13 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of the Efficiency of Supply Chain Management in Agricultural Production Based on Multidimensional Research Methods

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    The article studies the system of indicators characterizing the efficiency of supply chain management in agricultural production. The hierarchical classification of the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the indicators characterizing the results of the activity of the agricultural sector has been carried out. Clusters with high, medium and low levels of supply chains management’s efficiency have been identified. Regions for selected clusters are set. A comparative analysis of the regions on the performance of the agricultural sector has been carried out. Regularities are revealed, prospects for further development are defined. For each cluster promising areas of effective development of agriculture were identified

    Indicative properties on snow cover based on the results of experimental studies in the winter 2011/12 in the central part of the East European Plain

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    Local and regional differences in the snow formation were studied in different landscapes of the central part of the East European Plain – within reserves in the Moscow and Tver’ regions (south-north direction); the study period is the winter 2011/12. The observed increase of snow storage in 1.3–1.5 times in the direction south-north is connected, apparently. The difference in the five-day appearance of snow cover maximum is related to differences in regional winter air temperature. Throughout the snow depth and snow storage in spruce are smaller than in deciduous forest – in the ratio of 0.81 in south area and 0.93 in north area; in spruce the large part of solid precipitation is intercepted by the crowns pine trees. Snow stratigraphy at south areas has four layers, six layers at the north area are more variable in snow density and snow storage. Perhaps, gravitational conversion is more noticeable due to larger snow depth. Snow density and snow storage at the open areas are more heterogeneous than in the forest. This is due to sharp fluctuations in air temperature, wind transport and compaction of snow, evaporation from the snow surface. The stratigraphy of snow also reflects the history of winter changes of air temperature and snow accumulation. Common feature for reserves at south and north is the availability of layers with maximum snow storage in the middle of the snow thickness, which were formed during the air temperature drops to the lowest seasonal values in period with increase of snow depth to maximum. Formation of depth hoar in snow thickness are touched everywhere the bottom and middle layers, respectively, it was formed both before and during the period with minimal air temperature. Thus, the results of experimental studies confirm the significance of the differences of individual components of the landscape setting. Analytical conclusions are largely qualitative in nature due to the lack to date of initial information, and therefore to continue experimental studies is expected

    Индикационные свойства снежной толщи (по результатам экспериментальных исследований зимой 2011/12 г. в центральной части Восточно-Европейской равнины)

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    Local and regional differences in the snow formation were studied in different landscapes of the central part of the East European Plain – within reserves in the Moscow and Tver’ regions (south-north direction); the study period is the winter 2011/12. The observed increase of snow storage in 1.3–1.5 times in the direction south-north is connected, apparently. The difference in the five-day appearance of snow cover maximum is related to differences in regional winter air temperature. Throughout the snow depth and snow storage in spruce are smaller than in deciduous forest – in the ratio of 0.81 in south area and 0.93 in north area; in spruce the large part of solid precipitation is intercepted by the crowns pine trees. Snow stratigraphy at south areas has four layers, six layers at the north area are more variable in snow density and snow storage. Perhaps, gravitational conversion is more noticeable due to larger snow depth. Snow density and snow storage at the open areas are more heterogeneous than in the forest. This is due to sharp fluctuations in air temperature, wind transport and compaction of snow, evaporation from the snow surface. The stratigraphy of snow also reflects the history of winter changes of air temperature and snow accumulation. Common feature for reserves at south and north is the availability of layers with maximum snow storage in the middle of the snow thickness, which were formed during the air temperature drops to the lowest seasonal values in period with increase of snow depth to maximum. Formation of depth hoar in snow thickness are touched everywhere the bottom and middle layers, respectively, it was formed both before and during the period with minimal air temperature. Thus, the results of experimental studies confirm the significance of the differences of individual components of the landscape setting. Analytical conclusions are largely qualitative in nature due to the lack to date of initial information, and therefore to continue experimental studies is expected.На основе экспериментальных наблюдений исследованы локальные и региональные различия в формировании снежного покрова, обусловленные ландшафтными условиями центральной части Восточно-Европейской равнины (Московская и Тверская области). Определены различия в снегозапасах для ельников и лиственных массивов, связанные с особенностями растительного покрова. Установлены различия в стратиграфии снежной толщи, обусловленные особенностями растительных комплексов, хронологией изменений приземной температуры воздуха и снегонакопления