1,144 research outputs found

    Primordial magnetic field and spectral distortion of cosmic background radiation

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    The role played by a primordial magnetic field during the pre-recombination epoch is analysed through the cyclotron radiation (due to the free electrons) it might produce in the primordial plasma. We discuss the constraint implied by the measurement or lack thereof COBE on this primordial field.Comment: to appear in International Journal of Mod. Phy

    The polarization of F1 strings into D2 branes: "Aut Caesar aut nihil"

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    We give matrix and supergravity descriptions of type IIA F-strings polarizing into cylindrical D2 branes. When a RR four-form field strength F_4 is turned on in a supersymmetric fashion (with 4 supercharges), a complete analysis of the solutions reveals the existence of a moduli space of F1 -> D2 polarizations (Caesar) for some fractional strengths of the perturbation, and of no polarization whatsoever (nihil) for all other strengths of the perturbation. This is a very intriguing phenomenon, whose physical implications we can only speculate about. In the matrix description of the polarization we use the Non-Abelian Born-Infeld action in an extreme regime, where the commutators of the fields are much larger than 1. The validity of the results we obtain, provides a direct confirmation of this action, although is does not confirm or disprove the symmetrized trace prescription.Comment: 14 page

    Non-Abelian Giant Gravitons

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    We argue that the giant graviton configurations known from the literature have a complementary, microscopical description in terms of multiple gravitational waves undergoing a dielectric (or magnetic moment) effect. We present a non-Abelian effective action for these gravitational waves with dielectric couplings and show that stable dielectric solutions exist. These solutions agree in the large NN limit with the giant graviton configurations in the literature.Comment: 8 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of the RTN workshop in Leuven, Belgium, September 200

    Supertube domain-walls and elimination of closed time-like curves in string theory

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    We show that some novel physics of supertubes removes closed time-like curves from many supersymmetric spaces which naively suffer from this problem. The main claim is that supertubes naturally form domain-walls, so while analytical continuation of the metric would lead to closed time-like curves, across the domain-wall the metric is non-differentiable, and the closed time-like curves are eliminated. In the examples we study the metric inside the domain-wall is always of the G\"odel type, while outside the shell it looks like a localized rotating object, often a rotating black hole. Thus this mechanism prevents the appearance of closed time-like curves behind the horizons of certain rotating black holes.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3 class. V2: Some corrections and clariffications, references added. V3: more corrections to formulas, results unchanged. V4: minor typos, as published in PR

    Quantizing three-spin string solution in AdS_5 x S^5

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    As was recently found in hep-th/0304255, there exists a simple non-supersymmetric classical solution describing a closed string rotating in S^5 and located at the center of AdS_5. It is parametrized by the angular momentum J of the center of mass and two equal SO(6) angular momenta J' in the two other orthogonal rotation planes. The dual N=4 SYM operators should be scalar operators in SU(4) representations [0,J-J',2J'] or [J'-J,0,J'+J]. This solution is stable if J' > 3/2 J and for large J + 2 J' its classical energy admits an expansion in positive powers of g_eff = \lambda/(J + 2 J')^2: E= J + 2 J' + g_eff J' + ... . This suggests a possibility of a direct comparison with perturbative SYM results for the corresponding anomalous dimensions in the sector with g_eff << 1, by analogy with the BMN case. We conjecture that all quantum sigma model string corrections are then subleading at large J', so that the classical formula for the energy is effectively exact to all orders in \lambda. It could then be interpolated to weak coupling, representing a prediction for the anomalous dimensions on the SYM side. We test this conjecture by computing the 1-loop superstring sigma model correction to the classical energy.Comment: 25 pages, harvmac. v5: minor misprints in eqs (2.6),(2.16),(2.20),(2.21) correcte

    Classical glueballs in non-Abelian Born-Infeld theory

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    It is shown that the Born-Infeld-type modification of the quadratic Yang-Mills action suggested by the superstring theory gives rise to classical particle-like solutions prohibited in the standard Yang-Mills theory. This becomes possible due to the scale invariance breaking by the Born-Infeld non-linearity. New classical glueballs are sphaleronic in nature and exhibit a striking similarity with the Bartnik-McKinnon solutions of the Yang-Mills theory coupled to gravity.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Kappa-symmetry for coincident D-branes

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    A kappa-symmetric action for coincident D-branes is presented. It is valid in the approximation that the additional fermionic variables, used to incorporate the non-abelian degrees of freedom, are treated classically. The action is written as a Bernstein-Leites integral on the supermanifold obtained from the bosonic worldvolume by adjoining the extra fermions. The integrand is a very simple extension of the usual Green-Schwarz action for a single brane; all symmetries, except for kappa, are manifest, and the proof of kappa-symmetry is very similar to the abelian case.Comment: 18 pages. References adde

    An Exact String Theory Model of Closed Time-Like Curves and Cosmological Singularities

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    We study an exact model of string theory propagating in a space-time containing regions with closed time-like curves (CTCs) separated from a finite cosmological region bounded by a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. The model is an non-trivial embedding of the Taub-NUT geometry into heterotic string theory with a full conformal field theory (CFT) definition, discovered over a decade ago as a heterotic coset model. Having a CFT definition makes this an excellent laboratory for the study of the stringy fate of CTCs, the Taub cosmology, and the Milne/Misner-type chronology horizon which separates them. In an effort to uncover the role of stringy corrections to such geometries, we calculate the complete set of alpha' corrections to the geometry. We observe that the key features of Taub-NUT persist in the exact theory, together with the emergence of a region of space with Euclidean signature bounded by time-like curvature singularities. Although such remarks are premature, their persistence in the exact geometry is suggestive that string theory theory is able to make physical sense of the Milne/Misner singularities and the CTCs, despite their pathological character in General Relativity. This may also support the possibility that CTCs may be viable in some physical situations, and may be a natural ingredient in pre-Big-Bang cosmological scenarios.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures. V2: discussion of computation of metric refined, references adde

    On Charged Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Space

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    We study the region inside the event horizon of charged black holes in five dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter space, using as a probe two-sided correlators which are dominated by spacelike geodesics penetrating the horizon. The spacetimes we investigate include the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and perturbations thereof. The perturbed spacetimes can be found exactly, enabling us to perform a local scan of the region between the inner and outer horizons. Surprisingly, the two-sided correlators we calculate seem to be geometrically protected from the instability of the inner horizon.Comment: 1+37 pages, 20 ps and eps figures, LaTeX. References added and changes made to section

    Non-Abelian BIonic Brane Intersections

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    We study "fuzzy funnel" solutions to the non-Abelian equations of motion of the D-string. Our funnel describes n^6/360 coincident D-strings ending on n^3/6 D7-branes, in terms of a fuzzy six-sphere which expands along the string. We also provide a dual description of this configuration in terms of the world volume theory of the D7-branes. Our work makes use of an interesting non-linear higher dimensional generalization of the instanton equations.Comment: 17 pages uses harvmac; v2: small typos corrected, refs adde
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