special issue that focuses on research training at seven explicitly Christian programs

    Basic and Advanced Competence in Collaborating With Clergy

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    Some of the stories of psychologists and clergy working together have happy endings, and some do not. Twenty psychologists and clergy who work together well were interviewed, and 94 clergy (53% response rate) and 145 psychologists (76% response rate) were surveyed. A 2-tiered schema for working well with clergy is proposed. Basic collaborative qualifications, such as respect for clergy and communication with clergy as needed, should be considered minimal competence for all professional psychologists. Additional qualifications, such as awareness of religious spirituality and shared values, are necessary for more advanced forms of collaboration

    Satisfaction with Research Training in Christian Psychology Doctoral Programs: Survey Findings and Implications

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    Perceptions of research training at seven explicitly Christian doctoral programs in clinical psychology were assessed with a satisfaction survey. A total of 283 students, 98 alumni, and 51 faculty completed the online questionnaire. Perceived strengths include faculty-student collaboration, encouraging students to present at national meetings, respect for faculty, and effective curricula. Areas for future growth include enhanced research funding, making research mentoring available to all students, and decreasing the perceived dichotomy between clinical and research competence. Self-reported faculty and student publication and presentation rates are also presented and discussed

    Just What Is Christian Counseling Anyway?

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    Professional psychologists may be asked about Christian counseling services and wonder how to best respond. Given the diversity of methods and worldviews that might be considered Christian counseling, it is important for psychologists to understand some of the major approaches used. Biblical counseling, pastoral counseling, Christian psychology, Christian ministry, and other approaches are described briefly, and in each case implications for professional psychologists are offered. Collaborative efforts are likely to be productive when interacting with certified pastoral counselors and Christian psychologists, and ministry approaches may provide supplemental resources for psychotherapy with Christian clients. Ethical issues are considered, and a 5-step model for responding to questions about Christian counseling is offered

    Clergy Interest in Innovative Collaboration with Psychologists

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    What forms of innovative collaboration are possible between clergy and psychologists? A total of 117 clergypersons (63% response rate) rated 6 scenarios of collaboration, indicating their level of interest and the extent to which they would like to remain involved with the psychologist. The scenarios were derived from two categories of collaboration articulated by in previous research: mental health services and enhancing parish life. Overall, clergy expressed relatively modest levels of interest in innovative collaboration, though they were somewhat interested in mental health consultation services. Many clergy refer troubled parishioners to clinical or counseling psychologists for treatment, but appear less interested in more innovative forms of collaboration

    Strategies Employed by Clergy to Prevent and Cope with Interpersonal Isolation

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    Numerous studies have affirmed that interpersonal isolation is one of the unique challenges clergy face. This study examined the experience of interpersonal isolation among a sample of clergy serving in a senior pastor role by having them complete a modified form of the Social Support Questionnaire, Short Form (SSQSR), as well as six open-ended interview questions. The interview responses of clergy participants were compared based on a median split of the SSQSR satisfaction scores. Analysis of clergy responses revealed several prominent themes in the following areas: barriers to establishing supportive relationships, strategies for establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, lack of support, and coping with loneliness. Identified themes, as well as clergy responses that exemplified these themes, are discussed. Clergy with social support scores at or above the median more frequently indicated that being transparent and vulnerable is a means by which they establish and maintain close, supportive relationships with others

    Effect of Religiosity and Combat Exposure on Combat Veteran Posttraumatic Growth

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    Investigates two research questions

    Ethical Challenges and Opportunities at the Edge: Incorporating Spirituality and Religion Into Psychotherapy

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    Incorporating spirituality and religion into psychotherapy has been controversial, but recent contributions have argued the importance and provided foundations for doing so. Discussions of ethical challenges in this process are emerging, and this contribution discusses several preliminary issues, relying on the Resolution on Religious, Religion-Based and/or Religion-Derived Prejudice adopted by the American Psychological Association in 2007, as guidance when used with the American Psychological Association’s (2002) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Specifically, this discussion of preliminary challenges addresses competence, bias, maintaining traditions and standards of psychology, and integrity in labeling services for reimbursement. Commentators deepen the discussion, addressing what constitutes minimal competence in this area; effective and truly mutual collaboration with clergy; the high level of ethical complexity and “inherent messiness” of this domain of psychological practice; and the particular challenges of demarcating the boundaries of these domains for regulatory and billing purposes. This discussion offers decidedly preliminary ideas on managing the interface of these domains. Further development is needed before this nascent area approximates precise guidelines or standards
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