12 research outputs found
Logistiikka kiertotalouden ratkaisuissa
Tiivistelmä. Kiertotalous on verrattain uusi ja nopeasti levinnyt ilmiö, jonka kantavana ajatuksena on kestävä kehitys; nyky-yhteiskunnan kehitys ei voi enää kovin kauaa perustua luonnonvarojen kestämättömään kulutukseen. Resursseja tulisi hyödyntää kestävästi siten, että jätettä syntyy mahdollisimman vähän, ja jos sitä syntyy, se voidaan käyttää uudelleen hyväksi. Tämänkaltainen ajattelu on siirtymässä laajasti myös yrityksille siten, että valmistusprosesseissa syntyviä jätteitä ja tuotannon sivuvirtoja voidaan hyödyntää raaka-aineina muissa teollisuuden prosesseissa.
Tässä diplomityössä keskitytään tutkimaan yritysten näkökulmaa kiertotalouden ratkaisujen toteuttamisessa, sekä näihin olennaisesti liittyviä yritysekosysteemejä ja logistiikkaa. Varsinkin logistiikka on hyvin merkittävässä asemassa kiertotaloudellisissa ratkaisuissa, sillä kustannusten lisäksi kuljetukset synnyttävät erilaisia päästöjä, joiden vuoksi kiertotalouden avulla saavutettavat suurimmat hyödyt voidaan menettää. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka nykyisin ongelmajätteeksi miellettävää maalisakkaa voitaisiin hyödyntää raaka-aineena muissa teollisuuden prosesseissa ja kuinka siitä saataisiin kannattavaa ottaen huomioon varsinkin logistiikkaan liittyvät seikat.
Pohja tutkimukselle rakennettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja case-esimerkkien kautta. Nykytilan kartoittaminen ja muu empiirinen tutkimus suoritettiin palaverien, työpajojen, sekä vapaamuotoisten haastattelujen avulla. Lisäksi käytettiin määrämuotoista kyselylomaketta maalisakkaprosessien kartoitukseen. Tärkeimmät tulokset liittyivät havaintoihin suhteellisen ohuista ja hajanaisista logistisista materiaalivirroista kiertotaloudellisten ratkaisujen yhteydessä.Logistics in circular economy solutions. Abstract. Circular economy is a relatively new and quickly spread phenomenon, which is based on a sustainable development; the development of a modern society cannot be longer based on unsustainable consumption of natural resources. Resources should be used on a sustainable manner so that waste is generated as little as possible, but if waste is generated, it can be re-used. This type of thinking is shifting also widely towards companies so, that waste and side streams of manufacturing processes can be used as raw materials in other industrial processes.
This master’s thesis is targeted to study company perspective of implementing circular economy solutions, as well as business ecosystems and logistics, which are closely related to circular economy. Especially logistics has a significant role in circular economy solutions, because besides of costs, transportations generate a variety of emissions, which may lead to a loss of the greatest benefits achieved by circular economy. The goal was to solve how paint sludge could be utilized in other industrial processes, and how this could become profitable, taking especially issues related to logistics into account.
Basis for the study was built by literature review and case-examples. Current state analysis and other empirical research were performed by meetings, workshops, and unstructured interviews. Structural questionnaire was used as well. The most important results were related to observations of relatively narrow and fragmented logistical material flows in circular economy solutions
Circular economy as an enabler of improved resilience and material availability in supply chains
The simultaneous worldwide disruptions in the 2020s, such as the COVID-19 pandemics, Brexit, trade disruptions, and the war in Ukraine, have shown how vulnerable the traditionally preferred global supply chains can actually be. The disruptions have negatively affected companies that have been dependent on global suppliers in particular.
Simultaneously, there has been a trend towards greener models and policies to fight climate change. One recognised example is the circular economy (CE), which has been seen as an alternative to the currently dominant linear ‘take-make-dispose’ economy. The CE is a multidimensional umbrella concept that covers different methods aimed at environmental, economic and social sustainability. For example, a CE aims at local material utilisation through different value-recovery means, namely, reusing, refurbishing, remanufacturing and recycling. There are studies that show how a CE has improved local material availability but the CE concept is not yet mature enough and features various challenges, mostly related to economic and environmental viability. Therefore, it is important to identify the current limits of the CE and the types of products that are suitable for a CE. In this dissertation, the CE’s ability to improve local material availability and thus supply chain resilience was studied, including current challenges.
The dissertation was qualitative in nature, using a case study research method. The main methods for empirical data collection were semi-structured interviews and surveys but supportive materials, such as company-related documentation, were also used.
The most important finding of this dissertation is that local material availability and supply chain resilience can be improved by means of a CE. The study indicates that, for the examined products, the CE is an applicable concept for expensive and highly specialised products that have high residual value. CE methods, such as local remanufacturing and reusing, can also improve the availability of high-quality products.Tiivistelmä
Samanaikaiset maailmanlaajuiset häiriöt 2020-luvulla, kuten koronaviruspandemia, Brexit, kauppasodat ja Ukrainan sota ovat osoittaneet, kuinka haavoittuvaisia perinteisesti suositut maailmanlaajuiset toimitusketjut voivat todellisuudessa olla. Häiriöt ovat vaikuttaneet negatiivisesti erityisesti niihin yrityksiin, jotka ovat olleet riippuvaisia globaaleista toimittajista.
Samanaikaisesti on vallinnut vihreän siirtymän trendi ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemiseksi. Eräs kattavasti tutkittu ja tunnistettu keino vihreään siirtymään on kiertotalous, joka on nähty vaihtoehtona nykyisin vallitsevalle lineaariselle ”ota-valmista-hävitä” -toimintaperiaatteelle. Kiertotalous on moniulotteinen käsite, joka kattaa erilaisia keinoja, jotka tähtäävät ympäristölliseen, taloudelliseen, sekä sosiaaliseen kestävyyteen. Kiertotaloudella tähdätään esimerkiksi materiaalien paikalliseen hyödyntämiseen uudelleenkäytön, kunnostamisen, uudelleenvalmistuksen, sekä kierrättämisen kautta. Useat tutkimukset osoittavat, että kiertotalouden avulla voidaan parantaa paikallista materiaalien saatavuutta, mutta kiertotalous ei ole vielä täysin kypsä käsite, ja se sisältää lukuisia, erityisesti taloudellisia ja ympäristöllisiä haasteita. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää ymmärtää, mitkä ovat kiertotalouden tämänhetkiset rajoitukset ja millaisiin tuotteisiin kiertotalous soveltuu. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan kiertotalouden mahdollisuuksia kehittää paikallisia materiaalivirtoja ja siten toimitusketjujen resilienssiä ottaen huomioon nykyiset haasteet.
Tämä tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty tapaustutkimusta. Pääasialliset keinot empiirisen datan keräämiseen olivat puolistrukturoidut haastattelut ja kyselyt, jonka lisäksi käytettiin tukevaa materiaalia, kuten yritysten sisäistä dokumentaatiota.
Tärkein löydös tässä väitöskirjassa on, että kiertotalouden avulla voidaan parantaa paikallista materiaalisaatavuutta ja toimitusketjujen resilienssiä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tutkittujen tuotteiden osalta kiertotalous on tällä hetkellä soveltuva toimintamalli kalliille ja vahvasti erikoistuneille tuotteille, joilla on korkea jäännösarvo. Kiertotalouden keinot, kuten paikallinen uudelleenvalmistus ja uudelleenkäyttö voivat myös parantaa korkealaatuisten tuotteiden saatavuutta
The role of logistics in industrial side stream utilisation:case: aqueous paint sludge
Purpose: In this article, the utilisation of a case side stream, aqueous paint sludge is studied in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. The study’s main objective is to find new potential utilisation possibilities for aqueous paint sludge generated in the region and take a closer look at the role of logistics in the industrial side stream utilisation-based business cases and value chains.
Study design/methodology/approach: In this article, the utilisation of aqueous paint sludge is studied via a descriptive case study in the context of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. The current state of the paint sludge problem was analysed by interviewing five company representatives. In addition, a workshop was organised, and before the workshop, a questionnaire was sent to all invited.
Findings: As a result, the most feasible solutions for aqueous paint sludge utilisation were identified and evaluated from economic, technical, and environmental points of view in the context of this study. In all the proposed solutions, one general challenge was the logistics for narrow material flows from decentralised sources in a relatively large geographical area.
Originality/value: Prior case studies of paint sludge utilisation as a raw material have been conducted, but the logistics have not played a significant role in the studies. Logistics has been an important part of the circular economy in the literature. This study reaffirms this notion and finds logistics to have an important and decisive role in industrial side stream utilisation-based business cases and value chains
Global and local operations of Finnish metal industry companies during COVID-19 and trade disruptions:a case study
Purpose: Globally operating companies have been disrupted by many simultaneous crises in recent years, specifically the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit, and trade wars. This study identifies the key factors in companies’ decisions to expand their global supply chains or to operate more locally in today’s world.
Study design/methodology/approach: This article contains a literature review and empirical study. Representatives from three Finnish B2B manufacturing companies in the metal industry were interviewed about their international and local operations.
Findings: The key reasons for global operations included a large supplier base, component availability, lower costs, and specialised products. Typical problems included quality issues, long lead times, and communication challenges. Specific risks and mitigations around COVID-19, Brexit, and trade wars are also presented.
Originality/value: The study provides updated information on global and local operations. Unique reasons for global operations included manufacturing Engineer-to-Order (ETO) products close to the customer and changes in products
Remanufacturing in the heavy vehicle industry:case study of a Finnish machine manufacturer
This study analyses remanufacturing operations of a Finnish heavy vehicle manufacturer with global operations. The company has remanufactured and refurbished certain components for a decade in a centralised remanufacturing and recycling centre in Finland, but it has encountered significant challenges, especially in reverse logistics. The company considers regional remanufacturing to decrease these disadvantages. The purpose of this study is to analyse the characteristics, challenges and benefits of regional remanufacturing by reviewing the relevant literature and analysing the empirical data, including a survey for international subsidiaries of the case company to determine regional needs. As a result, we have identified significant benefits, especially related to minimised logistics costs and better availability of the components, but also challenges, such as lack of resources, and insufficient economies of scale
An ability to survive disruptions:findings from three Finnish manufacturing companies’ supply challenges during the covid-19 pandemic
Being multinational and complex, global supply chains may be extremely vulnerable to sudden crises, such as the recent covid-19 pandemic. In
addition to issues related to the health and lives of people, the pandemic has also had negative impacts on supply chains, and many companies dependent on them have been struggling. The ability to recover from disruptions is called resilience. In this study, the resilience of supply chains
is evaluated by studying three globally operating Finnish b2b manufacturing companies during the covid-19 pandemic. The empirical research
was conducted by interviewing the companies’ supply chain and purchasing operations representatives, analysing the results and comparing the results to the literature. As a result, essential methods to survive during crises and increase the resilience of supply chains were discovered. The results can be utilised in preparing for future crises
Supply chain resilience:a case study of three Finnish manufacturing companies during COVID-19 pandemic
Global supply chains may be extremely vulnerable in the face of sudden crises, such as the recent coronavirus pandemic. Besides issues related to health and lives of people, the pandemic has negative impacts on supply chains and many companies dependent on them are struggling. An ability to recover from disruptions is called resilience. In this study the resilience of supply chains is evaluated by studying three globally operating Finnish B2B manufacturing companies during COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical background of the study is based on supply chain risk management and supply chain resilience literature. The empirical data collection includes interviews with the case companies’ supply chain and purchasing operations representatives. The results are analysed by using a qualitative method, and the findings are compared with the literature. The results include identification of key vulnerabilities and disruptions in the supply chains of the studied companies, and the methods applied to cope with the disruptions and to improve the resilience. Identified resilience capabilities include supply network structure, visibility, velocity, flexibility, resilient practices in supply operations, collaboration, and culture of resilience. The key challenges were identified to be decreased availability of components, improper IT-systems and lack of visibility, delivery challenges, and long lead times, whereas the most common methods to address the vulnerabilities and disruptions included the use of higher inventory levels, multi-sourcing, crisis teams, communication and collaboration, employee training, and supplier capability evaluation and development. Companies can utilise these findings to prepare for future crises and disruptions in their supply chains
The circular economy of electric vehicle batteries:a Finnish case study
The automotive industry faces challenges because of the electrification of vehicles and the rapidly increasing need for electric vehicle batteries (EVBs). Raw materials availability is limited; however, there will also be a significant number of end-of-life (EOL) batteries. This creates various circular economy (CE) business opportunities for EVB manufacturers, third-party providers, and other stakeholders. However, not all CE solutions are sustainable or economically feasible. In this study, through the use of case studies, expert interviews, and a survey, we determined the current state of the EVB CE in Finland, the possible options for utilizing EOL vehicle batteries, and the greatest barriers for the EVB CE. We found that some EVB-related CE applications are not supported by the government and legislation, for example environmental regulations and building standards. CE opportunities include a shorter lead time for some components, which makes them attractive for EOL applications
TUBE Project: Transport-Derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects
The adverse effects of air pollutants on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are unquestionable. However, in recent years, indications of effects beyond these organ systems have become more evident. Traffic-related air pollution has been linked with neurological diseases, exacerbated cognitive dysfunction, and Alzheimer's disease. However, the exact air pollutant compositions and exposure scenarios leading to these adverse health effects are not known. Although several components of air pollution may be at play, recent experimental studies point to a key role of ultrafine particles (UFPs). While the importance of UFPs has been recognized, almost nothing is known about the smallest fraction of UFPs, and only >23 nm emissions are regulated in the EU. Moreover, the role of the semivolatile fraction of the emissions has been neglected. The Transport-Derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects (TUBE) project will increase knowledge on harmful ultrafine air pollutants, as well as semivolatile compounds related to adverse health effects. By including all the major current combustion and emission control technologies, the TUBE project aims to provide new information on the adverse health effects of current traffic, as well as information for decision makers to develop more effective emission legislation. Most importantly, the TUBE project will include adverse health effects beyond the respiratory system; TUBE will assess how air pollution affects the brain and how air pollution particles might be removed from the brain. The purpose of this report is to describe the TUBE project, its background, and its goals