11 research outputs found


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    Sport has been and continues to be a fun way for the masses and a long tradition since the ancient Greek and Roman times. People have always used sport to escape from their everyday problems. Emotions are the ones that lead sports fans to continue to support their favorite athletes and teams. Over the centuries, sports events have evolved into billions of dollar industries through large investments from corporations who want to associate the brand with a team or athlete. Most people, when they hear branding or branding, think about logos, but branding is much more than that. A brand has DNA, personality, identity, and so on. Brand is the essence of the product, and the logo is a small part of this complex set of elements. This paper aims at presenting some theoretical elements on the link between branding and sport, describing the branding process, the strength of the personal brand, trying to explain the reasons for choosing an athlete as an influencer for a particular brand. The paper is structured on several sections. The first section presents the concept of branding, the importance of branding in sports and the reasons why athletes are chosen to represent some of the world's largest brands. The following section presents the study carried out in this paper, the methods used and the results obtained. The last part of the article outlines the conclusions, limitations and suggestions for future work


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    Conductive textiles play a key role in making highly specialized clothing. While clothing made of conductive fabrics can experience mechanical stress during wearing, this paper presents a comparative study of the deformation behaviour of two conductive fabrics (knitted and woven fabrics). Based on the physical and mechanical tests and analysis, we calculated the anisotropy and Young modulus for both fabrics and also we simulated their wearing behaviour of them using a pattern design software (PDS) from OPTITEX. Both values were compared with the bending behaviour simulation on a human avatar using PDS-3D. The map of the simulated bending stress reveals the high peaks at elbows, hips, knees, thoracic and armpit areas. All the highest values obtained by simulation are lower than the calculated ones, which means that at maximum stress the fabrics will not be damaged


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    “Healthy mind in healthy body” has a wide coverage when it comes to personality development as a whole, including self-esteem. Through somatic optimization (better blood circulation, heart rate adjustment, hormonal balance, muscle strengthening, avoiding overweight, etc.), the sport also contributes to a higher self-esteem, through a greater weight of the physical self (perception of one’s body), in the general conception of self. If we make a connection between the quality of the overall life of people and the ways of spending their free time it is not difficult to observe that the high percentages of those who systematically practice physical exercise among the total population is itself an indicator of a society of some degree development. The practice of physical exercises was present in the social life of all the social-economic arrangements from the history of human society. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the complexity of the roles of sport: the reciprocal effects between sport and society, the functions of sport, well-being and quality of life, the effects of standard of living and lifestyle on movement practice, organized physical education, but also a practical study regarding the influence of practicing physical exercises as a lifestyle on quality of life thus highlighting the importance of movement in our life. REZUMAT. Contribuția sportului la o viață sănătoasă. Dictonul „minte sănătoasă în corp sănătos” are o acoperire largă atunci când vine vorba despre dezvoltarea personalității în ansamblu, inclusiv despre respectul de sine. Prin optimizare somatică (mai bună circulație a sângelui, ajustarea frecvenței cardiace, echilibrul hormonal, întărirea mușchilor, evitarea excesului de greutate etc.), sportul contribuie, de asemenea, la o stimă de sine mai mare, printr-o pondere mai mare a sinelui fizic (percepția corpului cuiva), în concepția generală despre sine. Dacă facem o legătură între calitatea vieții oamenilor în general și modalitățile de a-și petrece timpul liber, este ușor să observăm că procentele mari ale celor care practică în mod sistematic exercițiul fizic în rândul populației totale este în sine un indicator al gradului de dezvoltare al unei societăți. Practica exercițiilor fizice a fost prezentă în viața socială a tuturor aranjamentelor social-economice din istoria societății umane. Lucrarea de față își propune să prezinte câteva aspecte teoretice cu privire la complexitatea rolurilor sportului: efectele reciproce dintre sport și societate, funcțiile sportului, bunăstarea și calitatea vieții, efectele nivelului de viață și ale stilului de viață asupra practicilor de mișcare, educația fizică organizată, dar și un studiu practic referitor la influența practicării exercițiilor fizice ca stil de viață asupra calității vieții, subliniind astfel importanța mișcării în viața noastră. Cuvinte cheie: stil de viață, beneficii, viață, obiective, sport


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    Globally, sponsorship has grown impressive over the last 30 years, receiving an increased importance in the communication mix of companies. Sport organizations have understood the importance and the role sponsorship it plays for the financial support they need. Sponsorship is the material support of an event, activity or organization by an unaffiliated partner. It is a good way to increase brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preferences and promote brand loyalty and also improves the brand image. Brands play an important role in the development of companies because they bring a number of benefits to them. The paper "Innovation’s impact on sponsorship activation" aims to present a series of theoretical elements of activating sponsorship, as well as the element of innovation in this process, an element represented by the social media presence in our lives and in the last part of the paper is presented a study based on a survey on our topic. REZUMAT. Rolul social-media în activarea sponsorizării. La nivel global, sponsorizarea a crescut impresionant în ultimii 30 de ani, primind o importanță crescută în mixul de comunicare al companiilor. Organizațiile sportive au înțeles importanța și rolul de sponsorizare pe care îl joacă pentru sprijinul financiar de care au nevoie. Sponsorizarea este sprijinul material al unui eveniment, activitate sau organizație de către un partener neafiliat. Este o modalitate bună de a crește gradul de conștientizare a mărcii, care ajută la generarea preferințelor consumatorilor și la promovarea loialității mărcii și, de asemenea, îmbunătățește imaginea mărcii. Mărcile joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea companiilor, deoarece le aduc o serie de beneficii. Lucrarea „Impactul inovației asupra activării sponsorizării” își propune să prezinte o serie de elemente teoretice ale activării sponsorizării, precum și elementul de inovație în acest proces, element reprezentat de prezența social media în viețile noastre și în ultima parte a lucrării este prezentat un studiu bazat pe un sondaj pe tema noastră. Cuvinte cheie: Marcă, Activare Sponsorizare, Rețele Sociale, Sportiv

    Educational fields of higher education graduates in European Union

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    The processes of automation and globalization are resizing workplaces through their changes. A picture of the labor market can be provided by the educational fields of the graduates. Thus, depending on the educational field, the situation regarding the distribution of bachelor’s graduates is analyzed in the article. The importance of the quality of the education and vocational training processes can be considered to be the basis of addressing the major challenges that are manifesting worldwide. Economic and social pressures influence the development of skills and competencies even for higher education. Training for the purpose of employment also contributes to increasing employability. The degree of access to jobs is higher when the level of education is higher. For the age group 15 to 64, this article presents the share of graduates having an education level between 5 and 8. Quality education can contribute to sustainable development. Thus, to identify solutions to problems that may arise in a community, the contribution of education can increase by increasing the life quality of the members from that community. In this context, for the 30–34 age group, at European level, the evolution of graduates with a tertiary level of education is analyzed. For employers, it is very important to know both the level of education and especially the fields in which they are trained. This is one of the reasons why the authors of the study carried out this analysis. Taking into account the classification of graduates according to the educational field, the research presents the situation for each of the five fields for which in 2020 there were the most numerous bachelor’s graduates


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    A brand image is a set of associations, usually organized in a significant way. An association and an image are both perceptions that reflect or not an objective reality. The fundamental value of a brand name is often its set of associations - more precisely their meaning for the people. Associations are the basis for purchasing decisions and loyalty to the brand. There is a wide range of possible associations and a variety of ways in which they can provide value. A brand refers to how a product, service or company is seen in the minds of consumers. Every brand is seen in a certain way by consumers. Note that such a perception can be both negative and positive. Brands can include a product, service or company, but also a state, a person, an event or even a building. In some cases, no logo or slogan is needed, identity is something else. Associations are not just present, they also have some power. A link with a brand will be stronger if it relies on many experiences or exposures to communication, unlike a smaller number of experiences. It will also be stronger when supported by a network of other links. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the brand associations specific to the sports clubs and the way they lead to the increase of the notoriety, with practical examples from the activity of the organization

    Extended Lymphadenectomy for Proximal Transverse Colon Cancer: Is There a Place for Standardization?

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    Background and Objectives: Complete mesocolon excision and high vascular ligation have become a standard procedure in the treatment of colon cancer. The transverse colon has certain embryological and anatomical particularities which require special attention in case of oncological surgeries. Proximal transverse colon cancer (TCC) can metastasize to the lymph nodes in the gastrocolic ligament. The aim of this study is to assess the tumor involvement of these lymph nodes and to determine the applicability of gastrocolic ligament lymph nodes dissection as the standard approach for proximal transverse colon cancer. Materials and Methods: this study analyzes the cases of patients admitted to the Surgery Department, diagnosed with proximal transverse colon cancer, with tumor invasion ≥ T2 and for which complete mesocolon excision with high vascular ligation and lymphadenectomy of the gastrocolic ligament (No. 204, 206, 214v) were performed. Results: A total of 43 cases operated during 2015–2020 were included in the study. The median total number of retrieved central lymph nodes was 23 (range, 12–38), that had tumor involvement in 22 cases (51.2%). Gastrocolic ligament tumor involvement was found in 5 cases (11.6%). The median operation time was 180 min, while the median blood loss was 115 mL (range 0–210). The median time of hospitalization was 6 days (range, 5–11). Grade IIIA in the Clavien-Dindo classification was noticed in 3 patients, with no mortality. Upon Kaplan–Meier analysis, tumors > T3 (p < 0.016) and lymph node ratio < 0.05 (p < 0.025) were statistically significant. Conclusions: lymph node dissection of the gastrocolic ligament in patients with advanced proximal transverse colon cancer may improve the oncological outcome in T3/T4 tumors, and therefore standardization could be feasibl

    Endotoxin Inflammatory Action on Cells by Dysregulated-Immunological-Barrier-Linked ROS-Apoptosis Mechanisms in Gut–Liver Axis

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    Our study highlighted the immune changes by pro-inflammatory biomarkers in the gut–liver-axis-linked ROS-cell death mechanisms in chronic and acute inflammations when gut cells are exposed to endotoxins in patients with hepatic cirrhosis or steatosis. In duodenal tissue samples, gut immune barrier dysfunction was analyzed by pro-inflammatory biomarker expressions, oxidative stress, and cell death by flow cytometry methods. A significant innate and adaptative immune system reaction was observed as result of persistent endotoxin action in gut cells in chronic inflammation tissue samples recovered from hepatic cirrhosis with the A-B child stage. Instead, in patients with C child stage of HC, the endotoxin tolerance was installed in cells, characterized by T lymphocyte silent activation and increased Th1 cytokines expression. Interesting mechanisms of ROS-cell death were observed in chronic and acute inflammation samples when gut cells were exposed to endotoxins and immune changes in the gut–liver axis. Late apoptosis represents the chronic response to injury induction by the gut immune barrier dysfunction, oxidative stress, and liver-dysregulated barrier. Meanwhile, necrosis represents an acute and severe reply to endotoxin action on gut cells when the immune system reacts to pro-inflammatory Th1 and Th2 cytokines releasing, offering protection against PAMPs/DAMPs by monocytes and T lymphocyte activation. Flow cytometric analysis of pro-inflammatory biomarkers linked to oxidative stress-cell death mechanisms shown in our study recommends laboratory techniques in diagnostic fields