43,355 research outputs found

    Pyroclastic lumps: quick diapiric structures off the Naples Bay, Italy. European Geophysical Society (EGS), 25th General Assembly, Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar Systems. Nice (France) 25-29 Aprii 2000.

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    Sacchi M., D'Argenio B., Morra V., Petrazzuoli S., Àiello G., Budillon F., Samacchiaro G. and Tonielli R., 2000. Pyroclastic lumps: quick diapiric structures off the Naples Bay, Italy. European Geophysical Society (EGS), 25th General Assembly, Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar Systems. Nice (France) 25-29 Aprii 2000

    Thin low-gain avalanche detectors for particle therapy applications

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    none18The University of Torino (UniTO) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN-TO) are investigating the use of Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors (UFSD) for beam monitoring in radiobiological experiments with therapeutic proton beams. The single particle identification approach of solid state detectors aims at increasing the sensitivity and reducing the response time of the conventional monitoring devices, based on gas detectors. Two prototype systems are being developed to count the number of beam particles and to measure the beam energy with time-of-flight (ToF) techniques. The clinically driven precision (< 1%) in the number of particles delivered and the uncertainty < 1 mm in the depth of penetration (range) in radiobiological experiments (up to 108 protons/s fluxes) are the goals to be pursued. The future translation into clinics would allow the implementation of faster and more accurate treatment modalities, nowadays prevented by the limits of state-of-the-art beam monitors. The experimental results performed with clinical proton beams at CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica, Pavia) and CPT (Centro di Protonterapia, Trento) showed a counting inefficiency <2% up to 100 MHz/cm2, and a deviation of few hundreds of keV of measured beam energies with respect to nominal ones. The progresses of the project are reported.noneVignati, A.; Donetti, M.; Fausti, F.; Ferrero, M.; Giordanengo, S.; Hammad Ali, O.; Mart Villarreal, O.A.; Mas Milian, F.; Mazza, G.; Monaco, V.; Sacchi, R.; Shakarami, Z.; Sola, V.; Staiano, A.; Tommasino, F.; Verroi, E.; Wheadon, R.; Cirio, R.Vignati, A.; Donetti, M.; Fausti, F.; Ferrero, M.; Giordanengo, S.; Hammad Ali, O.; Mart Villarreal, O. A.; Mas Milian, F.; Mazza, G.; Monaco, V.; Sacchi, R.; Shakarami, Z.; Sola, V.; Staiano, A.; Tommasino, F.; Verroi, E.; Wheadon, R.; Cirio, R

    Characterising a universal cloning machine by maximum-likelihood estimation

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    We apply a general method for the estimation of completely positive maps to the 1-to-2 universal covariant cloning machine. The method is based on the maximum-likelihood principle, and makes use of random input states, along with random projective measurements on the output clones. The downhill simplex algorithm is applied for the maximisation of the likelihood functional.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A minimum-disturbing quantum state discriminator

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    We propose two experimental schemes for quantum state discrimination that achieve the optimal tradeoff between the probability of correct identification and the disturbance on the quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, OSID style. Submitted to the special issue of "Open Systems and Information Dynamics", Proceedings of the "38th Symposium on Mathematical Physics", Torun, Poland, June 200

    Maximum-likelihood method in quantum estimation

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    The maximum-likelihood method for quantum estimation is reviewed and applied to the reconstruction of density matrix of spin and radiation as well as to the determination of several parameters of interest in quantum optics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Mixed-state certification of quantum capacities for noisy communication channels

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    We extend a recent method to detect lower bounds to the quantum capacity of quantum communication channels by considering realistic scenarios with general input probe states and arbitrary detection procedures at the output. Realistic certification relies on a new bound for the coherent information of a quantum channel that can be applied with arbitrary bipartite mixed input states and generalized output measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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