8 research outputs found

    The effects of different sowing dates and phosphorus doses on yield and quality characteristics of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)

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    Bu araştırma, 2014 ve 2015 yazlık ekim döneminde Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü’ ne ait uygulama alanlarında farklı ekim zamanlarında fosforlu gübre dozlarının ketenin tarımsal ve kalite özelliklerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Deneme, Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller Deneme Deseni’ ne göre kurulmuş ve ekim zamanı ana parselde, fosfor dozları alt parsellerde olacak şekilde 3 tekrarlamalı olarak düzenlenmiştir. Araştırmada, 3 farklı ekim zamanı (7-10 Nisan, 22-25 Nisan ve 7-10 Mayıs, her yıl 15 gün ara ile) ve 3 fosfor dozu (Kontrol, 4 ve 8 kg P2O5 da-1 ) kullanılmıştır. Denemede bitki boyu, teknik sap uzunluğu, dal sayısı, kapsül sayısı, kapsülde tane sayısı, bin tane ağırlığı, tohum verimi, ham yağ oranı ve ham yağ verimi gibi özellikleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında en yüksek tohum verimi sırasıyla 77.2 ve 80.7 kg da-1 ile ilk ekim zamanında ve 8 kg da-1 fosfor uygulamalarından elde edilirken, üçüncü ekim zamanında 8 kg da-1 fosfor uygulamaları ile aralarında istatistiksel bir farklılığın olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada en yüksek ham yağ verimi ise 2014 yılında (21.2 kg da-1 ) ilk ekim zamanında ve 8 kg da-1 fosfor gübresi uygulamalarından elde edilirken, 2015 yılında (26.0 kg da-1 ) ikinci ekim zamanında ve 8 kg da-1 fosfor gübresi uygulamalarından elde edilmiştir. Korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre; bitki boyu ile teknik sap uzunluğu (rp=0.652), kapsülde tane sayısı (rp=0.405), tohum verimi (rp=0.374) ve yağ verimi (rp=341) arasında, tohum verimi ile yağ verimi arasında katsayısı rp=0.645, yağ oranı ile yağ verimi arasında da katsayısı rp=0.658 olan p<1% seviyesinde pozitif korelasyonun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen veriler dikkate alındığında, Van koşullarında keten için en uygun ekim zamanının Nisan başı (7-10 Nisan) ve dekara 8 kg P2O5 fosfor verilmesinin uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir.This research was carried out in order to determine the effects of phosphorus fertilizer doses at different sowing times on the agronomic and quality characteristics of flax at the experimental fields of Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops in 2014 and 2015 years. The experiment was arranged according to the split plot design in randomized complete block design with 3 replications, sowing time into the main plots and phosphorus doses in the sub plots was placed. In the research, three sowing times (7-10 April, 22-25 April and 7-10 May, 15 days interval) and 3 different doses of phosphorus (Control, 40 and 80 kg ha-1 P2O5) were used. In the experiment, plant height, technical stem length, number of branches, number of capsule, number of seeds in capsule, thousand seed weight, seed yield, crude oil ratio and crude oil yield were investigated. As a result of the research, the highest seed yield in 2014 and 2015, respectively; while it is obtained at the time of first planting with 772.0 and 807.0 kg ha-1 and 80 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer applications, at the time of the third sowing, it was determined that there was no statistical difference between 80 kg ha-1 phosphorus applications. In this study, The highest crude oil yield was obtained in 2014 (212.0 kg ha-1 ) at the first planting time and 80 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer applications, also it was obtained in 2015 (260.0 kg ha-1 ) at the second sowing time and 80 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer applications. Correlation analysis results showed positive significant correlations (p<1%) among plant height with technical stem height (rp=0.652), seed number per capsule (rp= 0.405), seed yield (rp=0.341); between seed yield and oil yield (rp=0.645) as well as between oil ratio and oil yield (rp= 658). Considering the data obtained from this study, it was determined that the most suitable sowing time for flax was the beginning of April (7-10 April) and the most suitable phosphorus fertilizer dose was 8 kg P2O5 da-1

    Use of essential oils against agricultural diseases and pests

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    Artan dünya nüfusuna paralel olarak besin ihtiyacı artmış ve mevcut tarım alanlarından daha fazla verim elde edilmesi yoluna gidilmiştir. Yapılan yoğun üretimler beraberinde hastalık ve zararlılarda artışlara sebebiyet vermiştir. Son yıllarda artan hastalık ve zararlılar ile mücadelede özellikle konvensiyonel üretimde çözüm kimyasal mücadele olarak görülmekte iken bu durum çevre kirliliğine ve beraberinde besin zincirinde kalıntılara sebep olur. Bu kalıntılar canlılar üzerinde toksisite veya değişik olumsuz etkiler ortaya çıkarabilmektedir. Buna karşın bitkisel üretimde kimyasal girdileri minimuma indirmek amacıyla alternatif mücadele yöntemlerine yönelim olmuştur. Bu yöntemlerden birisi de uçucu yağların tarımsal hastalık ve zararlılara karşı kullanılması olmuştur. Bitkiler aleminde mevcut bitki türlerinin yaklaşık 1/3’ü uçucu yağ içermektedir. Ülkemizin bitki biyoçeşitliliği göz önüne alındığında uçucu yağ içeren bu bitkilerin sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamaları ile mücadeleye dahil edilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada uçucu yağların herbisit, insektisit, akarisit, nematisit, antifungal, antibakteriyel ve antiviral olarak kullanım olanakları ve elde edilen sonuçlar hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir.The need for food and agricultural production has been increased with the population increasing and targeted more efficiency from agricultural areas. The intensive production have also caused an increase in diseases and pests. Chemical control of diseases and pests is the most conventional method used in agricultural systems but causes soil pollution as well as toxic materials accumulation in the food chain. So, researchers focused on alternative methods to minimize using of chemicals. One of these alternative methods is using of essential oils in agricultural diseases and pests control. It is assumed that nearly 1/3 of the total plant families contain essential oils. Considering the high plant biodiversity in Turkey, using their essential oils are very important in sustainable disease and pest management practices. In this study, the possibility of using different essential oils as herbicide, insecticide, acaricide, nemacid, fungicide, bactericide and viricide as well as expected results was studied

    The Effects of Varying Phosphorus Doses on Yield and Some Yield Components of Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa L.)

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of different phosphorus doses (0, 20 and 40 kg/ha) on yield and some yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) in Van ecological conditions in 2006 and 2007. Field trials were designed by Completely Randomized Block Design with three replications at the experimental fields of Agricultural Faculty of Yuzuncu Yıl University. In the study, plant height (cm), the number of branch (branch/plant), the number of capsule (capsule/plant), the number of seeds in the capsule (seed/capsule), thousand-seed weight (g) and seed yield (kg/ha) were determined. According to statistical analysis, significant differences were determined among the phosphorus doses applications for the number of capsule, thousand-seed weight and seed yield. Seed yield increased by increasing phosphorus doses. According to the results, the highest seed yield (597 kg/ha) and thousand-seed weight (2.48 g) were obtained from 40 kg P/ha fertilizer application. The highest mean values for the number of capsule (5.68 capsule/plant) resulted in 20 kg P/ha application

    Changes of micronutrients, dry weight and plant development in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars under salt stres

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of salt stress on the growth, dry weights and micronutrient contents of canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars grown in greenhouse conditions. 12 canola cultivars (Marinca, Kosa, Spok, Semu DNK207 NA, Tower, Liraspa, Star, Tobin, Helios, Semu 209/81, Regent and Lirawell) were exposed to salinity treatments (150 mM NaCl and control). Shoot, leaf and root dry weights of all the cultivars at 45-day-old plants were determined. Micronutrient contents (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) of the leaves, stems and roots were also analyzed. Salinity stress negatively affected the canola cultivars and the extent of effects varied depending on the salt tolerance of the cultivars. Generally, salinity reduced the plant growth and dry weights. Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn concentrations were high in the roots when compared with those in the leaves and shoots in the salt applied samples. It was observed that, micronutrient contents showed some variation in the different plant parts of the canola cultivars as a result of salt applications to the growing media. Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) content increased in all the plant parts with salt applications except for some cultivars. On the other hand, when mean data of the cultivars were considered, it could be said that zinc (Zn) content of the leaves was not significantly affected by the salt stress

    Yazlık Kolza Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L. Çeşitlerinin Van Ekolojik Koşullarında Verim ve Verim Özellikleri Yönünden Karşılaştırılması

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    Bu araştırma yazlık 16 kolza çeşidinden Van ekolojik koşullarına en iyi adapte olabilen tohum ve yağ verimi yüksek olan çeşitlerin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma Van - Gevaş koşullarında 2000, 2001 ve 2002 yıllarında üç yıl süre ile tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde, 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuş ve yürütülmüştür. Denemede materyal olarak 16 yazlık kolza Jaguar, Marinca, Semu DNK 207 NA, Regent, Westar, Tobin, Semu 209/81, Tower, Liraspa, Lisonne, Lirawell, Prota, Spok, Kosa, Star, Helios çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada bitki boyu, yan dal sayısı, kapsül sayısı, kapsülde tane sayısı, bin tane ağırlığı, tohum verimi, yağ oranı ve yağ verimi gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; yılların birleştirilmiş ortalamasında en yüksek tohum ve yağ verimi Westar 143.6 kg/da – 53.3 kg/da ve Marinca 139.5 kg/da – 48.2 kg/da çeşitlerinden, en yüksek yağ oranı ise Jaguar %40.3 ve Prota %40.3 çeşitlerinde tespit edilmişti

    Effect of salinity stress on plant fresh weight and nutrient composition of some Canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars.

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    Soil salinity is a major limitation to crop production in many areas of the world. A pot experiment was carried out with rapeseed cultivars in order to investigate the effects of salinity stress on plant development and nutrient composition. For the salinity studies, 150 mM NaCl concentration was applied to12 rapseed cultivars (Marinca, Kosa, Spok, Semu DNK207 NA, Tower, Liraspa, Star, Tobin, Helios, Semu 209/81, Regent and Lirawell) under the greenhouse conditions. All the cultivars were harvested after 45 days from planting. Green plants parts were weighted. Harvested rapeseed plants were separated into root, shoot and leaf parts for nutrient (K+, Na+, K+/Na+, Ca2+ and Cl-) analysis. As shown in this study, salinity stress affected negatively all the canola cultivars investigated. Generally, salinity reduced the green parts’ weight. K+, Ca2+ and K+/Na+ contents in plants decreased by salt stress, but Na+ and Cl- content in the roots, shoots and leaves of all the cultivars significantly increased. In the salt treatment, the K+ and Ca2+ concentrations were the highest in the leaf samples as compared to root and shoot samples. Furthermore, the highest concentration of Na+ and Cl- was observed in the leaf and shoot. Under salinity, Regent and Lirawell cultivars retained the highest K+ and Ca2+ content in leaves, with respect to the K+ content. The effect of NaCl treatment on the canola cultivars’ growth was not considerable

    The Effect of Some Endophytic Bacteria on Seedling Growth and Physiological Properties of Salvia officinalis L.

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    In order to meet the demand for medicinal sage (Salvia officinalis L.), which is an important economic product, harvesting from nature has economic value. However, it may not always be of the desired standard and quality. Also, the harvesting from nature endangers their natural population causing their genetic base to decline. For this reason, it is important to produce it in an agrosystem and to increase yield in a sustainable way. In this study, the effects of eleven endophyte bacteria (EB) isolates applications on the development, morphology, and physicochemical properties of Salvia officinalis L. were investigated by climate chamber experiments. Peat+perlite+soil (1:1:2) mixture was used as the growing medium and EB was applied two times by soaking method. Effects of EB applications on shoot/root length, root/stem fresh and dry weight, Dualex values (Nitrogen balance index (NBI), flavonol, anthocyanin, and chlorophyll), leaf area, leaf temperature and color values (L*, a) *, b * C and Hue° were examined. All EB applications increased the plant height and leaf area. Also, the majority of EB isolates enhanced the root dry weight. The effect of EB applications on flavonol and chlorophyll content was not found statistically significant. However, there was a statistically significant increase in the nitrogen balance index (NBI). It was also observed that EB applications caused changes in plant color. According to the results obtained, it has been seen that it is possible to produce environmentally friendly and sustainable medicinal sage with appropriate plant-bacteria combinations

    Safflower (<i>Carthamus tinctorius</i> L.) Response to Cadmium Stress: Morpho-Physiological Traits and Mineral Concentrations

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    Cadmium is a widely distributed heavy metal in agricultural soils that affects plant growth and productivity. In this context, the current study investigated the effects of different cadmium (Cd) doses (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg L−1 of CdSO4) on the growth and physiological attributes of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) including plant height (cm), root length (cm), fresh weight (g) of root, stem, and leaves, leaf number, macro and micro-nutrients, Se, and heavy metal (Cd, Cr, and Pb) content. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replicates. The results showed that Cd stress significantly negatively affected all growth indices, macro- and micro-nutrients, and heavy metal content. In addition, it increased the MDA and APX activities. The highest amounts of Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, K, Na, Cd, Cr, and Cu were determined in plant roots, while the highest values of Ca and Mg were detected in plant stem tissues. High Cd doses decreased the content of Ca, K, Mg, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn in safflower plant tissues by 45.47%, 39.33%, 79.28%, 68.21%, 37.06%, 66.67%, 45.62%, 50.38%, 54.37%, 33.33% and 65.87%, respectively, as compared to the control treatments