166 research outputs found

    Injury patterns of non-fatal accidents related to ice hockey, an analysis of 7 years of admission to a Level-1 Emergency Centre in Switzerland

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    Objective This study was carried out to identify the frequency and types of injuries in adult ice hockey, in order to better understand injury patterns and identify potential areas for injury prevention. Methods We conducted a retrospective database review of acute injuries reported in ice hockey in patients presenting to a Level-1 adult Emergency Centre in Switzerland. Patients between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2019 and over 16 years of age were identified in our computerised patient database. Each consultation was reviewed to derive information on demographics, playing level and the features of the injury, including location, type, mechanism and consequences. Different age groups were compared, as were amateur and professional players. A statistical analysis was performed. Results A total of 230 patients were identified. The most common diagnoses were fracture (28.3%), contusion/abrasion (23.9%), laceration (12.6%) and concussion (10.4%). The most commonly affected body parts were the face (31.3%), the shoulder/clavicle (13.0%) and the head (12.2%). Most lesions were caused by player-player contact (37.4%), contact with the puck (24.3%) and falls (10.9%). In comparison to the younger cohorts, patients >36 years of age more frequently suffered injuries caused by falls, (p Conclusions Injuries continue to play a major role in ice hockey, especially in the face and due to player-player contact. Future investigations should focus on player-player contact and possible effective preventive measures. Players must be encouraged to employ face protection and to wear a mouth guard at all times

    Health Status of Afghan Refugees in Europe: Policy and Practice Implications for an Optimised Healthcare.

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    Four decades of civil war, violence, and destabilisation have forced millions of Afghans to flee their homes and to move to other countries worldwide. This increasing phenomenon may challenge physicians unfamiliar with the health status of this population, which may be markedly different from that of the host country. Moreover, several factors during their migration, such as transport in closed containers, accidental injuries, malnutrition, and accommodation in detention centres and refugee camps have a major influence on the health of refugees. By taking into account the variety of the specific diseases among migrant groups, the diversity of the origins of refugees and asylum seekers, and the increasing numbers of Afghan refugees, in this review we focus on the population of Afghans and describe their health status with the aim of optimising our medical approach and management. Our literature review shows that the most prevalent reported infections are tuberculosis and other respiratory tract infections and parasitic diseases, for example leishmaniasis, malaria, and intestinal parasitic infections. Anaemia, hyperlipidaemia, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoking, overweight, malnutrition, low socioeconomic status, and poor access to healthcare facilities are additional risk factors for non-communicable diseases among Afghan refugees. With regards mental health issues, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are the most common diagnoses and culture shock and the feeling of being uprooted modulate their persistence. Further research is needed in order to provide us with extensive, high-quality data about the health status of Afghan refugees. The main objective of this review is to identify protective factors which could ensure key health concepts and good clinical practice

    Cattle-related trauma: a 10-year retrospective cohort study of patients admitted to a single tertiary trauma centre in Switzerland.

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    AIMS OF THE STUDY Switzerland is traditionally an agricultural country with more than 50,000 farms and 1.5 million registered cows. However, contemporary literature on cattle-related trauma in Switzerland remain limited. The purpose of this study was to examine injury patterns and outcomes of patients who presented to a tertiary trauma centre in Switzerland following cattle-related trauma. METHODS Retrospective single-centre study over a 10-year period (2012-2021) including all patients experiencing cattle-related trauma. From retrieved charts demographics, injury data, and outcomes were collected and subsequently analysed. RESULTS A total of 94 patients with cattle-related injuries were identified. The median age was 52 years (interquartile range [IQR] 37-63) and 75% were male. Cattle-related injuries were most frequent among farmers (73%) and were most often caused by cows (86%), followed by bulls (10%). Blunt trauma (89%) was the leading mechanism of injury including headbutt (36%), kick (35%), physical contact (20%) and trampling injury (12%). Penetrating injury occurred in 11%, all caused by headbutt. Contusions (82%) and lacerations (45%) were the leading injuries, followed by face fractures (28%), closed head trauma (19%) and chest injuries (17%). Overall, 10% of all patients had a head abbreviated injury scale (AIS) score of ≥3 and 8% had a chest AIS of ≥3. The hospital admission rate was 49% for cow-related injury vs 90% for bull-related injuries, p = 0.023. Overall, in-hospital mortality was 3% and the median length of stay was 4.5 days (IQR 3-8) among patients admitted to the hospital. CONCLUSIONS Cattle-related injuries in Switzerland mainly affect farmers and are associated with considerable morbidity, especially when caused by bulls. Facial fractures, head injuries and chest injuries are common, and the latter two in particular can be severe. The results of the present study can be used for the implementation of data-driven prevention measures for the safe handling of cattle in Switzerland

    Polymorphisms in DMRT1 coding and promoter regions are probably not causative for swine sex reversal (XX, SRY-negative) syndrome

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    SRY-negative XX sex reversal is an inherited or sporadically occurring disorder, where testis development appears in the absence of the SRY gene. Although the molecular background of this intersexuality syndrome in pigs is unknown, it was proposed that familial cases might be inherited as a single autosomal recessive trait. Because DMRT1 (Doublesex and Mab-3 related transcription factor 1) is an autosomal locus in pig (SSC1q21), shows sexually dimorphic expression in swine gonads and has strong significance in vertebrate testis development, the molecular analysis of this gene was performed in previously reported three intersexes (38,XX, SRY-negative), the progeny of a single boar from a Polish farm. The first two exons encoding functional DM (double sex and mab-3) domain and the promoter region (the 5'flanking sequence) (altogether 3894 bp) were sequenced and compared with male and female control pigs (n = 16) and with publicly available sequences. Three different polymorphisms were found in the coding region, one Indel type polymorphism (DNA 142_144indelAGC) causing a deletion of an amino acid (protein S47_G48indelS) and two silent SNPs (DNA G432A and G492A). The promoter region seems to be highly polymorphic, since 17 SNPs and 5 indels were detected. However, the sequences of control males and females were concordant with those of the intersexes. These results indicate that DMRT1 is an unlikely candidate gene for SRY-negative XX sex reversal in pig

    Who Let the Dogs Out? Unmasking the Neglected: A Semi-Systematic Review on the Enduring Impact of Toxocariasis, a Prevalent Zoonotic Infection.

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    Toxocariasis remains an important neglected parasitic infection representing one of the most common zoonotic infections caused by the parasite Toxocara canis or, less frequently, by Toxocara cati. The epidemiology of the disease is complex due to its transmission route by accidental ingestion of embryonated Toxocara eggs or larvae from tissues from domestic or wild paratenic hosts. Even though the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control classified toxocariasis amongst the top six parasitic infections of priority to public health, global epidemiological data regarding the relationship between seropositivity and toxocariasis is limited. Although the vast majority of the infected individuals remain asymptomatic or experience a mild disease, the infection is associated with important health and socioeconomic consequences, particularly in underprivileged, tropical, and subtropical areas. Toxocariasis is a disease with multiple clinical presentations, which are classified into five distinct forms: the classical visceral larva migrans, ocular toxocariasis, common toxocariasis, covert toxocariasis, and cerebral toxocariasis or neurotoxocariasis. Anthelmintic agents, for example, albendazole or mebendazole, are the recommended treatment, whereas a combination with topical or systemic corticosteroids for specific forms is suggested. Prevention strategies include educational programs, behavioral and hygienic changes, enhancement of the role of veterinarians, and anthelmintic regimens to control active infections

    Work-Related Injuries among Insured Construction Workers Presenting to a Swiss Adult Emergency Department: A Retrospective Study (2016-2020).

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    Occupational injuries are one of the main causes of Emergency Department visits and represent a substantial source of disability or even death. However, the published studies and reports on construction-occupational accidents in Switzerland are limited. We aimed to investigate the epidemiology of fatal and non-fatal injuries among construction workers older than 16 years of age over a 5-year period. Data were gathered from the emergency department (ED) of Bern University Hospital. A retrospective design was chosen to allow analysis of changes in construction accidents between 2016-2020. A total of 397 patients were enrolled. Compared to studies in other countries, we also showed that the upper extremity and falling from height is the most common injured body part and mechanism of injury. Furthermore, we were able to show that the most common age group representing was 26-35 years and the second common body part injured was the head, which is a difference from studies in other countries. Wound lacerations were the most common type of injury, followed by joint distortions. By stratifying according to the season, occupational injuries among construction workers were found to be significant higher during summer and autumn. As work-related injuries among construction workers are becoming more common, prevention strategies and safety instructions must be optimized

    Presentations to the Emergency Department for Problems Related to Mental Health: Sex Differences in Adolescents.

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    BACKGROUND Adolescents aged sixteen to eighteen years are mostly treated in adult emergency departments. In a study at our tertiary adult emergency department (ED) at the University Hospital in Bern (Inselspital), Switzerland, we found that adolescents significantly more often present with psychiatric problems than adults. The study at hand aimed to characterise those adolescents presenting to the ED triaged with a chief complaint regarding mental health. Furthermore, the goal was to assess sex differences in terms of diagnosis, suicidal ideation, substance use, as well as social impact. METHODS We conducted a single-centre, retrospective review of presentations to our adult ED related to the mental health of adolescents aged 16 to 18 years, covering the period from January 2013 to July 2017. Anonymised data were extracted from medical reports referring to the ED visits that were triaged as mental-health-related, and we assessed these for diagnosis, acute and previous suicidal ideation, history of self-harm, external aggression, substance use and social problems. We focused on patient characterisation and defining sex differences. RESULTS Data were analysed for a total of 612 consultations by adolescents who presented to our ED with problems related to mental health. Women accounted for 61.1% of cases. The most frequent diagnoses were reactions to severe stress and adjustment disorders (19.1%), followed by alcohol use disorders (17.6%), intentional self-harm (17.3%), and affective disorders (13.7%). Males had lower odds for intentional self-harm (OR 0.10, 95% 0.05-0.21, p < 0.001) as well as disorders of personality and behaviour (OR 0.09, 95% 0.21-0.37, p < 0.001), whereas they had higher odds of being admitted due to use of alcohol (OR 2.51, 95% 1.65-3.83, p < 0.001). Of all cases, 31.7% reported acute suicidal ideation, with a significantly lower odds ratio in males (OR 0.58, 95% 0.41-0.84, p = 0.004). The most common source for referral to the ED was family members (25.2%). Males had twice the odds of reporting alcohol consumption as well as use of cannabis (in both cases p < 0.001). In 27.9% of all cases, familial problems were reported, with males having significantly lower odds of being exposed to these (OR 0.64, 95% 0.44-0.94, p = 0.021), whereas they had higher odds of reporting educational problems (OR 1.68, 95% 1.04-2.72, p = 0.035). CONCLUSIONS Adolescents aged sixteen to eighteen years presenting to the ED with problems related to mental health are an important subgroup of ED presentations and should be thoroughly assessed for suicidal ideation, substance use, as well as familial and educational problems. Assessment and establishment of post-ED care are of particular importance in this vulnerable patient group