385 research outputs found

    Gravitational Wavetrains in the Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation: A Model Problem in Scalar Gravitation

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    A quasi-equilibrium (QE) computational scheme was recently developed in general relativity to calculate the complete gravitational wavetrain emitted during the inspiral phase of compact binaries. The QE method exploits the fact that the the gravitational radiation inspiral timescale is much longer than the orbital period everywhere outside the ISCO. Here we demonstrate the validity and advantages of the QE scheme by solving a model problem in relativistic scalar gravitation theory. By adopting scalar gravitation, we are able to numerically track without approximation the damping of a simple, quasi-periodic radiating system (an oscillating spherical matter shell) to final equilibrium, and then use the exact numerical results to calibrate the QE approximation method. In particular, we calculate the emitted gravitational wavetrain three different ways: by integrating the exact coupled dynamical field and matter equations, by using the scalar-wave monopole approximation formula (corresponding to the quadrupole formula in general relativity), and by adopting the QE scheme. We find that the monopole formula works well for weak field cases, but fails when the fields become even moderately strong. By contrast, the QE scheme remains quite reliable for moderately strong fields, and begins to breakdown only for ultra-strong fields. The QE scheme thus provides a promising technique to construct the complete wavetrain from binary inspiral outside the ISCO, where the gravitational fields are strong, but where the computational resources required to follow the system for more than a few orbits by direct numerical integration of the exact equations are prohibitive.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Analytical Tendex and Vortex Fields for Perturbative Black Hole Initial Data

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    Tendex and vortex fields, defined by the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl curvature tensor, form the basis of a recently developed approach to visualizing spacetime curvature. In particular, this method has been proposed as a tool for interpreting results from numerical binary black hole simulations, providing a deeper insight into the physical processes governing the merger of black holes and the emission of gravitational radiation. Here we apply this approach to approximate but analytical initial data for both single boosted and binary black holes. These perturbative data become exact in the limit of small boost or large binary separation. We hope that these calculations will provide additional insight into the properties of tendex and vortex fields, and will form a useful test for future numerical calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Evolving Einstein's Field Equations with Matter: The ``Hydro without Hydro'' Test

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    We include matter sources in Einstein's field equations and show that our recently proposed 3+1 evolution scheme can stably evolve strong-field solutions. We insert in our code known matter solutions, namely the Oppenheimer-Volkoff solution for a static star and the Oppenheimer-Snyder solution for homogeneous dust sphere collapse to a black hole, and evolve the gravitational field equations. We find that we can evolve stably static, strong-field stars for arbitrarily long times and can follow dust sphere collapse accurately well past black hole formation. These tests are useful diagnostics for fully self-consistent, stable hydrodynamical simulations in 3+1 general relativity. Moreover, they suggest a successive approximation scheme for determining gravitational waveforms from strong-field sources dominated by longitudinal fields, like binary neutron stars: approximate quasi-equilibrium models can serve as sources for the transverse field equations, which can be evolved without having to re-solve the hydrodynamical equations (``hydro without hydro'').Comment: 4 postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D15 as a Brief Repor

    A Linear-Nonlinear Formulation of Einstein Equations for the Two-Body Problem in General Relativity

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    A formulation of Einstein equations is presented that could yield advantages in the study of collisions of binary compact objects during regimes between linear-nonlinear transitions. The key idea behind this formulation is a separation of the dynamical variables into i) a fixed conformal 3-geometry, ii) a conformal factor possessing nonlinear dynamics and iii) transverse-traceless perturbations of the conformal 3-geometry.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Emergence of thin shell structure during collapse in isotropic coordinates

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    Numerical studies of gravitational collapse in isotropic coordinates have recently shown an interesting connection between the gravitational Lagrangian and black hole thermodynamics. A study of the actual spacetime was not the main focus of this work and in particular, the rich and interesting structure of the interior has not been investigated in much detail and remains largely unknown. We elucidate its features by performing a numerical study of the spacetime in isotropic coordinates during gravitational collapse of a massless scalar field. The most salient feature to emerge is the formation of a thin shell of matter just inside the apparent horizon. The energy density and Ricci scalar peak at the shell and there is a jump discontinuity in the extrinsic curvature across the apparent horizon, the hallmark that a thin shell is present in its vicinity. At late stages of the collapse, the spacetime consists of two vacuum regions separated by the thin shell. The interior is described by an interesting collapsing isotropic universe. It tends towards a vacuum (never reaches a perfect vacuum) and there is a slight inhomogeneity in the interior that plays a crucial role in the collapse process as the areal radius tends to zero. The spacetime evolves towards a curvature (physical) singularity in the interior, both a Weyl and Ricci singularity. In the exterior, our numerical results match closely the analytical form of the Schwarzschild metric in isotropic coordinates, providing a strong test of our numerical code.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Towards a wave--extraction method for numerical relativity: III. Analytical examples for the Beetle--Burko radiation scalar

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    Beetle and Burko recently introduced a background--independent scalar curvature invariant for general relativity that carries information only about the gravitational radiation in generic spacetimes, in cases where such radiation is incontrovertibly defined. In this paper we adopt a formalism that only uses spatial data as they are used in numerical relativity and compute the Beetle--Burko radiation scalar for a number of analytical examples, specifically linearized Einstein--Rosen cylindrical waves, linearized quadrupole waves, the Kerr spacetime, Bowen--York initial data, and the Kasner spacetime. These examples illustrate how the Beetle--Burko radiation scalar can be used to examine the gravitational wave content of numerically generated spacetimes, and how it may provide a useful diagnostic for initial data sets.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; We changed the convention used, corrected typos, and expanded the discussio

    Possible explanation for star-crushing effect in binary neutron star simulations

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    A possible explanation is suggested for the controversial star-crushing effect seen in numerical simulations of inspiraling neutron star binaries by Wilson, Mathews and Marronetti (WMM). An apparently incorrect definition of momentum density in the momentum constraint equation used by WMM gives rise to a post-1-Newtonian error in the approximation scheme. We show by means of an analytic, post-1-Newtonian calculation that this error causes an increase of the stars' central densities which is of the order of several percent when the stars are separated by a few stellar radii, in agreement with what is seen in the simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, uses revetx macros, minor revision

    The Moment of Inertia of the Binary Pulsar J0737-3039A: Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We construct numerical models of the newly discovered binary pulsar J0737-3039A, both with a fully relativistic, uniformly rotating, equilibrium code that handles arbitrary spins and in the relativistic, slow-rotation approximation. We compare results for a representative sample of viable nuclear equations of state (EOS) that span three, qualitatively different, classes of models for the description of nuclear matter. A future dynamical measurement of the neutron star's moment of inertia from pulsar timing data will impose significant constraints on the nuclear EOS. Even a moderately accurate measurement (<~ 10 %) may be able to rule out some of these competing classes. Using the measured mass, spin and moment of inertia to identify the optimal model computed from different EOSs, one can determine the pulsar's radius.Comment: 4 pages, ApJL in pres

    Stability of coalescing binary stars against gravitational collapse: hydrodynamical simulations

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    We perform simulations of relativistic binary stars in post-Newtonian gravity to investigate their dynamical stability prior to merger against gravitational collapse in a tidal field. In general, our equations are only strictly accurate to first post-Newtonian order, but they recover full general relativity for spherical, static stars. We study both corotational and irrotational binary configurations of identical stars in circular orbits. We adopt a soft, adiabatic equation of state with Γ=1.4\Gamma = 1.4, for which the onset of instability occurs at a sufficiently small value of the compaction M/RM/R that a post-Newtonian approximation is quite accurate. For such a soft equation of state there is no innermost stable circular orbit, so that we can study arbitrarily close binaries. This choice still allows us to study all the qualitative features exhibited by any adiabatic equation of state regarding stability against gravitational collapse. We demonstrate that, independent of the internal stellar velocity profile, the tidal field from a binary companion stabilizes a star against gravitational collapse.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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