56 research outputs found
Partitioning orthogonal polygons into at most 8-vertex pieces, with application to an art gallery theorem
We prove that every simply connected orthogonal polygon of vertices can
be partitioned into (simply
connected) orthogonal polygons of at most 8 vertices. It yields a new and
shorter proof of the theorem of A. Aggarwal that mobile guards are sufficient to control the interior of
an -vertex orthogonal polygon. Moreover, we strengthen this result by
requiring combinatorial guards (visibility is only required at the endpoints of
patrols) and prohibiting intersecting patrols. This yields positive answers to
two questions of O'Rourke. Our result is also a further example of the
"metatheorem" that (orthogonal) art gallery theorems are based on partition
theorems.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure
Mobile vs. point guards
We study the problem of guarding orthogonal art galleries with horizontal
mobile guards (alternatively, vertical) and point guards, using "rectangular
vision". We prove a sharp bound on the minimum number of point guards required
to cover the gallery in terms of the minimum number of vertical mobile guards
and the minimum number of horizontal mobile guards required to cover the
gallery. Furthermore, we show that the latter two numbers can be calculated in
linear time.Comment: This version covers a previously missing case in both Phase 2 &
The Communist leadership of the Hungarian Geographical Society after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919 - sin, penance and absolution
In the spring of 1919, shortly after the communist takeover in Hungary, the old leadership of HGS (like the leadership
of all Hungarian learned societies) was replaced by a new one loyal to the new system. However, when the short-lived Hungarian
Soviet Republic collapsed in August, 1919, the first committee of the Society’s reinstated board decided to investigate the
collaboration with the previous regime. To make the case more delicate, one of the sinners was the renowned meteorologist, member of the old board, Antal RĂ©thly whose professional legitimacy was beyond question. Reading the protocols of the well-doc-
umented investigation it gradually unfolds that, the heated climate of the political turmoil notwithstanding, this case could n
ot be
reduced to a simple political condemnation. While the Hungarian Geographical Society and its leadership supported the counter-
revolutionary, nationalist-conservative regime of interwar Hungary, old ties, friendships and scholarly reputations might have
helped geographers to transcend ideological barriers. In my paper I want to show that, though connections between ideology and
politics certainly mattered, on a personal level the story is much more complicated
A Kisalföld térszerkezetének történeti földrajzi vizsgálata = The Historic-Geographical Study of the Hungarian Little Plain's structures
Feladatunk adataink adatbázisba integrálása után a Kisalföld telepĂĽlĂ©shálĂłzata átalakulásának felvázolása volt, amelynek idĹ‘kerete a a II. vh-ig tartott. A Kisalföld jobbára megmenekĂĽlt a török pusztĂtásoktĂłl, telepĂĽlĂ©sállománya a XVIII. sz. elejĂ©n a közĂ©pkorbĂłl örökölt struktĂşrát követte: aprĂłfalvas telepĂĽlĂ©sszerkezet mellett kiĂ©pĂĽlt a kis- Ă©s közĂ©pvárosi hálĂłzat. A tĂ©rszervezĂ©s alsĂłfokĂş központjainak szerepĂ©t a mezĹ‘városok mellett az uradalmak központjai töltöttĂ©k be, amelyek ezidĹ‘tájt a gazdaság szervezĂ©se-irányĂtása mellett közigazgatási, igazságszolgáltatási funkciĂłkat is betöltöttek. Kutatásunk cĂ©lja ezután az volt, hogy felderĂtse a városhálĂłzat átalakulásának mozzanatait Ă©s esemĂ©nyeit, rámutasson az átrendezĹ‘dĂ©st kiváltĂł okokra Ă©s következmĂ©nyekre. MegprĂłbáltuk megrajzolni a tĂ©rsĂ©gben lĂ©vĹ‘ egyes városok pályáit, a rĂ©giĂł telepĂĽlĂ©sfejlĹ‘dĂ©si sajátosságait országos Ă©s nemzetközi keretekbe helyezze (Ennek során kitekintettĂĽnk a Kárpát medence más alföldi jellegű de merĹ‘ben más pályát befutott tájára, a Bánátra is). A konkrĂ©t vizsgálatok során a hazai telepĂĽlĂ©sföldrajz, gazdaság- Ă©s társadalomtörtĂ©net, nĂ©prajztudomány eredmĂ©nyeinek összegzĂ©se mellett kvantitatĂv mĂłdszerekkel kĂsĂ©reltĂĽk meg az átalakulás modellezĂ©sĂ©t. A kutatás a korábban fölĂ©pĂtett, nĂ©pszámlálásokra, az 1925-ös közigazgatási tájĂ©koztatĂł lapok anyagára, illetve más kiadott statisztikai forrásokra támaszkodĂł informatikai adatbázisra, illetve az ezt kiegĂ©szĂtĹ‘ tĂ©rinformatikai alaptĂ©rkĂ©pre nyugodott. | Following the integration of our data into a database our task was to give an outline of the transformation of the network of settlements in the Kisalföld (Small Plain) region embracing the period up to the World War II. The Small Plain was mostly spared the ravages of the Turkish invasion and the settlements at the beginning of the 18th century reflected the structure inherited from the Middle-Ages: in addition to the tiny villages a network of small and medium-sized towns was established. At the lower levels of the settlement hierarchy agricultural towns as well as estate centres acted as centres; the latter performing administrative, jurisdictional functions in addition to the functions related to the organisation and management of the estate at the time. We presented the history of certain towns in the region and put the features characterising the development of the settlements in the region in national and international perspective. During the research itself we summarised data taken from sources such as national settlement geography, economic and social history, ethnography and we also applied quantitative methods in order to provide a model for the transformation. The research was based on previously constructed IT database including data regarding national censuses, administrative information leaflets from 1925 and other published statistical sources as well as a GIS (geographic information system) map
Ferenc Fodor: Fodor Ferenc: egy magyar geográfus a XX. század első felében
Az 1887. március 5-Ă©n a Bihar vármegyei TenkĂ©n paraszti-iparos családba szĂĽletett Fodor Ferenc a 20. század elsĹ‘ felĂ©nek egyik legtermĂ©kenyebb magyar geográfusa volt. Az elsĹ‘ komolyabb tanulmányait mĂ©g az elsĹ‘ világháborĂş alatt publikálta, majd Teleki Pál közeli munkatársakĂ©nt szerzett magának nevet mint tudĂłs, egyetemi oktatĂł Ă©s cserkĂ©szvezetĹ‘ az 1920-as, 30-as Ă©vekben. Annak ellenĂ©re, hogy 1939-ben PĂ©csre neveztĂ©k ki tankerĂĽleti fĹ‘igazgatĂłnak (amit Fodor visszalĂ©pĂ©skĂ©nt Ă©lt meg), továbbra is Ărt Ă©s publikált tudományos munkákat. Bár a szocializmus alatt marginalizálĂłdott, de megprĂłbálta megĹ‘rizni tudományos státuszát. UtolsĂł könyve, a Magyar vĂzimĂ©rnököknek a Tisza-völgyben a kiegyezĂ©s koráig vĂ©gzett felmĂ©rĂ©sei, vĂzi munkálatai Ă©s azok eredmĂ©nyei cĂmű munka az MTA MűszaktörtĂ©neti Pályázatának I. dĂját nyerte el 1954-ben, Ă©s öt Ă©vvel halála elĹ‘tt, 1957-ben jelent meg. Fodor Ferenc 1962-ben, 75 Ă©ves korában halt meg.
Fodor hosszĂş Ă©s termĂ©keny pályája során Ărt számos könyve Ă©s tanulmánya mellett nagyon gazdag levĂ©ltári anyagot is hagyott maga után. SzemĂ©lyes Ă©s hivatalos levelezĂ©se, naplĂłi, fotĂłalbumai, számos kĂ©ziratban maradt tudományos munkája, befejezett Ă©s befejezetlen önĂ©letrajzi Ărásai maradtak fenn a családi gyűjtemĂ©nyben Ă©s kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ levĂ©ltárakban. Ezek a források páratlan bepillantást engednek Fodor Ferencnek, a tudĂłsnak Ă©s a magánembernek az Ă©letĂ©be, Ă©s segĂtik a kutatĂłkat abban, hogy megĂ©rtsĂ©k azt a törtĂ©nelmi kontextust Ă©s azokat a megĂ©lt tapasztalatokat, amelyek Magyarország egyik legnevesebb nemzeti-konzervatĂv geográfusának szemĂ©lyisĂ©gĂ©t formálták
Introduction: Questions of Space and Place in Scholarship on Modern Hungary
Reflecting on both the personal and intellectual factors that influenced this thematic cluster on space, place, and the making of modern Hungary, the authors situate themselves within the history of the post-socialist revival of geography in Hungary, outlining in particular emergent fields of study and new schools of thought that have transformed geographical research and teaching over the last decade. Having drawn together historians and geographers working in Hungary, Canada, and the United States, Part I of this two-part cluster represents an effort to bring different disciplinary streams and academic cultures into contact with one another, and has provided the authors with an opportunity to better survey the state of a very broad and dynamic field of study, and to identify and begin to address lacunae in their collaborative work
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