825 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Perceived Needs and Satisfaction of African American Male Initiative Learning Community Participants at a Southeastern University

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    To increase matriculation and graduation rates of African American males enrolled at its institutions, the University System of Georgia (USG) implemented the African American Male Initiative (AAMI) Program. As part of this program, a southeastern university created the African American Male Initiative Learning Community (AAMI-LC) as a strategy to retain African American males through the critical first year of college. This action research study investigates the success of this program

    Ursachen von Stromsperren in Privathaushalten : empirische Ergebnisse aus der Allgemeinen Sozialberatung

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    In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, welche Merkmale Haushalte aufweisen, denen Stromsperren (Unterbrechungen der Stromversorgung wegen Zahlungsrückständen) angedroht wurden bzw. bei denen sie umgesetzt wurden und welche Bedeutung diese Merkmale relativ zueinander haben. Dazu wird erstmals ein Datensatz aus der Beratungspraxis des Deutschen Caritasverbandes mittels multipler logistischer Regression ausgewertet. Die empirische Untersuchung zeigt, dass Stromsperren und ihre Androhung häufig auftreten, wenn ein Haushalt bereits bestehende Schulden hat. Haushalte, die Grundsicherungsleistungen beziehen, sind überdurchschnittlich oft von der Androhung bzw. Umsetzung einer Stromsperre betroffen. Im Gegensatz zur Androhung einer Stromsperre kommt es überproportional häufig zur tatsächlichen Umsetzung einer Stromsperre, wenn die Betroffenen über ein besonders geringes Bildungsniveau verfügen sowie in Ein-Personen-Haushalten. Insgesamt stützen die Ergebnisse die These, dass die Problematik der Stromsperren einer herkömmlichen Verschuldungsproblematik ähnlich ist. Gegenmaßnahmen sollten daher nicht alleine auf das Einkommen oder die Stromkosten der Haushalte fokussieren, sondern müssen auch kognitive und psychologische Faktoren adressieren, die mit Ver- bzw. Überschuldung einhergehen

    Experimental study of possible interaction between Salmonella enterica and Ascaris suum in pigs

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    An experimental inoculation study was performed to study possible interactions between Salmonella enterica and Ascaris suum in pigs. Pigs were inoculated with 109 cfu Salmonella Typhimurium, 10,000 infective A. suum eggs, or both, or left as uninfected controls. There was no significant difference in number of Salmonella-excreting animals or Salmonella excretion level in feces between pigs inoculated with Salmonella + Ascaris and pigs inoculated with Salmonella only. Occurrence of Salmonella in liver, lungs, intestines or intestinal lymph nodes was not different between these two groups either

    Windbreaks in Sustainable Agricultural Systems

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    Sustainable agriculture is a system of whole-farm resource use balanced with whole-farm productivity. The overall level of productivity achieved is dependent upon the ability to coordinate and manage simultaneously the soil, water, plant, and animal resources within climatic and economic limits. Both the kind and amount of plants and animals supported by the system are important and play significant roles, both individually and collectively in maintaining a healthy farm environment. In the future, integrated systems will help reduce human impact on resources while providing sufficient supplies of high quality food and fiber. Windbreaks provide protection for people, animals, buildings, crops, and natural resources. They reduce soil erosion by wind and contribute to the control of runoff from agricultural lands. Individually, trees and shrubs can provide food and shelter for wildlife or be harvested for timber and fuelwood. Specialized tree crops, such as fruits or nuts can be harvested from windbreaks providing additional economic returns

    International Students’ Likelihood to Seek Counseling while Studying Abroad

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    International students experience significant stressors while studying in American colleges and universities, yet they use psychological services far less than domestic students (Misra & Castillo, 2004). Factors such as previous experience with counseling, perceived effectiveness of counseling style, and nationality were found to be factors affecting international students’ use of counseling services (Dadfar & Friedlander’s, 1982; Mori, 2000; Hyun, Quinn, Madon, & Lustig, 2007). This action research study adds to the literature by presenting suggestions about the manner in which international students may be most effectively served by their campus counseling centers, using information drawn from a focus group and a survey
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