6 research outputs found

    The coincidence of diabetes mellitus and asthma, their probable causal relationships and therapeutic opportunities

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    Both the epidemiological data and the everyday medical practice demonstrate the coincidence of various types of diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with asthma. Specific correlations between the risk of DM in pregnancy, asthma and the consequences of these diseases to the mother and her baby are also explored. The discussion concerning, on the one hand, the impact of asthma-related inflammatory condition on the metabolism of carbohydrates, and, on the other, the presence of chronic hyperglycemia and inflammatory markers observed in patients with asthma, is still ongoing. In the case of asthma and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), a correlation with the dysfunction of the immune system and the genetic background has been suggested, and in the case of type 2 (T2DM), the vital role of obesity and insulin resistance (IR) to promote excessive proinflammatory immune response. The data indicate that both asthma and DM affect mutually their clinical presentations, including the prognostic values and therapeutic possibilities. The ongoing controversy concerning the effective and safe anti-asthma and hypoglycemizing therapy does not allow for a definitive therapeutic consensus in this group of patients, despite the suggested role of metformin and hyperglycemizing effects of glucocorticoids. Therefore, the objective of the presented paper is a review of the knowledge in the field of DM and asthma coincidence, their probable causal relationships and therapeutic opportunities

    Burza elektryczna — ocena kliniczna i postępowanie na oddziale intensywnej terapii kardiologicznej

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    The implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) have improved survival in patients with malignant ventricular arrhythmias, both in primary and secondary prevention, but does not target the pathological substrate responsible for life-threatening arrhythmias events. Electrical storm (ES) is defined as the occurrence of three or more separate episodes of ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 24 hours, requiring the intervention of the ICD (anti-tachycardia pacing or shock) or external cardioversion/defibrillation or the persistence of incessant VT. Managing of acute phase of ES is challenging. The current therapeutic strategy is complex and often requires the simultaneous intravenous administration of several antiarrhythmic drugs and additional invasive procedures.Wprowadzenie wszczepialnych kardiowerterów-defibrylatorów (ICD) poprawiło przeżywalność w grupie pacjentów z groźnymi arytmiami komorowymi, zarówno w prewencji pierwotnej, jak i wtórnej. Urządzenia te nie wpływają jednak bezpośrednio na samą przyczynę występowania arytmii. Burzę elektryczną (ES) definiuje się obecnie jako występowanie trzech lub więcej odrębnych epizodów tachyarytmii komorowej (VT/VF) wymagających interwencji ICD lub kardiowersji/defibrylacji zewnętrznej w ciągu 24 godzin lub też utrzymywanie się utrwalonego VT. Burza elektryczna to stan zagrożenia życia, a sposób postępowania stanowi nie lada wyzwanie. Strategia leczenia jest złożona i często wymaga nie tylko podawania leków, lecz także zastosowania zaawansowanych procedur inwazyjnych

    Diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs

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    Research results indicate the presence of an association between mental disorders, certain antipsychotics, and the risk of developing prediabetes (preDM) and specific type diabetes mellitus (DM). However, there are no precise recommendations for their diagnosis and treatment. The obtained data suggest the necessity to perform diagnostics of carbohydrate disorders at the onset of the first symptoms of psychosis, even before the implementation of antipsychotic drugs, and the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) seems to be the optimal tool. There is a lot of controversy regarding the timing of control tests addressing the development of dysglycaemia during the use of antipsychotic drugs. We suggest that it should be carried out during the first 4–8 weeks, and in the absence of disorders it should be repeated once a year or with a change in antipsychotic treatment. The diagnostic regimen should then include the need for OGTT supportedby routine determination of the percentage of glycated haemoglobin. If dysglycaemia is diagnosed, the therapeutic management should include non-pharmacological management and hypoglycaemic agents. These recommendations should be individually tailored to each patient and take into account the presence of obesity, which is often found in this group of patients. Weight reduction can be achieved with a properly balanced diet, physical effort, and in justified situations also with drugs effectively reducing body weight. For this reason, drugs are recommended that, if preDM and DM are diagnosed, simultaneously lower glucose levels and reduce body weight. So far, effectiveness in this area has been demonstrated for 2 incretinomimetics: exenatide and liraglutide. Due to the mechanism of preDM/DM development in patients using antipsychotics, the usefulness of other hypoglycaemic drugs with insulin-sensitizing potential — metformin and pioglitazone — has also been suggested. To date, there has been no research on the benefits of other hypoglycaemic drugs in this group of patients

    The Coincidence of Diabetes Mellitus and Asthma, Their Probable Causal Relationships and Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Both the epidemiological data and the everyday medical practice demonstrate the coincidence of various types of diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with asthma. Specific correlations between the risk of DM in pregnancy, asthma and the consequences of these diseases to the mother and her baby are also explored. The discussion concerning, on the one hand, the impact of asthma-related inflammatory condition on the metabolism of carbohydrates, and, on the other, the presence of chronic hyperglycemia and inflammatory markers observed in patients with asthma, is still ongoing. In the case of asthma and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), a correlation with the dysfunction of the immune system and the genetic background has been suggested, and in the case of type 2 (T2DM), the vital role of obesity and insulin resistance (IR) to promote excessive proinflammatory immune response. The data indicate that both asthma and DM affect mutually their clinical presentations, including the prognostic values and therapeutic possibilities. The ongoing controversy concerning the effective and safe anti-asthma and hypoglycemizing therapy does not allow for a definitive therapeutic consensus in this group of patients, despite the suggested role of metformin and hyperglycemizing effects of glucocorticoids. Therefore, the objective of the presented paper is a review of the knowledge in the field of DM and asthma coincidence, their probable causal relationships and therapeutic opportunities

    Pharmacological Support for the Treatment of Obesity—Present and Future

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    Obesity is a growing civilization problem, associated with a number of negative health consequences affecting almost all tissues and organs. Currently, obesity treatment includes lifestyle modifications (including diet and exercise), pharmacologic therapies, and in some clinical situations, bariatric surgery. These treatments seem to be the most effective method supporting the treatment of obesity. However, they are many limitations to the options, both for the practitioners and patients. Often the comorbidities, cost, age of the patient, and even geographic locations may influence the choices. The pharmacotherapy of obesity is a fast-growing market. Currently, we have at our disposal drugs with various mechanisms of action (directly reducing the absorption of calories—orlistat, acting centrally—bupropion with naltrexone, phentermine with topiramate, or multidirectional—liraglutide, dulaglutide, semaglutide). The drugs whose weight-reducing effect is used in the course of the pharmacotherapy of other diseases (e.g., glucose-sodium cotransporter inhibitors, exenatide) are also worth mentioning. The obesity pharmacotherapy is focusing on novel therapeutic agents with improved safety and efficacy profiles. These trends also include an assessment of the usefulness of the weight-reducing properties of the drugs previously used for other diseases. The presented paper is an overview of the studies related to both drugs currently used in the pharmacotherapy of obesity and those undergoing clinical trials, taking into account the individual approach to the patient