6 research outputs found

    Theoretical basics of molecular targeted therapy in oncology

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    Safety calls PSTN telephony

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    Odpowiednio wczesne zabezpieczenie krytycznych system贸w infrastruktury na potencjalnie gro藕ne ataki typu voice spoofing jest warunkowane opracowaniem skutecznych metod i istnieniem dedykowanych rozwi膮za艅 technicznych. Metody atak贸w i obrony przed impersonizacj膮 skupiaj膮 si臋 zasadniczo na dw贸ch obszarach: zmianie g艂osu abonenta na inny g艂os (wirtualny lub innej osoby) oraz nieautoryzowanej edycji komunikat贸w g艂osowych. W nowych generacjach atak贸w na 艂膮cza telefoniczne, w kt贸rych nast臋puje zmiana g艂osu m贸wcy w czasie rzeczywistym lub odtwarzany jest uprzednio spreparowany komunikat, stosuje si臋 metody obrony polegaj膮ce na m.in. weryfikacji wsp贸lnie posiadanej wiedzy lub posiadanego klucza.In order to protect critical infrastructure systems early enough against potentially dangerous attacks called spoofing voice it is required to develop effective methods and implement dedicated solutions. Methods of attack and defence against impersonalisation focus basically on two areas: changing of original voice to the voice of other subscriber (virtual simulation or voice of different person) or unauthorized editing of voice messages. The new generations of attacks on telephone lines, in which the speaker鈥檚 voice is being changed in real time or prepared message is being played, require other methods of defence involving verification of common knowledge or of the authorisation key

    Wp艂yw napromieniowania laserem He-Ne oraz kadmu i o艂owiu na zmiany w cyklach kom贸rkowych Zea mays L.

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of red radiation emitted by helium-neon laser (He-Ne) with a wavelength 位 = 632.8 nm and trace elements: cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), as cadmium nitrate and lead nitrate solutions, at 30 ppm concentrations, on the cell cycle of root-tip meristem cells in maize. Red light stimulated the mitotic activity of the meristemic cells of the maize root-tip meristem growth after irradiation of seed samples with simultaneous treatment in the presence of Cd or Pb. The mitotic index was inhibited when the seeds were treated with distilled water with the addition of Cd or Pb salts. Seeds treated with laser had significantly the highest mitotic index. Results revealed that maize seed pre-treatment with the red light protects the root-tip meristem cells against the mitodepressive effect of Cd and Pb ions. Seed biomodulation using red light emitted by He-Ne laser can positively effect the germination and plant growth

    Research and Parameter Optimization of the Infrared Sensor for Eye Track

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    This paper presents infrared sensor for eye tracking system for ophthalmology and truck drivers. System is based on camera and near infrared diode illuminator. We present test results of sensor detection at different operating parameters. Tests were chosen so as to see how the sensor behaves in difficult conditions, additionally tested whether long-term operation of the sensor has an impact on the examined person