6 research outputs found

    Application of unsupervised chemometric analysis and self-organising feature map (SOFM) for the classification of lighter fuels

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    A variety of lighter fuel samples from different manufacturers (both unevaporated and evaporated) were analysed using conventional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. In total 51 characteristic peaks were selected as variables and subjected to data pre-processing prior to subsequent analysis using unsupervised chemometric analysis (PCA and HCA) and a SOFM artificial neural network. The results obtained revealed that SOFM acted as a powerful means of evaluating and linking degraded ignitable liquid sample data to their parent unevaporated liquids

    Analysis of post-explosion samples for forensic purposes : model field experiments

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    Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie powtarzalno艣ci wynik贸w detonacji, zar贸wno pod wzgl臋dem ilo艣ci materia艂u pozosta艂ego wybuchowego, jak i jego rozmieszczenia. Przeprowadzono modelowe eksperymenty na poligonie, polegaj膮ce na detonacji 艂adunk贸w pi臋ciu r贸偶nych materia艂贸w wybuchowych: TNT, RDX, PETN, dynamitu i materia艂u plastycznego, zawieraj膮cego RDX i TNT (kompozycja B). Ka偶dy z eksperyment贸w (detonacja 艂adunku okre艣lonego materia艂u) powt贸rzono 3 razy. Eksperymenty prowadzono w kontrolowanych i powtarzalnych warunkach. Aby w spos贸b powtarzalny uzyska膰 pr贸bki powybuchowe, w okre艣lonej odleg艂o艣ci od detonowanych 艂adunk贸w ustawiano arkusze ocynkowanej blachy. Po detonacji pobierano pr贸bki, przecieraj膮c powierzchni臋 blach wat膮 bawe艂nian膮 zwil偶on膮 acetonem. Nast臋pnie pr贸bki ekstrahowano dwiema porcjami metanolu, z u偶yciem 艂a藕ni ultrad藕wi臋kowej. Uzyskane ekstrakty 艂膮czono, zat臋偶ano przez odparowanie rozpuszczalnika, oczyszczano z cz膮stek sta艂ych przez wirowanie i analizowano przy pomocy chromatografu cieczowego z detektorem typu DAD (HPLC-DAD). Chocia偶 eksperymenty powtarzano w taki sam spos贸b (na tyle na ile to mo偶liwe w warunkach polowych) dla 偶adnego z pi臋ciu badanych materia艂贸w wybuchowych nie uzyskano powtarzalnych wynik贸w, co mo偶na wyt艂umaczy膰 r贸偶nicami w efektywno艣ci detonacji, kt贸re najwyra藕niej mog膮 wyst膮pi膰 nawet dla pozornie identycznych 艂adunk贸w. Nie zaobserwowano r贸wnie偶 spodziewanej zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy odleg艂o艣ci膮 od 艂adunku a ilo艣ci膮 materia艂u w pr贸bkach pobranych po wybuchu. Mo偶na to wyt艂umaczy膰 tym, 偶e cz膮steczki nieprzereagowanego materia艂u wybuchowego podczas wybuchu nie s膮 rozpraszane r贸wnomiernie.The aim of research was to check the repeatability of explosion both for amount and distribution of explosives residues. The model field experiments were conducted. Charges of five different explosives: TNT, RDX, PETN, dynamite, and Composition B were detonated. Each experiment (detonation of the charge of each specific explosive) was repeated three times. The experiments were conducted under controlled conditions, exceeding those of research published so far. For each experiments three witness plates (sheets of galvanized steel) situated in a different distance from the charge were used, to collect post-blast residues in a reproducible way. Samples were collected by systematic swabbing of the surface of the plates by acetone moistened cotton swabs. Swabs were extracted with two portions of methanol, using ultrasonic bath. Extracts were combined, concentrated by solvent evaporation, cleaned by centrifugation, and analysed using HPLC-DAD. Although each of the experiments were conducted in a repeatable and uniform fashion (as much as possible in field conditions), the results proved to be unrepeatable for each of the five explosives tested. This lack of reproducibility may be explained by differences in the efficiency of a detonation which can, apparently, occur even for seemingly identical charges. Also, the intuitively expected relationship between distance from the charge and the amount of postblast residues was not observed. This may be explained by the fact that during detonation particles of unreacted explosives are not uniformly dispersed in all directions